View Full Version : Being a Concept Artist for SpaceTime Studios

Draco Mikato
10-02-2011, 10:11 AM
I've always wanted to work for Disney, Marvel or Pixar Studios as an artist. But I only attended college for one semester and got into a finance slump and had to take a break from studies.

What is STS looking for? I have growing experience with photoshop, but I'm better with my hands on paper. I have an unorthodox drawing style, as I've not really taken formal education for art. I'll post some concept fanarts sometime.

I'm sure all employees must have an extensive background in their field; I can see itt in the games and some artwork in videos and such (like the poster Cinco stabbed in his first LOCO video. "This is blackstar, you don't know anything about this!") Lol

You can watch that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8kQgEq_we8&feature=youtube_gdata_player

The part I'm talking about starts at about 0:40.

It may be my goal to work for STS' art division, as it brings together my two passions: gaming and art.

Some developer input would be great. Especially from some of the art developers!

10-02-2011, 10:13 AM
Nice, thanks for sharing that...

Looking forward to seeing some of your work.

10-02-2011, 10:17 AM
If you looking to work for spacetime studios, this is your section.

I wish you luck on your progress.

10-02-2011, 10:21 AM
If you looking to work for spacetime studios, this is your section.

I wish you luck on your progress.

I do not see any advertisement for Squirrel experts. Is this for real?

10-02-2011, 10:29 AM
I would love to work at STS

10-02-2011, 10:30 AM
If you looking to work for spacetime studios, this is your section.

I wish you luck on your progress.

I do not see any advertisement for Squirrel experts. Is this for real?

You and your addiction for squirrels...

10-02-2011, 10:38 AM
Good luck! I hope to see a new addition to the dev team soon!

10-02-2011, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't mind doing this either. Jun is an awesome artist too guys :)

Draco Mikato
10-02-2011, 10:46 AM
I wouldn't mind doing this either. Jun is an awesome artist too guys :)

I know you'd qualify straight up :)

10-02-2011, 11:09 AM
The one they have no is pretty amazing (granted they still use him lol..) and I'm no where near as good or experienced as he us

Lord Sharpie
10-03-2011, 09:31 PM
Most of my work here at Spacetime Studios is actually done on paper with a ball-point pen, funny enough (it seemed to kind of weird them out for a while when I first started here), and lots of Sharpies (hence my handle). I tend to use Photoshop as a secondary tool, mostly for clean-up or polish. At previous jobs, I would even use dry-erase boards quite regularly. Even if a final piece seems to be pure Photoshop, though, I can guarantee the idea was on paper before it was on my Cintiq. Words of advice: Do not neglect traditional fine art fundamentals, especially if you want to be a concept artist. You don't have to be a master painter, but expertise in the principles of design and composition are invaluable. The stronger art fundamentals you have, the faster you'll pick up Photoshop and its kindred without question. My second piece of advice: Learn to live and die by hotkeys when working in Photoshop. You'd be surprised how much time is wasted moving that cursor back and forth between icons in the tool bar, and in the world of production art, time is too expensive to waste looking for some obscure tool or option tucked away in some long-forgotten menu somewhere...

10-04-2011, 06:11 AM
Most of my work here at Spacetime Studios is actually done on paper with a ball-point pen, funny enough (it seemed to kind of weird them out for a while when I first started here), and lots of Sharpies (hence my handle). I tend to use Photoshop as a secondary tool, mostly for clean-up or polish. At previous jobs, I would even use dry-erase boards quite regularly. Even if a final piece seems to be pure Photoshop, though, I can guarantee the idea was on paper before it was on my Cintiq. Words of advice: Do not neglect traditional fine art fundamentals, especially if you want to be a concept artist. You don't have to be a master painter, but expertise in the principles of design and composition are invaluable. The stronger art fundamentals you have, the faster you'll pick up Photoshop and its kindred without question. My second piece of advice: Learn to live and die by hotkeys when working in Photoshop. You'd be surprised how much time is wasted moving that cursor back and forth between icons in the tool bar, and in the world of production art, time is too expensive to waste looking for some obscure tool or option tucked away in some long-forgotten menu somewhere...

Every professor I've had has told me the same thing about the hotkeys haha. The first task they usually give us is memorizing a list of the majority of the keys. For illustrations I've mostly used adobe illustrator, but since I can't afford it for home, I now use sketchbook pro for iPad (with my fingers, investing on stylus' soon :p.) when drawing on paper, I usually use sharpies too, since I seem to do my best work when I know I can't really go back on mistakes, it makes me feel pretty daring too :p. I've used dry erase boards too when I was younger, since supplies were scarce but it worked well.

Thanks for your insight! If it wouldn't be too much trouble, can you check out my deviant art? The links in my signature :) thanks!

Lord Sharpie
10-04-2011, 08:19 PM
I fully endorse Sketchbook Pro on iPad, and I wholeheartedly recommend picking up the Wacom Bamboo Stylus for iPad. It costs a little more than most others, but I think it's worth it. And you're exactly right about using permanent mediums like ink or magic markers: there's persistent sense of danger when you use them, can be quite exhilarating (although it might just be the fumes, sometimes). I refer to such tools as "perfectionist media." Either get it right the first try or know how to cover your mistakes really well;)

Draco Mikato
10-04-2011, 08:45 PM
I don't have a lot of experience with Photoshop. I couldn't afford it and though I was offered a pirated version, it still looked like too much to use. I guess it could be considered amateur but I just simply spent hours on gimp. I've only finished one piece on computer, and that was of a pocket legends cyber paladin. If I can find it, I'll bring it up here.

10-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Ya can't wait to see ur work

10-04-2011, 08:50 PM
I've always wanted to work for Disney, Marvel or Pixar Studios as an artist. But I only attended college for one semester and got into a finance slump and had to take a break from studies.

What is STS looking for? I have growing experience with photoshop, but I'm better with my hands on paper. I have an unorthodox drawing style, as I've not really taken formal education for art. I'll post some concept fanarts sometime.

I'm sure all employees must have an extensive background in their field; I can see itt in the games and some artwork in videos and such (like the poster Cinco stabbed in his first LOCO video. "This is blackstar, you don't know anything about this!") Lol

You can watch that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8kQgEq_we8&feature=youtube_gdata_player

The part I'm talking about starts at about 0:40.

It may be my goal to work for STS' art division, as it brings together my two passions: gaming and art.

Some developer input would be great. Especially from some of the art developers!

Sorry I know this is way off topic, but how much would it be for you to make me a Signature for forums and a Youtube Profile Pic :-p

Draco Mikato
10-04-2011, 09:05 PM
Here's an old thread.of some stuff I uploaded.


Sorry I know this is way off topic, but how much would it be for you to make me a Signature for forums and a Youtube Profile Pic :-p

Sorry, I don't have a computer so I can't work on anything at the moment.

10-04-2011, 10:04 PM
Here's an old thread.of some stuff I uploaded.


Sorry, I don't have a computer so I can't work on anything at the moment.

You're a Monster Hunter fan? No way :) me too!