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View Full Version : About recent changes

12-23-2016, 11:23 AM
I just want to summarize things recently happened and trying to express my thoughts about current situation of game.

- Gold Loot has been globally nerfed drastically
- New expansion tiers for graveyard feel like life-long (took me 2 months to get apprentice and seems need 3 months more to get acolyte - playing daily around 2hrs)
- Locked farming dramatically prevented (if not removed completely.)
- Event (like ursoth) tier target points are increased hugely (still in silver tier of current event playing more than 3hrs per day since 3 days)
- Previous event bane items which we paid for them are nerfed and forced to upgrade (otherwise they're rendered useless).
- Plat sale discount percent decreased from 40% to 25%
- Event rewards are just miserable (just liquidated silver tier glacier chests so-called "rewards" for 22 gold each epics for which I've spent around 500k to get that tier with elixirs, energy points etc )

I even not complain about one hit mage curse when you see you've been cursed after you've been killed and ferrix army of mages

Honestly, game started to feel like a job. I login everyday trying add some drops to ocean huge progress bar of graveyard tier. then looking around, nothing to do anymore and I exit.

Feeling of unsatisfaction when compared what I get and what labor I've spent (real money + hours of efforts) is something makes me deeply sore.

Any comments are welcome..

12-23-2016, 11:38 AM
I still getting same amount of gold like before in graveyard so i don't really see whats nerfed.

12-23-2016, 04:17 PM
2months for apprentice? i did 1straight month of graveyard everyday for 1 hour because of new job schedule and i became Disciple. Your just being extra lazy im sorry.

12-23-2016, 04:21 PM
I'm seeing less gold from graveyard

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12-23-2016, 04:30 PM
I agree with everything except the part where you state that the twilight progress bar is too big. These tier awards are worth completely nothing in my opinion and are not worth running the event. Why not name all events just 'vanity events' since most of the tier awards mostly contain vanities. I myself will only run the brooding grounds for the energy essences. I suggest that u do the same if you do not like this event. I am really hoping that STS will finally learn from their mistakes and make a new event after this winter event that is actually worth running for.

12-23-2016, 04:51 PM
Noticed winter lb rewards also became less, not even ankhs reward this time.. Sad

Luciano Lobo
12-23-2016, 05:38 PM
It looks like this was not there year making profit as a company. This was a last move to close the year with something.

12-23-2016, 06:39 PM
We could do with a new type of event to keep things fresh. I suppose being a developer is hard, you have to satisfy insatiable customer demands from both spectrums of non-plat and plat players, whilst trying to make profit.

Regarding this expansion, we have to give the devs a leeway here, this is the first time they've attempted something like this in AL. Hopefully they will learn and adjust things in future expansions based on our feedback/suggestions.

12-23-2016, 10:42 PM
Stop adding expansion with tier or so, this not a mobile game anymore. New elite tomb or Arena to replace Planar might be good.

12-23-2016, 11:14 PM
1. I dont see any sort of nerf in gold loot in any other maps except arena. Grave still yields me handful of gold per run.

2. It depends upon ur ability to rank up. I too work n play around 3Hrs a day n am in Disciple still. Gotta keep up with what we need n work hard more to earn it.

3. No complaints regarding removal of locks as we got many other things to farm like some leggies in somberholt, which gives more profit than locks.

4. Its a 3 week event so i dont feel that 12K points to reach plat tier is unattainable, like i said i too play around 3 hrs a day & am in gold by using the forged energy kits.

5. Its not forcing to upgrade its just a addition to make it work in the other part of the event map. Even though if its not upgraded it isn't useless as it still works.

6. No Comments as am a non-plat user.

7. If u aren't running for LB then i don't think spending plats just to reach a particular tier to earn rewards is good. Like i said... its a 3 week event so it isn't hard to farm energy essences & make use of them to get what u want. Instead of liquidating u could have opened it to try ur luck to get 5K gold loot(LoL). I know the reward are same as the last winter event but nobody is forcing any of them to reach the tiers to earn rewards. Its an individual decision though to know what one wants.

I am in confusion whether the curse of the mage needs a fix or not coz sometimes i die n sometimes i dodge n survive.

There is plenty of other things to do except grave & mausoleum i dont think somberholt is the max stage of this game. There is 2 global awakenings which gives some good loots, farm jewels to upgrade the set with max level jewels, farm essences n stack for future events, arena(Not a good place to make gold though but still can just run for ankhs n expect a fossil), finish the incomplete APs.

TBH, plat users do feel bored after spending RC to get what they wanted but, what i do know is there r few things which needs to be earned by grinding. Save ur RC(Just a suggestion) & enjoy the game with whats give.

12-24-2016, 05:11 AM
The amount of whining is intense. Seems like we need an AL Complaints subforum, or relocate the AL Comments and Feedback section to the top of the page....

I'm glad I'm not on the forum to make friends. Keep doing what you do STS.


12-24-2016, 08:27 AM
How about a 2x gold loot event to kickoff 2017 ?!! :) ;)

12-24-2016, 08:49 AM
The amount of whining is intense. Seems like we need an AL Complaints subforum, or relocate the AL Comments and Feedback section to the top of the page....

I'm glad I'm not on the forum to make friends. Keep doing what you do STS.


You used the meme wrong.

12-24-2016, 09:19 AM
You used the meme wrong.

12-24-2016, 10:25 AM
The fact that the USD has been gaining value in relation to most currencies the past few years makes it less likely for non-US players to buy platinum. An alternative for far too many players is the black market, and that's bad for game development. The decision to decrease the platinum sale % from 40 to 32 (?) therefore doesn't make sense to me, it just spurs players even further to turn to the black market.

12-24-2016, 11:01 AM
I just want to summarize things recently happened and trying to express my thoughts about current situation of game.

- Gold Loot has been globally nerfed drastically
- New expansion tiers for graveyard feel like life-long (took me 2 months to get apprentice and seems need 3 months more to get acolyte - playing daily around 2hrs)
- Locked farming dramatically prevented (if not removed completely.)
- Event (like ursoth) tier target points are increased hugely (still in silver tier of current event playing more than 3hrs per day since 3 days)
- Previous event bane items which we paid for them are nerfed and forced to upgrade (otherwise they're rendered useless).
- Plat sale discount percent decreased from 40% to 25%
- Event rewards are just miserable (just liquidated silver tier glacier chests so-called "rewards" for 22 gold each epics for which I've spent around 500k to get that tier with elixirs, energy points etc )

I even not complain about one hit mage curse when you see you've been cursed after you've been killed and ferrix army of mages

Honestly, game started to feel like a job. I login everyday trying add some drops to ocean huge progress bar of graveyard tier. then looking around, nothing to do anymore and I exit.

Feeling of unsatisfaction when compared what I get and what labor I've spent (real money + hours of efforts) is something makes me deeply sore.

Any comments are welcome..

-What is ur evidence gold loot has been nerfed drastically? Nothing, u dont know the coding behind the game and when it is changed. Seems fine to me.

-If it took u 3 months to get apprentice u clearly arent trying very hard. U could get there in a day easily if u really wanted to.

-locks are dirt cheap already, if there were even easier to farm how much cheaper do u think they would become?

-i play event less than 30 minutes a day and im in silver tier. I've yet to actively farm energy and im sittin on over 20 stocked up energy just from casually doing graveyard runs. My suggestion: find a friend in gold/plat tier to run with so ur not doing the bad bosses. Why tf would u spend 500k on elixirs and energy lmaoo. Dont need to spend a cent to hit plat tier with relative ease.

-event bane items?

-ITS A PLAT SALE AND YOU FOUND A WAY TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. What rule says the sale has to be the same everytime? Do real life stores have the same sales every time? Do u ever go the customer service desk and say "what the "expletive" these pineapples were 30 cents cheaper last time they were on sale." No, so dont do it here.

-if event rewards are miserable why are u spending 500k to get them? Seems like a folly on your own part, just dont run. Many people are content with the rewards.

If the game feels like a job and is unsatisfactory...PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. TAKE A BREAK FROM ARLOR!!!


12-24-2016, 11:15 AM
I agree that grinding is a bit intense (i'm at 75k+ kills) especially for a mobile mmo and most of us are not used to it and only 4 maps to grind kills.

STS a company and many employees, developers and their family depends on them. And running the servers and networking isn't cheap either. It's hell expensive. $100k-300k per server per month may be to just run it. And there's bandwidth cost, maintenance cost and a lot of other expenses as well.

So yeah they have adjust and adapt when comes to monetization of game. As long as it's not interfering with the endgame experience we should support them