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View Full Version : Regarding mage curse in new maps

12-19-2016, 10:42 PM
Honestly the mages in this map are the embodiment of why pve in this game is less enjoyable than in Pocket Legends.
Pocket Legends had one boss that would auto kill you at certain times if your not standing in the proper place, but there was plenty of warning so that you could live. But mages in pocket legends could revive players. Pve in this game has had countless actions that one shot players, in addition to innacurate red zones that also result in oneshots. I dont think it would be too much to ask for a better warning to be implemented for mages curse. When ur targeted by aimed shot it tells you long before you're even hit with it, but the maps dont tell you a thing until you are already cursed. And if my aimed shot is traveling when im cursed, boom im dead. First off, the only thing that should oneshot players imo is bosses, not random mobs with random curse timings and no warning that your **** is about to get wrecked. Even Paracelcus, which may be responsible for the most oneshots of any boss in the history of the game, had some kind of warning before you instadie. Thoughts?

12-19-2016, 10:50 PM
Honestly the mages in this map are the embodiment of why pve in this game is less enjoyable than in Pocket Legends.
Pocket Legends had one boss that would auto kill you at certain times if your not standing in the proper place, but there was plenty of warning so that you could live. But mages in pocket legends could revive players. Pve in this game has had countless actions that one shot players, in addition to innacurate red zones that also result in oneshots. I dont think it would be too much to ask for a better warning to be implemented for mages curse. When ur targeted by aimed shot it tells you long before you're even hit with it, but the maps dont tell you a thing until you are already cursed. And if my aimed shot is traveling when im cursed, boom im dead. First off, the only thing that should oneshot players imo is bosses, not random mobs with random curse timings and no warning that your **** is about to get wrecked. Even Paracelcus, which may be responsible for the most oneshots of any boss in the history of the game, had some kind of warning before you instadie. Thoughts?

I made a thread similar to this one. However people only replied with excuses like use a dot-immunity pet etc. Let me clarify this, as stated yet again in this thread, mobs should simply not be able to one-shot players in any way(except when the statistical difference between the mobs and player is too big). If however the player is warned a considerable and realistic amount of time before the player gets cursed, then there would be no problem. And yet, the developers remain silent.

12-19-2016, 11:33 PM
I made a thread similar to this one. However people only replied with excuses like use a dot-immunity pet etc. Let me clarify this, as stated yet again in this thread, mobs should simply not be able to one-shot players in any way(except when the statistical difference between the mobs and player is too big). If however the player is warned a considerable and realistic amount of time before the player gets cursed, then there would be no problem. And yet, the developers remain silent.

couldnt have said it better myself. even a 1 second "curse incoming" warning would be tremendously helpful.

12-20-2016, 09:17 AM
Die from curse
You have been cursed

12-20-2016, 01:51 PM
Only rouges complaining about this, these new maps need all the 3 class in together to stay alive they all contribute to dealing damage and staying alive. If your a full rouge pt obviously some rouge gonna die so therefore need a tank to heal or mage to help with debuffs/stun.

12-20-2016, 03:12 PM
Only rouges complaining about this, these new maps need all the 3 class in together to stay alive they all contribute to dealing damage and staying alive. If your a full rouge pt obviously some rouge gonna die so therefore need a tank to heal or mage to help with debuffs/stun.

I would be happy to refute your argument but it seems that you already did so by stating that only rogues have problems with the curse. This is absolutely not true. During my somberholt runs I have encountered many warriors and mages who get one-shotted many times over.

12-20-2016, 03:44 PM
Kirotoboz, u are right. Especially the ongoing lag combined with a mage curse is a deadly combination for every class.
The lag does not even gives one time to spam pots mostly. Its dang u are dead out off the blue and how comes that some of these mages are close to invincible and can wipe out a hole op party of household al names in a second ? Bugged ?

12-20-2016, 05:18 PM
Kirotoboz, u are right. Especially the ongoing lag combined with a mage curse is a deadly combination for every class.
The lag does not even gives one time to spam pots mostly. Its dang u are dead out off the blue and how comes that some of these mages are close to invincible and can wipe out a hole op party of household al names in a second ? Bugged ?

i dont know about the last part because it only takes like 2 rogue combo to kill the mages, even with their heal, but tanks can definitely still be oneshot, which is ridiculous. one could make the argument that horn of renew or mage shield can be used for their unvulnerability, but rogues don't have their own form of invulernability and the 2 skills I've mentioned are irrelevant if you have no idea when the curse might hit

12-20-2016, 06:17 PM
Seriously, buy Nilbog and use it. Slot Nil's aa in any pet, use it when you see the mage. Other useful pets that offer DoT immunity are:


My only complaint is that the mages are hard to sometimes spot in mausoleum maps. Only hint of them is they move very fast compared to the rest of the mob when they are aggro'd.

*pls ignore my comment about Lucky, I forgot I had nilbog slotted. Just now looked in stable* :eek:

12-20-2016, 08:58 PM
Best strategy is to keep your distance from mages and shoot from some distance until they are dead.

12-20-2016, 09:30 PM
Seriously, buy Nilbog and use it. Slot Nil's aa in any pet, use it when you see the mage. Other useful pets that offer DoT immunity are:


My only complaint is that the mages are hard to sometimes spot in mausoleum maps. Only hint of them is they move very fast compared to the rest of the mob when they are aggro'd.

Symia too. I think he was meant for that.


12-21-2016, 01:22 AM
Symia too. I think he was meant for that.

Yes symia also protect from curse but nilbog is affordable for everyone (50-70k) and its really awesome pet. One in party is must for me ( unless someone own glowstick/symia )

12-21-2016, 02:08 AM
Symia too.
No, not exactly. You remove curse on AA's application but on the next second you can be cursed again. Party DOT immunity for several seconds means noone will be cursed for several seconds. There are (maybe) other pets too that can only remove the curse, but that's not that good as immunity. Other pets that 'may' remove curse: kris&kringle, misty - i haven't checked them.
About Lucky (mentioned by Avaree) - it 'knocks back and snares' the opponent for 5 sec - if this protects from curse for 5 sec (i haven't checked), then it will be as good as dot immunity - which would be good. BTW, Porkchop 'snares' for 5 sec, not sure if this would protect you.

Now to the thread's point. I also agree that you shouldn't be killed instantly by mobs, even maxed warriors (well, in the case of curse it's more like 'kill yourself' - but again it shouldn't be instantly). Also, as other people have noted and this and other similar threads - there should be warning BEFORE the curse. Before. A red zone or any other Warning.
Also, I agree that the curse immunity pets shouldn't be the 'decision', they shouldn't be obligatory. Curse death shouldn't be 'always and instant'.

12-21-2016, 06:44 AM
No, not exactly. You remove curse on AA's application but on the next second you can be cursed again. Party DOT immunity for several seconds means noone will be cursed for several seconds. There are (maybe) other pets too that can only remove the curse, but that's not that good as immunity. Other pets that 'may' remove curse: kris&kringle, misty - i haven't checked them.
About Lucky (mentioned by Avaree) - it 'knocks back and snares' the opponent for 5 sec - if this protects from curse for 5 sec (i haven't checked), then it will be as good as dot immunity - which would be good. BTW, Porkchop 'snares' for 5 sec, not sure if this would protect you.

Now to the thread's point. I also agree that you shouldn't be killed instantly by mobs, even maxed warriors (well, in the case of curse it's more like 'kill yourself' - but again it shouldn't be instantly). Also, as other people have noted and this and other similar threads - there should be warning BEFORE the curse. Before. A red zone or any other Warning.
Also, I agree that the curse immunity pets shouldn't be the 'decision', they shouldn't be obligatory. Curse death shouldn't be 'always and instant'.

I will test porkchop on alt. I only listed the pets I have, as I would feel bad if I said a pet's aa did something it did not, and players rushed to buy it.

Symbia is an excellent party pet with glowstik, Ard will use it in the maus maps, even though he has glowstik.

12-21-2016, 06:59 AM
actually i think mages should stay

like how rogue mob gets a aimed icon, curse mages should get one too

the reason its hard to predict is cause mage mobs ONLY and i mean ONLY activate thier cure when ppl get near em
thus its hard to tell when it will activate, unlike them rogue mobs.

hence, with increasing sufferage from them mages, i propose perhaps something like an (mage) icon.... it doesnt tell when it curses but just shows where the mage is

12-21-2016, 07:07 AM
Now to the thread's point. I also agree that you shouldn't be killed instantly by mobs, even maxed warriors (well, in the case of curse it's more like 'kill yourself' - but again it shouldn't be instantly). Also, as other people have noted and this and other similar threads - there should be warning BEFORE the curse. Before. A red zone or any other Warning.
Also, I agree that the curse immunity pets shouldn't be the 'decision', they shouldn't be obligatory. Curse death shouldn't be 'always and instant'.

Thinking a bit more on this, I wonder, if our warning is there, and we have over looked it. The mages normally will fire one shot that slows, there is a red zone for this. When I see this or aggro'd mage(s) rapidly moving forward, I use glow's aa.

I do agree I have been subjected to one hits outside of red zones by the exploding bombs, the guards that fire cross bows, and ogre's smashing hammer (just like in the glinstone maps).

12-21-2016, 01:06 PM
Seriously, buy Nilbog and use it. Slot Nil's aa in any pet, use it when you see the mage. Other useful pets that offer DoT immunity are:


My only complaint is that the mages are hard to sometimes spot in mausoleum maps. Only hint of them is they move very fast compared to the rest of the mob when they are aggro'd.

*pls ignore my comment about Lucky, I forgot I had nilbog slotted. Just now looked in stable* :eek:

Either you didn't read or didn't fully understand my post. I'm not a noob, removing curse isn't the issue. When I have curse on me I don't use any skills so removing curse isn't the problem. It's the fact that the curse is so sudden that it will be applied to my character when im already in the process of firing a skill, thus resulting in another bs death.

actually i think mages should stay

like how rogue mob gets a aimed icon, curse mages should get one too

the reason its hard to predict is cause mage mobs ONLY and i mean ONLY activate thier cure when ppl get near em
thus its hard to tell when it will activate, unlike them rogue mobs.

hence, with increasing sufferage from them mages, i propose perhaps something like an (mage) icon.... it doesnt tell when it curses but just shows where the mage is

^^^something like this is what I'm asking for. Using Nilbog or some other pet is irrelevant when the curse kills me .5 seconds after the mage uses it.

12-21-2016, 05:45 PM
People are trying to give you some advice, its good advice!

Problem: Mages and mage Curse

Solution: Be smart and find a way to deal with it. Stun, remove curse, curse immunity are all solutions. I would also recommend playing a little slower through the map.

I've got many deaths from the mage. I recommend putting them all in that gaudy 25m vanity, we would never miss them with that outfit! If we kill them then there's a remote chance that we could own it too! 🙊🙈🙉