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View Full Version : What to do with fox and rhino

01-23-2017, 01:05 PM
I finally caved and made a fox and a rhino
After being constantly being unimpressed when running with these I wanted to give it a shot myself
I have no clue about skills and stats and on here you only find pvp builds which aren't really useful for pve purposes of they are like mage bird bear builds
So for me noob what are viable pve builds for those new classes? Are there must have skills?

01-23-2017, 03:25 PM
Foxes are actually pretty good in PvP if u land your combo but ask Pvvl for tips on fox for PvE he is good at that.

01-23-2017, 04:48 PM
Foxes are actually pretty good in PvP if u land your combo but ask Pvvl for tips on fox for PvE he is good at that.

haha pavvvl bots

Suentous PO
01-24-2017, 08:58 PM

Here's the skill set up I did on my end game fox. Keeping rabid bite on one gives you an additional dash for a total of 2 dashes which makes fox fun for pve. You can still double dash if it's set up like I show here if you use target distance correctly, but if it's at one you can double dash in town without needing a target.
I went str/dex as personal preference and the ability to swap to str when dex wasn't survivable enough.
I also did a full dex fox but that was just for the challenge, he was too fragile and birds are way better single damage without the drawback of being both range and mele.
I even made an int fox for the lulz as j remembered Techno saying she made the class to be int based because any poison skill gets a damage buff from int. But as Gluttony discovered dex still gave more overall damage no matter how much poison caused dot.

The rhino I only leveled to 80 cuz I'm ocd about games, but they suck lol. There's nothing they can do better than any class no matter how I spec'ed him. Not worth it imho unless your simply having fun.

01-24-2017, 10:21 PM
The rhino I only leveled to 80 cuz I'm ocd about games, but they suck lol. There's nothing they can do better than any class no matter how I spec'ed him. Not worth it imho unless your simply having fun.

That's so depressing.

01-25-2017, 12:58 AM
Thank you for replying!
So far, at low levels I find both fox and rhino quite underwhelming.
For fun I made both full dex, forgotten bow, 3 pc, poured most skill points into their combos. Still I feel like the only way to play is dash to enemy - combo - auto - dash to next enemy - repeat. Not a little bit of aoe. It is no fun at all I hope the are useful skills left to unlock

Brave Sir Robin
01-25-2017, 05:29 AM
In my opinion, Rhinos are great if you like playing Pally. In fact, they are more efficient at tanking than pallies, with taunts and a charge which helps you to stay ahead of your group. They also have nice healing/support skills.

Health pool is an issue as you might need to tank and/or stay alive to keep your group up. So personally I put as many points in strength as possible. Even then, there are problems with bosses that ignore armor, like Vlad. For other bosses Rhinos are OK, for example the first time I did dragon slayer during Blacksmoke cap we had a rhino as tank and it worked very well.

Overall, Rhinos are excellent for pugging because they ensure that the run goes smoothly. I mean, you take care of tanking and healing, so even if the rest are terribads they can at least hit stuff. Not good for solo as damage is poor.

I play a level 62 rhino with the Orlok set for farming L.61 items. I use the following skills:


01-25-2017, 09:28 AM
Update: I started leveling up the rhino mostly because it got 1.5x blessing

Now it's level 22 with ridiculously low 1k kills and by now I found a build that I found enjoyable
It's the opposite of defensive build so I guess rhinos weren't made for me

Partly because there are no full PUGs but mostly because I love dealing damage I tried to get a build I can solo with

PVPers: immediately stop reading the following will contain skill builds that will make you sick

To show where I come from on my 22 mage / sand cave farmer I use
6 BoM
6 light
6 fire
1 ice storm
1 drain
1 rev

My strategy is 'no need for defense if you kill them first'

After some respecs my rhino is
6 vital force
6 holy tempest
1 charge
6 redemption
2 rhino might

Spec is (don't laugh) dex/int cause I hate to chug mana and I even consider going int set at 25 :o

Still for my style a mage or bird is much faster but as by now I find my rhino almost enjoyable :)

01-25-2017, 02:47 PM
That's so depressing.

Your sympathy makes me love you more