View Full Version : Serch option based on awakening

01-04-2017, 09:57 PM
I think this will be very helpfull caus i had days spending very long time
To just find the weapon that have the awakening i want(exp, gold loot)
And i have to go over all the weapon and scroll to look one by one
With this feature will save a lot of time and perventing serger waring XD
Also will save my eyes from falling out

01-06-2017, 01:59 AM
+1 was thinking the same idea yesterday 😁

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01-06-2017, 02:09 AM

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01-06-2017, 02:14 AM
sometimes i speend more awakening to get what i want..
but that a gambling game :D


01-06-2017, 02:27 AM
lol i was thinking of this while looking for a exp awekened weapon . +100

01-06-2017, 06:20 AM
Good idea +1,
Saves a lot of time just on checking those desired awakenings in weapons.

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

01-06-2017, 06:33 AM
+1 to this, takes too long to check every weapon. Search tool should have a range like from 2% - 5% luck; or 80% - 130% gold loot :D

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01-08-2017, 02:01 PM
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01-08-2017, 02:39 PM
You may get a quicker response by placing a thread in traders market for exactly what you want and what you are willing to pay for it.

I find searching for weapons easy, just type in the type you are looking for, and start with the hightest price first. Just an example, but, for rogues, lvl 61 dusk dagger pot, there are 8 listed. What you are asking would need a new client, plus lots of time and work involved to implement. This is not something they can write over night.

01-08-2017, 02:42 PM
You may get a quicker response by placing a thread in traders market for exactly what you want and what you are willing to pay for it.

I find searching for weapons easy, just type in the type you are looking for, and start with the hightest price first. Just an example, but, for rogues, lvl 61 dusk dagger pot, there are 8 listed. What you are asking would need a new client, plus lots of time and work involved to implement. This is not something they can write over night.

Well said.... The coding and testing would be tedious........