View Full Version : Base n' Combo for Rogue

01-06-2017, 04:50 PM
Since [Pet] section seems to be dead (one reply per year), Im going to ask through here, I really don't care if it gets moved or closed.

What is best pet combo for rogue? Im kinda in the little guys on my shoulders situation now, some say its Samael, Glow and SnS others say its Mishi, Glow and Munch. Some help will be amazing. Thanks

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01-06-2017, 05:26 PM
Mishi Passive for mana heal.
SNS/MM Happiness Bonus. I can't notice any different with adding 228 armor at lvl 61 as a rogue, If I have to choose one of them, I will take SNS.
For Arcane Ability Im more comfortable with Nekro than Glowstik. IMO Glowstik only good for rogue that has speed set, because they can rush and keep range in short time. And also Glowstik shield has no stun imunity.

That's from me.

01-06-2017, 11:18 PM
That really depends on the level you're playing. If you're a twink and have meh gold, grimm with sns HB and nekro aa would be best if you already have armor to spare. Grimm has better passive than any pet (my opinion). Glow is good but for a twink rogue, I don't see any need for his AA. For war and mage he'd be great.

01-06-2017, 11:49 PM
That really depends on the level you're playing. If you're a twink and have meh gold, grimm with sns HB and nekro aa would be best if you already have armor to spare. Grimm has better passive than any pet (my opinion). Glow is good but for a twink rogue, I don't see any need for his AA. For war and mage he'd be great.

Im endgame, gold (thx god) isnt a problem. But thanks for replies, i already chose sam, glow and sns.

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01-09-2017, 06:27 AM
I prefer Mishi/Grimm Base with Sns as HB and Nekro's AA; for rogues :)

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01-09-2017, 06:42 AM
Pvp duels
Sam or mishi base pet
Aa Nekro
Stats mm

Nekro base pet
Stats mm is preferable but u can go with Nekro too tbh