View Full Version : I'm Not *Quite* Dead.

01-07-2017, 02:04 AM
Hey guys. I know I was doing art and stuff for the game for lols and I started a comic sometime ago I wanted to post. But then I kinda quit and didn't finish it. I thought since everyone was coming back and whatnot, it would be fair to share what I did have, even though it's kinda broken up and stuff. :> The comic's working title was "The .3%".

Now keep in mind these were drawn early last year, so they probably look like doodoobeans, but I still wanted to extend them to the community. Enjoy. :>

P.S. No guarantee I'll finish or pick it up again, I'm so sorry. ._.

Gynesis is out for drinks, yet again. No one is surprised. A friend of hers buys her a shot to coerce her into farming Harg with her for a hammer. Gynesis spits out her drink. Senzo has a small cameo!


Gynesis staggers out and meets someone begging for gold for questionable causes. Is reported, yet again.

Gyn wobbles to Ester's Estates to get to her guild hall for more gear. Never really drew much of that part.

Mid fight with her friend that wanted to farm Harg with her, Gyn realizes that .3% isn't a drop rate, but the slim chance that someone actually goes to *ask* Harg for the hammer versus fighting him 24/7.

And that's that. *slinks back into shadows*

Annnnnd after that, the level was supposed to freeze and Gynesis, Harg, and the other player would have a revelation. But bah.

See yas. <3

01-07-2017, 11:17 PM
Yaaaaaas <3 it

01-09-2017, 02:41 PM
My new fave :-)

01-12-2017, 01:59 PM
Just for laughs :D