View Full Version : Hero Difficulty Level

12-30-2016, 03:22 PM
This difficulty list is designed to help players decide which champions they should master first. This helps beginners avoid the frustration of learning 'tough to master' champions. If you do start the game with the tough champions, you deserve a two thumbs up! :)

1=very easy to master (A few things to learn from a single champ)
10=very hard to master (A lot of things to learn from a single champ)

Ash: 4
Avalanche: 3
Bjorn: 6
Cinder: 8
Cobal: 6
Eloia: 5
Feng: 8
Galen: 2
Gobi: 5
Grim: 5
Jack: 3
Khalid: 7
Magmatus: 2
Modus: 5
Nova: 9
Scorch: 6
Sera: 6
Shard: 9
Ulric: 4
Vio: 7
Zaar: NA (Never used zaar, sorry :( )


- Getting 6 stacks with him is not easy ( JinatheDemo)

- 3 different combos to learn

-If Dust devil knocks back enemies, khalid 'must not' knock the enemy back to safety.

- Players don't need to learn how to face assasins. Lol you have two amazing escape abilities XD. (JinatheDemo)

-Need to learn how to face assassin
-Abilities harder to land than violet. -Need to learn to dodge all enemy crowd control.

- 4 combos to discover
- Tough if decoy used offensively, but gives more bursts of dmg if used right.

- Need lots of practice to avoid crowd control
-Need to learn how to face assassin

****My opinions may be wrong and I accept everyone's opinion as long as they are relevant to this discussion and have a clear reason to support it. I will change list to suit everyone's opinions and current meta. *******

If you give some great comments about champions, that comment will be listed in the list above with your name on it. :) Just cause you're awesome.

01-01-2017, 02:37 AM
Eddy I like what you did here, I really applaud the amount of effort you put into this, and the positive intentions you had behind helping out the players of CoC. I believe that what you are trying to do is extremely difficult to quantify. The difficulty of a champion is hard to really put a number on because there are so many variables. For example, if one were to use Eloia as a mage, it may be extremely difficult but it can be done. On the other end of the spectrum Eloia is a strong support because of her heals. You can play many of the champions in different kinds of styles. At the time of this response, gobi can be successfully played as a fighter, tank, and even assasin. How do you rate a champion if the way they are used can be so situational on an individuals needs and decisions? Long response, but I feel that you deserve feedback.

01-01-2017, 06:03 AM
I don't agreed with jack and Sera...

01-01-2017, 06:11 AM
Actually shard is much more easier than most of champions. Yes there are 4 different combos but they are much easier to learn than Sera combos or Jack ones. Well at least for me. Jack have many styles and tactics because he can be Tank/support and can deal good damage if needed. I've met many jacks and believe me so far none was better than Me. I don't Bragg i just stating facts. Most of them knew only one combo and spammed skills on CD. Seraphina Is hard to control. Spamming her skills and deal damage isn't all. You need to know when to use right skill and what champion attack first, from my point of view. Because i play for fun but also to get my team gold "win". If you don't believe me feel free to send me PM in forum with you name and #ID. We can play together :)

01-01-2017, 08:15 AM
Vio and Modus are really easy to play with great success, especially modus as he has a very good escape. Violet can burst down almost any non-tank hero in the game from far, and if they get close and kill her she usually gets a revenge kill with shadow damage or the spawned mr midnight. Also, Gobi is basically "pick him up and you're a pro" imo. His constant armor reduction makes it close to impossible to loose when even just spamming skills, plus he has an escape on a rather short cooldown in worst case. I would argue that any character with stacks is also a bit harder to master, such as Bjorn who really deserves more points on this list.

01-01-2017, 09:48 AM
Hi JinatheDemo,

Thank you! I agree with your excellent feedback :)

I do have one thing to say. I agree with you that vio is an awesome champ (can burst down champs with ease). But she is indeed hard to master. Vio players need to learn to stay behind tanks for protection. They also need to learn how to keep distance from an enemy to avoid getting stunned ( enemies such as bjorn, grim, ava).

That's why I give her a 7.

01-01-2017, 09:58 AM
Hi Resurrected,

Thanks for your post! I want to see you play Jack!

Tbh, let's play together :) I want to know more about your views. My ID is SHole#3891, what's yours?

01-01-2017, 10:08 AM
Eddy I like what you did here, I really applaud the amount of effort you put into this, and the positive intentions you had behind helping out the players of CoC. I believe that what you are trying to do is extremely difficult to quantify. The difficulty of a champion is hard to really put a number on because there are so many variables. For example, if one were to use Eloia as a mage, it may be extremely difficult but it can be done. On the other end of the spectrum Eloia is a strong support because of her heals. You can play many of the champions in different kinds of styles. At the time of this response, gobi can be successfully played as a fighter, tank, and even assasin. How do you rate a champion if the way they are used can be so situational on an individuals needs and decisions? Long response, but I feel that you deserve feedback.

Damn, this is tough to answer XD . Lol I think we have to stick with the class that a particular champ is best at and talk about the difficulty of that class.

Eg: Eloia's best role is indeed being a support. (Can give up to 3000-4000 heal, so many snares). She can be a fighter, tank(because she never dies) or mage, but they won't be as effective.

Therefore, because eloia's best role is support, we should discuss about the difficulty of Eloia support. We can talk about Eloia Mage in a different thread LOL

01-01-2017, 06:30 PM
Fair enough. How do you quantify difficulty? I agree with what was posted here earlier, anyone with bars like bjorn or scorch should be a little more difficult to manage compared to their counter parts in their class. I would even add jack on that list of difficult to master.

01-01-2017, 07:14 PM
Hi Resurrected,

Thanks for your post! I want to see you play Jack!

Tbh, let's play together :) I want to know more about your views. My ID is SHole#3891, what's yours?
Pm sent, inv sent!

01-02-2017, 02:53 PM
Fair enough. How do you quantify difficulty? I agree with what was posted here earlier, anyone with bars like bjorn or scorch should be a little more difficult to manage compared to their counter parts in their class. I would even add jack on that list of difficult to master.

Difficulty is measured by adding up the many different skills needed to master one particular champ. Skills include :
-Finding the best combos
-The difficulty of landing the combo/spell
-How to survive in any fight