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View Full Version : Walie's Wet Noodle 3v3 PvP Bananza!

01-02-2017, 11:21 AM
Hello all, I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I am happy to announce my very own Pocket Legends 3v3 PvP Forest Arena Tournament, but with a twist. With such hardships facing the PL community today, it is only my pleasure to inform you that this will be the FIRST EVER wet noodle PvP tournament. Yes, you read that correctly, wet noodle. But, "What does that mean?" you may ask. It means that this will be a lv 80 PvP tournament with a few elements special to itself, they are.

Special of the Specials:
May use any helm, armor, and shield. This includes magor, warat, arzac, xar, zam, and wak.
You are confined to a lv 65 staff, 2 handed sword, or fangs (Daggers). No bows, one handed swords, or wands are allowed on this voyage of insanity. We are all going to be idiots, and I am taking 100% of you for the ride :)

THUS, IF YOU USE A SHIELD YOU WILL HAVE NO WEAPON. You will be gettin down n' dirty :P. Also, some clarification, NO BOWS... :D. Also, if you TRULY cannot find any staffs, two handed swords, or dual wielded daggers, comment on this forum or pm me in game and I will make a rule specifically for that because having a shield gives an unfair advantage.
See this Crim guy? Pretty cool huh? Well guess what, NO BOWS!

Now that I have lost you all to the theory of my madness, let us now take a ride down how this tournament will be organized. It will be a quadruple (jk double) elimination tournament with a bracket I will not be able to make but fancy websites are everywhere :D.

Team Requirements:
Furthermore, each team must have one mage, one bird, or bear and you may have one alternate class. You can go without a mage, without a bird, or without a bear, but you need at least one of those on your team. Also, you can only have one bear, mage, or bird per team. (Example: Bird, Mage, and Bear is a valid team, but Mage, Mage, and Bear is not) "AH!" you all say, "So foxes and rhinos are allowed?" Yes my dear lads and laddies, we shall have ourselves a tournament free of class discrimination. Foxes and rhinos are always welcome (What did you expect I hosted it :P).

That being said, JUST because you need a mage does not mean it needs to be int, just because you need a bird does not mean it has to be dex. They can be any build, and the same goes for the other classes...

The Prize of Prizes:
Now you greedy little mongrels, the prize is not everything, the fun along the way is what truly makes this event special. That being said, I will be personally paying 3m to the winning team (Handing 1m to each player individually) and possibly some items on the side depending on whether I can get my lazy butt out of the Balefort gutter and stop gambling my money away. BUT that being said, I hope you all participate for Walie's wet noodles more than anything (inside joke that I always overcook spaghetti).

So you now have the information, the ability to make this decision is completely in your hands. Will you join me on this quest for greater stupidity? Of COURSE you will! But let's get that spot filled! To enter your team, comment to this thread with the names of each player/toon, which is the captain, and which class they are, and where they live, and what their income is (Last two are a JOKE! Don't do that :D)!

Hope to see you all there, the spots filled are listed below.

Toodle Noodles!


1-Bounding(Captain), Melikebear, Brendendopes
2-Trueplayerrr (Captain), Invisiblops, Unfortunately
3-LilSwaggg (Captain), Poptartlicious, Teocawes
(16 spots)

01-02-2017, 01:17 PM
Why no ome makes something special for lower levels? Like 56-61? Or 35-40?

01-02-2017, 03:08 PM
Haha Walie, you're the man. I'll be joining and I'll spread the word as well -- I'm sure I can find some donaters!

If anyone wants to be on my team, hmu :)

01-02-2017, 03:31 PM
Haha Walie, you're the man. I'll be joining and I'll spread the word as well -- I'm sure I can find some donaters!

If anyone wants to be on my team, hmu :)

Wow tysm, I appreciate the help 3000% :)

01-02-2017, 05:27 PM
Bounding- Captain, Mage
Melikebear- Bear

01-02-2017, 11:04 PM
Going sign up for fun and support. Team empire hmmmm.. let me think trueplayerrr (mage) inviniblops i think that how u spell his name (bird) unfortunately (bear) i am just throw those char in this tournament cause they fit the sillyness lol. One question walie so it have to be lvl 65 weps? Also dagger is 1h wep.

01-02-2017, 11:20 PM
gl with this man, wanted to see something like this for awhile.

01-03-2017, 04:28 PM
Going sign up for fun and support. Team empire hmmmm.. let me think trueplayerrr (mage) inviniblops i think that how u spell his name (bird) unfortunately (bear) i am just throw those char in this tournament cause they fit the sillyness lol. One question walie so it have to be lvl 65 weps? Also dagger is 1h wep.

There are dual wield daggers, they are called "fangs" those are what I planned on having and they are typically better. If you have trouble finding double daggers within the week just let me know :).

And yes MUST BE lv 65 two handed weapons :)!

01-03-2017, 05:59 PM
LilSwaggg (Captain) - Bird
Poptartlicious - Fox
Teocawes - Mage