View Full Version : Legion recruiting 55+ players

10-02-2011, 05:39 PM
Though Legion recruits all lvl players we are making a push for higher lvl players. Would love to see ourselves on the leader boards eventually. If your a high lvl and want a relaxed, fun environment give Me, AnneOwen, or any officer a shout. we would love to have you in our rather large family.

looking forward to hearing from you....Trixxspet

10-07-2011, 01:43 PM
I'm already in Legion. I just hit 55 a couple of days ago. Right now I'm not at the top of my game (gotta love colds) so if any lower lvl guild members want to do some XP Runs in the swamps or Frozen "what's its name" look me up tonight. We will see if we can get something organized. another reason is I'm puppy sitting for my daughter an my ping is about double than it is at home. It's been throwing off my game a bit.

I don't think I'm functional enough for AO. I'll send out a msg when I get home and let you know what I'm up for.

FYI: this is not power leveling. Any one that joins will work for their XP.