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View Full Version : Which egg Is more tankier pvp wise for happiness bonus? Singe/munch

01-13-2017, 06:40 AM
I want to slot either singe or munch onto my nekros happiness bonus to test it out. (IM A WARRIOR)

Singe offers 250 health/ -4% damage reduction/42 primary and 12 other 2 stats.
Whereas, munch offers 228 armour and 40 primary and 15 other 2 stats.

Now singe seems like the superior choice, but I've been told the -4% damage reduction doesn't work...can anyone confirm this?

Also, how effective is 228 armour and is it superior to the -4% damage reduction singe offers?

I know we have multipliers, but let's base it on base stats to keep it simple :)

01-13-2017, 06:42 AM
Definitely munch mouth hapiness bonus.

01-13-2017, 09:33 AM
Definitely munch mouth hapiness bonus.
In low levels yes.

And i don't know if damage reduction doesn't work, but if dmg reduction works - zylx has made this guide:
based on pve experiments, with a dev confirming his "math is pretty good",
and there, at lvl56, 500 armor is about 9.2 dmg reduction, which means that 228 armor is about 4.2 dmg reduction.
So at lvl61 (, where the armor is almost twice times more), 4 dmg reduction seems (much) better than 228 armor.
(BTW, AL developers are free to change their game in the way they decide, so i don't know if the upper guide is still valid)

01-13-2017, 11:25 AM
I feel better using MM than Singe in every way, it's your own what you choose, we are here just to tell you our opinions.

01-13-2017, 11:59 AM
I feel better using MM than Singe in every way, it's your own what you choose, we are here just to tell you our opinions.

That's what I asked for, there much appreciated :)
Thanks all!