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10-02-2011, 12:01 AM
The mysterious gold cap...
It puzzles us, provokes us, rages us, motivates us, and last of all, pleases us.
But what is the gold cap and why?

-The gold cap is currently fixed at 9,999,999 gold by SpacetimeStudios.
This means you are allowed to have your stash, and each character you have capped at this amount.

-Once you have a capped character, you cannot:
-Collect/claim sales that make you go over the gold limit
-Buy gold with Platinum
-Trade for gold
-Earn gold from killing monsters in dungeons

-Once you have a capped character, it is suggested to move the gold to a mule or alt as I have done in the first picture.

-Use the gold carefully! You may have 9,999,999 gold at once but all of it could be gone easily.

-The gold cap was probably made to disable people from getting so much gold on one character.

-There have been suggestions made towards SpacetimeStudios to raise the gold cap.

10-02-2011, 12:16 AM
Yes plz raise the gold cap to 999.999.999 plzz

10-02-2011, 12:17 AM

10-02-2011, 12:29 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.

10-02-2011, 12:36 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do. taxed?! if you have earned the money it should be yours

10-02-2011, 01:03 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.
lol there are people probably with over 10 alt mules at the gold cap
and a lot more with people who have 1-2 mules at cap

but its kinda sad...what does all that wealth do but sit there and collect dust?
i know lots of ppl host events and thats cool, but what about others that dont?
but alas it is true that they did earn it and they can do w/e they want with it

10-02-2011, 01:04 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.

While we're at it, why don't we add property tax to demonic sets, and sets only. 150k/day sounds about right, eh?

edit: IMO, it's there to make a cap on each item. Can't sell a 4 piece set for more than 40mil cash, currently.

10-02-2011, 01:06 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.
Dream is completely right.... Players work their butts off to get the gold they have, just so they can give it to players that have done absolutely nothing... I don't think so lol

10-02-2011, 03:53 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.

I understand why hardcore guys would be against that. Everyone has gone through a lot of grinding or trading to max up mules etc BUT, the above idea may not be so stupid from a DEV perspective.
Having a tax system would:
i) Force people to continue buy and sell ,and increase fluidity in the market
ii) Encourage people to share their wealth. Whether it is within their guild, community of friends or just pop up in a game and give 100k to a lvl 20 player. Think Sorros or Bill Gates, they're going to give away half if not more of their fortune to charities.

There might be a requirement for some cool items to be made available for people who do this. Like the 'Mother Theresa" shield, the 'Cap of Altruism', The 'Sorros' Sword' (or mace!) :-))) I would go for that set!!!!

But if this doesn't convince you, then taxing people who are inactive could be an idea. If one doesn't play for a period of time, they lose 0.5% of their fortune. If you have that at a week, after a week, one would lose 0.5% each day. It's not a lot but it could incentivise people to play more, and thereby generate more revenue for PL. numbers to be worked out obviously.

Use of proceeds could go to the cleaning of Baleford Castle (!), restoring the roads in between maps (!), or go into a pooled fund that can be applied for by the community to create official events and contests. Imagine: if that fund grows to 10m, you could have a contest with ten 1 mil winners. That could generate a lot of buzz, and increase the power of the community.

Right, there might be some interesting stuff above. not all tho.


10-02-2011, 03:59 AM

10-02-2011, 05:34 AM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.


10-02-2011, 06:52 AM
All of these rich people problems. lol

10-02-2011, 07:16 AM
More money more problems?

10-02-2011, 11:10 PM
Actually less money=more troubles.
Because with more money, you can go buy a de-troublizer.

10-02-2011, 11:25 PM
Well I can see an evident problem with too many players at gold cap. Since there is much more money in game the players are willing to send more and more on items (2M becoming equivalent to 200K, 2 months ago for example) but the problem is that new players having just joined the game still have to grind for the same amount of money and at the same speed as the now rich players used to do months ago are faced with their rewardhaving a net worth that is actually much lower than it used to and are unable to afford the items sold by the richest players. These folks trying to reach the end game and not having any reservs of money in oing so are confronted with using "second class" gear and wondring how everybody got so rich

Every ennemy killed, every chest opened, every quest reward in gold, every item liquidated adds to the total gold in game and it is simply overwhelming compared to the cost of potions and non CS items (only way to take money out of the game) and eventually every item in game will basically be worth more than folks can carry (gold cap) unless a sinkhole is created (potions more expansive or better gear for sale at non cs vendors).

My 2 cents.

10-02-2011, 11:34 PM
You can always share it with me ;)

10-02-2011, 11:35 PM
Can you just tell your squirrel to rez lol jk :P

10-03-2011, 01:32 AM
yes plz rise the gold cap! in 1-2 weeks will have reached the 100mil mark, the i need to make another char...

10-03-2011, 02:18 AM
With current prices 9.99Mil is just not that much anymore. Anybody who farms a lot, and gets a bit of luck in the process, can reach the gold cap in no time IMO. If you can't even sell an entire set in 1 go because of that cap, I'd say it's time to raise it.

The only reason I can think of, that would make it difficult to raise it, are database restrictions.

10-03-2011, 07:23 AM
With current prices 9.99Mil is just not that much anymore. Anybody who farms a lot, and gets a bit of luck in the process, can reach the gold cap in no time IMO. If you can't even sell an entire set in 1 go because of that cap, I'd say it's time to raise it.

The only reason I can think of, that would make it difficult to raise it, are database restrictions.
That's how the rich get richer.... hopefully ill hit the cap soon. Only a million or so to go LOL.

10-03-2011, 10:25 AM
Dream is completely right.... Players work their butts off to get the gold they have, just so they can give it to players that have done absolutely nothing... I don't think so lol

I was assuming that was a joke?


10-03-2011, 02:26 PM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do. People at the cap are de facto taxed by having to spend plat to create a mule.

10-05-2011, 12:43 PM
With current prices 9.99Mil is just not that much anymore. Anybody who farms a lot, and gets a bit of luck in the process, can reach the gold cap in no time IMO. If you can't even sell an entire set in 1 go because of that cap, I'd say it's time to raise it.

"can reach the gold cap in no time". Well, i guess i don't know how to play the game because I have been working on it for months. I only have about 4M. The most valuable drop I ever sold was about 350K. I've had a few nicer drops, but kept them for my own use.

I was making a lot (100k per day) in the market last spring. But, over the summer my cs profit margin has been very small (20k per day). Sometimes the cost of listing items is greater than the profit due to not enough items being sold.

10-05-2011, 01:05 PM
If you hit the gold cap, you should be taxed, and the money given to the poor. It's the fair thing to do.

This made me lol. For some reason though, it seems a little sarcastic.... I could be wrong. hehe

10-05-2011, 01:12 PM
"can reach the gold cap in no time". Well, i guess i don't know how to play the game because I have been working on it for months. I only have about 4M. The most valuable drop I ever sold was about 350K. I've had a few nicer drops, but kept them for my own use.

I was making a lot (100k per day) in the market last spring. But, over the summer my cs profit margin has been very small (20k per day). Sometimes the cost of listing items is greater than the profit due to not enough items being sold.

My emphasis was meant to be on the word 'can'.

I've seen more than 1 player getting multiple super expensive drops in the course of 1 evening. These drops were each worth several millions. I had drops for 5mil+ on 1 day myself, and it even could've been worth more if I didn't sell it to my guildees for a below-market price. So yeah, if you get lucky, you 'can' hit that gold cap in no time. It's definitely way easier then ever before. It only takes 3 extremely lucky drops basically, and that hasn't been like that ever before.

10-06-2011, 04:18 AM
I sooo wish i could have that problem!! I keep farming but my "feelin'lucky" drop me greens! At best i get a minicry or a nury! Grrrr more farming!

10-06-2011, 04:45 AM
Taxing can never happen as of now. Why? Cos plats can be used to convert gold, and plats r bought by real money. If taxing is introduced, then they r actually taking away real money and this will lead to legal issues!

Make sense right? Just enjoy the game as it is. When u cant afford burger, just have yr fries! Worst still, go home and eat home cook food. :p