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View Full Version : Low level is pretty broken now

01-07-2017, 06:48 PM
Why is it that you can use a 3 pc ring at lvls lower than the lvl req to make a drag ring? Also, the damage is even higher than prenerf to fbows and damage all around in pvp. How is your new experience with these new conditions in 15-40 range?

01-07-2017, 07:46 PM
My l35 fox one comboing everything from l35 Mages to l40 bears :D

01-07-2017, 07:59 PM
I love it:excitement:

01-07-2017, 08:29 PM
I can only speak for play at lvl 10-20, but I'd say it's pretty miserable. Gear is nearly irrelevant as long as you have a level 70+ ring and a halloween weapon equipped. I have over 60 armor as a lvl 15 mage on this patch - and other lvl 15 bears have the potential to kill me in 2 auto attacks. Bear vs bear is nearly the same. Fights are over after one stomp + SMS combo.

The hit % nerf is also really frustrating for low level pvp, as we no longer have an attainable soft hit cap. The hit and dodge % nerfs were intended for endgame pvp balance, and it feels like these changes were made in haste and without any consideration to low level pvp brackets. I understand that this game is not in the spotlight for STS developers, but I hope that we can at least get a response about the obvious oversight that is 3pc rings.

01-07-2017, 09:03 PM
I also do a lot of play in low level, at least in the last two days (L10-20) and I think its quite refreshing. Granted, I don't play a lot of mage which is the primary character that's been nerfed at level 15 due to the insane damage. However, the nuke has opened up a lot of different possibilities at 10-17 which weren't there before, like level 15 bird, level 16/17 rhino (was present but not as strong/good enough to deal consistently with bears), and even fox. I think the balance overall is good for the game, instead of mage/bear dominating the 12-17 meta we have 4 decent characters and 1 semi-bad character in mage, which counters some rhino and definitely some bird if played perfectly.

There's also generally a much lower margin for error, if you can kite stomp you win most of the time, and kiting stomp is probably the hardest skill in the game to master (it's a relatively simplistic game aside from positioning and juking, and occasionally combo counters.) People always liked to hate on low level for luck factors but I don't see any of that present. I'm a good bear and I beat people who are supposed to be worse than me, consistently. And people who have an edge on me, beat me consistently.

Not to mention, there was I believe an analytic post done a while back showing that anything above 100% hit was irrelevant -- the game always reverted to around an 85% hit cap which the nerf brought most low level characters down to.

01-07-2017, 09:45 PM
I also do a lot of play in low level, at least in the last two days (L10-20) and I think its quite refreshing. Granted, I don't play a lot of mage which is the primary character that's been nerfed at level 15 due to the insane damage. However, the nuke has opened up a lot of different possibilities at 10-17 which weren't there before, like level 15 bird, level 16/17 rhino (was present but not as strong/good enough to deal consistently with bears), and even fox. I think the balance overall is good for the game, instead of mage/bear dominating the 12-17 meta we have 4 decent characters and 1 semi-bad character in mage, which counters some rhino and definitely some bird if played perfectly.

There's also generally a much lower margin for error, if you can kite stomp you win most of the time, and kiting stomp is probably the hardest skill in the game to master (it's a relatively simplistic game aside from positioning and juking, and occasionally combo counters.) People always liked to hate on low level for luck factors but I don't see any of that present. I'm a good bear and I beat people who are supposed to be worse than me, consistently. And people who have an edge on me, beat me consistently.

Not to mention, there was I believe an analytic post done a while back showing that anything above 100% hit was irrelevant -- the game always reverted to around an 85% hit cap which the nerf brought most low level characters down to.

I'm not so sure how refreshing it is to one shot and get one shot due to broken gear and an obvious patch oversight. Bears and mages were largely dominant on the last patch - this patch, bears are the best class by a large margin. Yes, birds and foxes can also mash all their buttons now and kill people with more effectiveness than before. Thats fine - I'm happy to see other classes brought up to par. I also don't mind my class being nerfed. I can adjust my build and playstyle to compete without issue. The problem is that bears have absolutely gone over the edge. A bear that activates rage, auto attacks, and then takes his hands off his keyboard is still 30-40% to win many matchups when each of his auto attacks deal upward of 250 dmg on a 60 armor target.

The hit % nerf is icing on the cake. I have no idea what you mean about 100% hit being irrelevant. There is not an 85% hit cap. I was sitting at 100% hit prior to this patch and I never missed an ability (without debuffs), tried and tested over the course of several months and thousands of pvp kills.

The bottom line is:

1. Low level characters should not be able to equip level 70 items.
2. Instant kills are unhealthy - they do not make for fun or interactive gameplay.
3. The hit % nerf was intended for max level pvp and has had a presumably unintended negative impact on the ability to be consistent in low lvl pvp brackets.

01-07-2017, 10:05 PM
I'm not so sure how refreshing it is to one shot and get one shot due to broken gear and an obvious patch oversight. Bears and mages were largely dominant on the last patch - this patch, bears are the best class by a large margin. Yes, birds and foxes can also mash all their buttons now and kill people with more effectiveness than before. Thats fine - I'm happy to see other classes brought up to par. I also don't mind my class being nerfed. I can adjust my build and playstyle to compete without issue. The problem is that bears have absolutely gone over the edge. A bear that activates rage, auto attacks, and then takes his hands off his keyboard is still 30-40% to win many matchups when each of his auto attacks deal upward of 250 dmg on a 60 armor target.

The hit % nerf is icing on the cake. I have no idea what you mean about 100% hit being irrelevant. There is not an 85% hit cap. I was sitting at 100% hit prior to this patch and I never missed an ability (without debuffs), tried and tested over the course of several months and thousands of pvp kills.

The bottom line is:

1. Low level characters should not be able to equip level 70 items.
2. Instant kills are unhealthy - they do not make for fun or interactive gameplay.
3. The hit % nerf was intended for max level pvp and has had a presumably unintended negative impact on the ability to be consistent in low lvl pvp brackets.

Missing abilities over 100% is definitely a thing. I don't really want to go back and find the post, but there is actually a hit cap of about 85%.

And no, rhino is very good against bear. Bird is very good against bear. I haven't really seen bear vs. fox though. I did enjoy the slower fights before, but being able to play these characters is also a very refreshing experience to me. Again, I know you play majority mage and it hasn't been the best update for mages at 15, but coming from someone who just got back to playing the game and really enjoyed playing off-meta characters and things other than bear/mage, it's been pretty refreshing. I don't mind the speed of fights because generally the person with more skill usually wins, outside of bear vs. mage.

I'm really all over the place with this post so I'll just include a random anecdote - I've been playing 15 bird and beat bears 75% of the time. It's really fun. Yet at the same time I have about a zero% chance of beating a mage. It's more like rock paper scissors now than an even distribution of balance which is something i DONT like as much, yet still, it means many more characters are viable.

01-07-2017, 11:53 PM
Hit cap is 84% (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16817-Guide-to-Advanced-Mechanics-in-PL-DPS-Crits-etc.)

01-07-2017, 11:59 PM
Guess updates can only change what part of the PvP community is frustrated

01-08-2017, 02:51 AM
There's less room for mistakes as mentioned but if you are a better player you will still win... Get a 3pc yourself if that's such a problem they're only 1.5M now.

01-08-2017, 12:37 PM
Only 1.5m bleh.. I got 0 gold and I'd rather not come back to a broken game.

01-08-2017, 01:49 PM
I used to play low lvl pvp to escape endgame's really quick battles. That's one of the reasons I quit low lvl pvp until they update the ring lvls.

01-08-2017, 02:01 PM
40 rhinos - buff charge redemption ded

40 foxes - buff dash ham break ded

40 birds - buff blind break shatter blast ded


40 bears - extinct

40 mages - same as ever

01-08-2017, 02:36 PM
40 rhinos - buff charge redemption ded

40 foxes - buff dash ham break ded

40 birds - buff blind break shatter blast ded


40 bears - extinct

40 mages - same as ever

I'm having plenty of success on my 35 bear.

My KD and kills have been skyrocketing since the update.

01-08-2017, 06:01 PM
I take part 25-27 pvp. My warrior used to stand a chance against mages, using blasé skill and precision. Now I die with one fell swoop. I use max debuff to make certain damage goes down to a minimum, and still I get smakt, right to the face. I'm not going ask for change or complain my argument since Cinco would simply state "Just level up", but I would like to point out 25-27 bears aRe at a brutal disadvantage. Add me: Pinkmatter

01-08-2017, 09:52 PM
Well having elite rings for lvl1 means that all the Plat rings we've bought for our thinks are obsolete. Not to mention past update made them go up to 35 Plat each which alot of people have bought

01-09-2017, 02:14 AM
Well having elite rings for lvl1 means that all the Plat rings we've bought for our thinks are obsolete. Not to mention past update made them go up to 35 Plat each which alot of people have bought

Hold your hat, but the plat ring prices are 75 Platinum ;)

01-09-2017, 02:34 AM
Hold your hat, but the plat ring prices are 75 Platinum ;)

did they rise even more or am I mistaken?

01-09-2017, 09:35 AM
did they rise even more or am I mistaken?

The price has been 75 plat since the increase. But 35 Plat seems like a reasonable price and probably what they should have increased it to.

01-09-2017, 11:18 AM
The price has been 75 plat since the increase. But 35 Plat seems like a reasonable price and probably what they should have increased it to.

Well as of now, Plat rings are pretty useless as 3pc are getting thrown left and right