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01-22-2017, 03:58 PM
Honor And Integrity

Guild Master: Harmegeddon, Pinklite.

Officers: Chromoflex, Sirsteeel.

Recruiters: Olivandra, Sengus, Zerogered.

Guild Rules:

Treat Officers, Recruiters, Combatants, and Members with respect.

No Begging for promotions, gold, items.

Keep Guild Chat clean, no cursing or foul language.

Guild Expectations:

We are a PVE based guild, we're focused on helping each other grow as a unit, eventually to level cap and Arcane Gear, Weapons, and Pets. When we reach level cap status we will do some guild battles. For now its all about farming and helping each other out.
We live up to our name Honor And Integrity, Honor meaning high respect, esteem. We treat our guild members that way and others too. Integrity meaning "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. So we attract good people who aren't having hidden agendas or being dishonest the contrast of our name would be unacceptable to our principles.

Recruiting: If you are interested in joining <Honor and Integrity> please contact a recruiter or officer even the guild masters for recruitment. We are currently accepting players level 10-61. every two weeks the level requirement will be raised by 5 levels. So on 01/29/2017 we will be recruiting only level 15+ and so on. After that two weeks is up level 20 requirement will be established where anyone under level 20 will be granted 2 weeks to reach level 20. If not we will take into account that you are inactive and will be removed. Keep in mind we will notify you 2 weeks prior to this act.

Have Fun: We are a fun guild to be in we do have events every so often this week on 01/28/2017 we will have an event in the Guild Hall questions asked to members and when given the correct answer prizes will be given eggs, items, and some vanities. Be sure to be their! Guild Events will change as we grow into level cap, Elite Events, and others depending on Arcane Legends Updates and the growth of our Guild. Thank you for taking an interest in Honor And Integrity, we hope to see you soon! :)