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View Full Version : Warrior, Enchantress or Archer, which is best and/or most fun?

06-28-2010, 01:32 PM
I suppose I initially chose my Enchantress because I'm a magic nerd. Give me fantasy and a way to perform magic and I'm really, really happy. Well, Mysteriane was not an easy Enchantress to learn. While I did well (particularly in the kill-to-death ratio) early on, the game got considerably tougher, especially after level 30. Seems you really have to learn how to kite, how to help your group and how to best handle bosses (and above all, ensure you're in a group with bears).

My Archer, Mysterione, started out great, with close to 200 kills before even a single death but it's gotten a lot harder and I'm still only level 18. There's a lot with this character that I'm just not getting but I intend to bring him to the Alien Oasis before I'm done with him.

I've just started playing with my Warrior, Mysteriune, and I have to tell you, this character is a blast. Since I got the Claymore, I'm just wading into every mob and utterly destroying everything in sight.

So, I'm just wondering how everyone else feels about the basic characters. The hybrids sound very interesting but I'm never going to have enough time to explore those characters. Any thoughts?

And btw developers, PL has my vote for game of the year. Great job.

06-28-2010, 01:35 PM
I would have to say that Warriors are the most fun because you can just go in there and take abunch of damage and deal abunch of damage.

06-28-2010, 01:55 PM
I think it's completely a matter of preference. I like playing enchantresses best, so much in fact that I now have 3 of them. I enjoy warrior a lot too, and that was the first class I chose to play. I have never been able to get into the archer very much, and mine is stuck, perhaps permanently, as a mid-level, bird-shaped storage container.

06-28-2010, 01:57 PM
I myself have a str dex bear... It's awesome!! Can take a whole bunch of damage whilst dealing 160-350 depends if I crit or not lol... To me I love tanking... BUT I Also have a hybrid pally-Mage that I'd never get rid of.... Also the archer is probably the best kiter around... If your lookin to be up close and personal to the bosses I would go with a str dex bear the dex for the extra dodge and crit of course.

06-28-2010, 02:20 PM
I've only ever played pures. I see the draw towards hybrids for PvP which I don't play. PvE wise they seem pretty similar.

I've got one of each that I've been working on. I've been playing my Bird since the beginning and overall my favorite character. Whatever I play a MMO or RPG I always tend to be either ranged or in the shadows and the Avian comes out perfect for it. Right now however I'm all about my Tank Str/Dex bear, he's just fun to play to run into a mob and have them twack away at me while the DPS characters do their thing. I've got my Healer Enchantress as well that I haven't touched since Balefort Castle. She was fun and meant for a group healer but just kinda lost her spark awhile back, I'll pick her up again soon as the Thoth Pally looks pretty interesting (my first hybrid build).

So really, my answer without really answering really comes down to personal preference. All three characters are great in their own special ways and add a different way you look at playing the game.

06-28-2010, 02:31 PM
I thought it would be Enchantress, as the last game like this I played was Diablo II and they were extremely over powered at high levels (but extremely underpowered at low levels). I found though that while playing I really liked my Bow Bear. As the game will soon be giving pures a bonus I am now working on building a pure dex Archer.

06-28-2010, 06:09 PM
My fav is my paladin. She's a total blast to play. My next fav would be my bow bear- she's fun and relaxing because she can't heal or rev:)

06-28-2010, 08:30 PM
My favorite is Enchantress, just cause I like healing and dealing AoE.

06-28-2010, 09:49 PM
Enchantress - I like healing in groups and the debuffs and mana shield mean I can solo a lot of the content easily. I find that having enough M/s to spam heals or attacks is crucial to my enjoying playing an enchantress. I switched to a pure INT and a DEX build, but lacking the 25M/s from Thoth I had to pop potions regularly and that got old quick.

06-28-2010, 11:03 PM
Dex enchantress is the funnest, range, spells, high dps, fun role to play!

06-29-2010, 07:52 AM
Well, I've had a shot at just about every pure and hybrid and I'd say without a doubt my favorite would be my str archer, this would be because I only need to wear two Thoth pieces and suddenly I can no longer bring my mana under halfway, works wonders in pvp although it's a bit more like hit and run because once evasion wears of your kinda screwed although it great for team mates cos you can kill your opponents dodge and hit chance plus you can chuck on a 2 handed sword and pull steady dps plus armor breaks in pve. My next fav would be pure dex archer then palli then healing specced mage