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View Full Version : Opinion on Antennas

09-29-2011, 08:44 PM
So recently I realized several different things.
First of all, I realized the Red Antenna had the description of "You were THERE!" and simply took it as a contest reward. Earlier, I realized that Daily Deal was offering an item ONLY for contests.
Apparently now I realize Daily Deal was offering you to be in a piece of history, to be there.
Yes, even though it should not be there, I know something will happen to the antennas.
Next, I saw the Blue Antenna and it also said, "You were THERE!" which seemed like a coincidence.
Today, I saw the "Purple Antenna" saying, "You were THERE!" for Daily Deal for 20 Platinum.

After seeing Samhayne having a thread about antennas and how to get them, I realized these antennas weren't just for collecting. They mark PL History. Yes, the earliest times to the latest times.
I consider these now, the rarest items on PL, and most of them say, "You were THERE!" obviously backs up my statement.
People, do NOT hesitate to get the antennas. Every single chance you get, every single second, or oppurtunity, get those antennas. The Purple Antenna, upcoming for 20 Platinum, JUST like the Red Antenna.
It only means one thing. PL History is being made.
Yes, one antenna at a time. Something will happen! They say to hurry and grab the antennas.

Just wanted to share what seemed exciting to me on this dull evening.

And remember, grab an antenna, because you could now be there.

09-29-2011, 08:46 PM
Blue Antennas were a Deal of the Day?

09-29-2011, 08:51 PM
No, Blue Antennas just have that description. And remember a while back Whirlzie when we were told to hold on to all our antennas for something big? Something was going to happen, I wonder if that is what the bring-backs are for.....

09-29-2011, 08:54 PM
Interesting... Perhaps having all antennas will give you a rinbow antenna?

09-29-2011, 08:56 PM
Interesting... Perhaps having all antennas will give you a rinbow antenna?
What I was thinking.

09-29-2011, 10:11 PM
Meh.... I will get them as they should be earned!

Don't get me wrong.. I am all I favor of spending plat to support our devs, but I was not there!

Thus no antenna.

09-29-2011, 10:52 PM
Orange Antenna
Fiery Antenna
Droid Antenna
Coal Antenna
Purple Antenna

ROFL. Too lazy to do the fiery weapon contest so I won't expect a rainbow antenna for me anytime soon.
And for the Coal+Droid, Xwhirlz wasn't created when the Christmas/Android was released:/
The orange, forgot and never got:/

09-30-2011, 04:03 AM
Wth? I saw the orange headphones as the deal, and right now it's some gold. I've been on like everyday and have not seen this. Lol I'm freaking out now cause I collect these and haven't missed one.

09-30-2011, 06:11 AM
Wth? I saw the orange headphones as the deal, and right now it's some gold. I've been on like everyday and have not seen this. Lol I'm freaking out now cause I collect these and haven't missed one.

Same here. Have not seen the purple antennas also. I want it

09-30-2011, 06:45 AM
I dont think the purple ones have been a deal of the day, atleast not yet. (Unless this was before iPhone got deal of the day.. in which case they will probably run it again.)

09-30-2011, 07:53 AM
Wth? I saw the orange headphones as the deal, and right now it's some gold. I've been on like everyday and have not seen this. Lol I'm freaking out now cause I collect these and haven't missed one.

That's what I've seen. Although, I saw the heady phones the day before. Then it switched back to the x4 exp pot for a few hours. Then back to the heady phones again.

I think I saw one set of antenna on there a while back. I can't remember.

Maybe deal of the day is different for Android and iOS? I am using Android btw.


09-30-2011, 08:18 AM
It should be the same on both os'. My guess is that he's in a different time zone

09-30-2011, 08:22 AM
Maybe having all antennas will unlock the new oyster class for you which will come with pearl antennae.

09-30-2011, 09:51 AM
antennas aren't even close to being the rarest item(s) in the game.
if you're looking for the rarest items, you have to look for items with less than 10 in existence. and they should at least be desirable.

don't hold your breath about antennas doing anything more than taking up inventory space anytime soon.

they're already taking about 60 of my slots :(

09-30-2011, 10:38 AM
antennas aren't even close to being the rarest item(s) in the game.
if you're looking for the rarest items, you have to look for items with less than 10 in existence. and they should at least be desirable.

don't hold your breath about antennas doing anything more than taking up inventory space anytime soon.

they're already taking about 60 of my slots :(
There are like 10 antenna colors. How do they take up 60 inventory slots?

09-30-2011, 10:41 AM
Wth? I saw the orange headphones as the deal, and right now it's some gold. I've been on like everyday and have not seen this. Lol I'm freaking out now cause I collect these and haven't missed one.

It's the daily deal for this Sunday. He just changed the date on his iPhone/iPad/droid to see it:)

09-30-2011, 10:53 AM
There are like 10 antenna colors. How do they take up 60 inventory slots?

I've got 3-5 blue,
a ton of coal,
1 each of orange, red, white,
a ton of yellow

I'm not even counting bunny ears. Talk about inventory hogs. lol

09-30-2011, 11:00 AM
i love my yellow antenaes

09-30-2011, 11:00 AM
love them