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View Full Version : Do not give out your account email and password!

06-29-2010, 09:46 AM
We do not tolerate account hijacking for any reason. If you see ANYONE in game asking for email and password, please take a screenshot and let me us know at support at spacetimestudios dot com and they will be banned without exception.

Spacetime Studios will in no way ask you for your password (if we need access to your account, we can just reset it internally).


King Richie
06-29-2010, 10:02 AM

06-29-2010, 11:35 AM
Quite a few people know my account information. :p

King Richie
06-29-2010, 11:47 AM
i do =) i think ...

06-29-2010, 11:52 AM
i do =) i think ...

You do, not sure if you remember it though.

06-29-2010, 11:52 AM
I choose you... banhammer!
http://blufiles.storage.live.com/y1pCuBPk-02cngxInnzCuPREOneRARVfF1rhSB48OI4QXndrSRzw52MSYP8 CZD6BXQw

06-29-2010, 12:01 PM
I think everybody already knows they shouldn't give their account info to random people lol.

06-29-2010, 12:31 PM
Cascade, I wouldn't be so sure. With the platforms this runs on, I suspect there are some very young kids playing as well as adults who have had little exposure to the vile beast that can be found in an MMO crowd.

06-29-2010, 12:40 PM
Also someone might try to impersonate a dev, so they're telling people they will never ask for your account info.

06-29-2010, 04:41 PM
GASP! were not supposed to tell anyone our account info? Whoops. LOL JK! i gave it to my best friend in real life so its all good

06-29-2010, 04:44 PM
w00t 11th post, 10th reply!

07-23-2010, 01:41 AM
Ohyeah???? 12th post 11th reply! Ownt.

07-23-2010, 01:48 AM

No, it's:

07-28-2010, 04:09 PM
Can i have some free stuff? Ohh wrong place yeah the google hammer woot!

08-27-2010, 06:47 AM
Pls i am freinds with popyjo on facebook, so i gave him my password and that to lvl it up, he then gave all my items to his character and 75k, he refuses to give them back, pls help, pls. Theres like a billion pinks there, pls, i used to be his freind, i am never giving password to anyone, even if they are freinds or not!!!!

08-27-2010, 06:59 AM
wow, I'm sorry to hear that Gunnderakk and I know you won't think that it's funny right now. But don't you think it's a tiny bit humorous that you post in the thread labeled Do not give out your account email and password! and in the 1st sentence of your post you say "so i gave him my password". I really do hope that it all gets sorted out but it just seemed to me a little funny. Good Luck and let me know if I can help.

08-27-2010, 07:05 AM
I'm pretty sure they ban people who give out their account info... so yeah... hum...

08-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Wow....just wow...

08-31-2010, 04:11 AM
that is so lame...sorry man hope it works out

08-31-2010, 04:36 AM
Pls i am freinds with popyjo on facebook, so i gave him my password and that to lvl it up, he then gave all my items to his character and 75k, he refuses to give them back, pls help, pls. Theres like a billion pinks there, pls, i used to be his freind, i am never giving password to anyone, even if they are freinds or not!!!!

Sorry but... i lold so hard i feel out of bed, knocking over the sidetable lamp, the lightbulb fell into my cup of sweet tea causing sparks to hit the stacks of fliers for my lost dog, which then ignited my curtains, which then ignited my room.. and now we have no house... and im sitting outside.. thx. -.-

10-05-2010, 02:28 AM
Pls i am freinds with popyjo on facebook, so i gave him my password and that to lvl it up, he then gave all my items to his character and 75k, he refuses to give them back, pls help, pls. Theres like a billion pinks there, pls, i used to be his freind, i am never giving password to anyone, even if they are freinds or not!!!!

Sorry but... i lold so hard i feel out of bed, knocking over the sidetable lamp, the lightbulb fell into my cup of sweet tea causing sparks to hit the stacks of fliers for my lost dog, which then ignited my curtains, which then ignited my room.. and now we have no house... and im sitting outside.. thx. -.-

Dont you think thats a bit drastic Twink? :o! Anyways, gunnderak, seriously why did you do that in the first place? Just level up normally and enjoy the features of the game as you go along ;D It isn't too hard to get one account to lvl 45, 45 - 50 however... hmm ;D im getting there :D

11-02-2010, 06:49 PM
i will be banning a lv 47 and all his 4 other chars for acc scamming :) feels good to take those.....people out of the game

11-02-2010, 09:27 PM
i will be banning a lv 47 and all his 4 other chars for acc scamming :) feels good to take those.....people out of the game
Wonder who it is...

How do you find delight in banning reporting and trolling.. just curious.

12-02-2010, 10:08 AM
Hey well I had someone account saved on my I device now it's banned. N my friend has received a message for breaking the rules but I haven't, so I wondering if someone can disband my I device or something

12-05-2010, 05:04 PM
Only the weakest newbies ask for passwords and account information, and deserve to be banned.

12-06-2010, 07:44 AM
Estraz if ur talkin about me I didn't do any thing wrong I just had my account saved on his touch which is why I was banned well that's my theory

12-19-2010, 02:47 PM
Something not very smart to do.

12-23-2010, 02:29 AM
I got a question. A friend that I have made in-game asked for my e-mail. He said he wanted to send me an e-mail. should I not give it to him? Will just my e-mail do any serious harm?

12-23-2010, 07:03 PM
sorry i couldnt get a screenshot but someone once did ask me my email and password, i remember he was a low level bear, better watch that catigory!

01-01-2011, 12:02 AM
sorry i couldnt get a screenshot but someone once did ask me my email and password, i remember he was a low level bear, better watch that catigory!

what's catigory?

01-31-2011, 03:14 PM
How to take screenshots on a HTC Desire ?

03-05-2011, 12:40 PM
Ya and there are people asking for acc info to hack your acc, giving you unlimited rares. I saw one of my PL friends let him do it, and then the hacker approaches me as my friend to try and show that the hack was real... Watch out, and don't be greedy

03-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Hi guys, there's a scammer/hacker amongest us his onscreen name is Veoraran; a lev 20 player. Supposedly has a lev 50 player by the name; and get this Lordmoke. Approached me when i was playing with my low level farmer (Fathom). His catch line "r u trustworthy". "Can i put my void set and 120,000 in ur stash". Thought this was a player who just hadn't had a chance to accumulate a stash large enough to store his items yet. But when he began to inquiry about my acct info and password red flags went up; so I informed him, you can't do this the game won't let you that, when he said all you have to do is give it to me. At that point I report this individual and informed all other players to be on the look out for him. Didn't know where else to post this, but here. Don't how long it takes the Devs. to act but thought I'd better get it out here for all players especially new players that might not know this.
High level players are:
Revox 55
Archerblue 52
Bblink 52
Apoaalyse 52

03-28-2011, 03:17 AM
I gave my email and password to a guy who's dad works for PL!! He told me that he would give me free plat and he did!! He begged me to lvl him to 50 so he told me his email and password and I lvled him up. The next day I was banned when he was 50 yesterday! Any reason?? Assomers, I know that you will not un-ban me... By the way his account name is Sharptip... :( I'm sad, the dev team hates me when I play PL... expecially Justg when I wanted to know some questions about Blackstar but at least Asommers replied to me. :)

03-28-2011, 03:23 AM
You need to direct your question to the dev's directly as they won't respond on the forums to this sort of post.

Contact them via support[at]spacetimestudios.com (replacing the [at] with @

Good luck

03-30-2011, 03:02 AM
I done that first thing with my email. Asommers sent me ' We will not be replying to these requests' so I decided to message them but they still don't.

03-30-2011, 08:18 AM
This is happening all threw the game, the other night one player kept posting will buy a under lvl 10 account 200k... i posted in main this is agains pl rules and that even asking could get this person banned, i explained banned is done via devise not just account, the player stopped posting, each time i changed charecters and re entered the room they where re advertising. It seems many players who are young are giving out their account info for reasons such as....

1) somone twlling them they will buy them plat
2) i can help you respec your account to make you stronger....
3) i can help you set up skills for combos i usually charge 800k but i like you ill do it for free....
4) let me take your account to a higher lvl i can farm for you and get you free gold and items.....

All followed by i just need your account and password.....

03-30-2011, 08:45 AM
I gave my email and password to a guy who's dad works for PL!! He told me that he would give me free plat and he did!! He begged me to lvl him to 50 so he told me his email and password and I lvled him up. The next day I was banned when he was 50 yesterday! Any reason?? Assomers, I know that you will not un-ban me... By the way his account name is Sharptip... :( I'm sad, the dev team hates me when I play PL... expecially Justg when I wanted to know some questions about Blackstar but at least Asommers replied to me. :)

Logging into another player's account is a no-no. Not allowed whatsoever. I will say no more :p

03-30-2011, 08:51 AM
Devs are very good about replys, the thought process here is...... There are how many thousand players? How ,any emails? It takes time ti sift threw thousands of e mails, and reply. I have played many games. PL is the first to have a dev team that takes the time to respond. Patience.....


P.S dont give out information not matter who somone Claims to be..

04-04-2011, 03:19 AM

04-07-2011, 03:12 PM
I find these threads very amusing and as comically as twink put it, funny enough to laugh myself out of bed to knock over the candle that caught the cat on fire who ran about the house setting it ablaze :)

On the serious side of the house, As an older player(father 40+) I work IT security for a large fortune 100 company, we even have adults doing this sort of crazyness. Granted this is a game, for you Kids and adults out there, an account that is shared, can often lead to someone taking over your email accounts and then exploiting other systems( facebook, utilities, banks acct...etc) that might happen email your account

Parents/adults - teach kids some cyberethics.

Kids - See the following

This is coming from a security analyst thats been there done that. Be smart about playing and interacting with people you do NOT KNOW.


05-29-2011, 08:37 PM
will selling/buying a account get u banned?

05-29-2011, 09:36 PM
will selling/buying a account get u banned?

Emphatic, absolute, positively not playing YES.

06-05-2011, 12:02 AM
Watchout guys there is someone saying "You Tube contest for 1000 Platinum!" I checked to see if it was real and he said "all you have to do is say hello in french" so I said it and then he said "Yay! you won! all I need now is your account password and E-mail so I can put the platinum onto your account!!! Yay!!" Sounds to me like a scam... his/her name was "Kausahandez"

06-06-2011, 07:05 PM
oh my oh my i got banned because i share my info with my family and they play on their devices one time

06-09-2011, 06:15 PM
Speaking of banning, I got nailed because when I type like on my Droid incredible in a hurry, I hihit k not l Ike. The rracial.slur hasnt been used in 50 years, and they wanna imply im hating Jews. Really ticks me off. Allow for.spellimg issues with touch screens.

10-13-2011, 12:08 PM
How are they trolling? Are you a scammer?

10-13-2011, 12:20 PM
Parents/adults - teach kids some cyberethics.

Kids - See the following

This is coming from a security analyst thats been there done that. Be smart about playing and interacting with people you do NOT KNOW.


Well said Rusalio! As a fellow infosec guy (I presume we are both (ISC)2 members? CISSP?) at the program level, I endorse the notion that the first $.40 of every dollar of security budget could best be used on awareness. Humans are the last line of defense, and the most intelligent security countermeasure in existence! Education is the key. Current events make a great conversation starter - e.g. the Hackerazzi thing in the news now. I can't believe celebrities these days would use such weak passwords or challenge questions - but thanks to them I have material for my next bulletin!! :D

A rep boost to you my colleague!

10-19-2011, 09:54 AM
i feel like this should be common sense for people lol

10-21-2011, 06:19 AM
Watchout guys there is someone saying "You Tube contest for 1000 Platinum!" I checked to see if it was real and he said "all you have to do is say hello in french" so I said it and then he said "Yay! you won! all I need now is your account password and E-mail so I can put the platinum onto your account!!! Yay!!" Sounds to me like a scam... his/her name was "Kausahandez"

Yeah, I saw that too. There was another guy called: Onikanoa or something like that. I have to go find it again but he was saying he could get people unlimited platinum 5x a day....so yeah...

10-21-2011, 11:06 AM
Yeah, I saw that too. There was another guy called: Onikanoa or something like that. I have to go find it again but he was saying he could get people unlimited platinum 5x a day....so yeah...

Report, report, report. :) Help keep Alterra nice and clean!

11-10-2011, 01:16 PM
Someone pretended he was a mod, then tried to trick me into telling him My details. He was BLOWN. I reported him, and never heard of him AGAIN... I wonder what happened? :)

11-10-2011, 01:17 PM
Report, report, report. :) Help keep Alterra nice and clean!
Yes, It must be kept Clean, That means no litter, and/or garbage. OK PEOPLE!!?? ;)

11-23-2011, 11:07 AM
Unless ur quitting

11-23-2011, 11:52 AM
Unless ur quitting

Nope even if you're quitting... It's against the terms. Check out my reply to your original thread should hopefully clarify it all there.

11-23-2011, 12:18 PM
Nope even if you're quitting... It's against the terms. Check out my reply to your original thread should hopefully clarify it all there.

Yep it is still against the "PL laws".

Even if you let your friend use your account.

12-05-2011, 11:19 PM
I have a question. Im not to clear on device bans? Cuz me, my cuzin, and my uncle enjoy PL. we have no intent on breaking the rules, but sumtimes ill let them use my phone, or vice versa ill use theirs. Can this result in us getting banned? Cuz he has his account logged in on my phone. Then i jst log bak in mine. Any help is appreciated :)

12-05-2011, 11:40 PM
Is using your dads tablet and gaining access to his unregistered acc to gain a few kills in pvp considered account hijacking? If so i wont do it again lol :P

12-20-2011, 10:28 AM

I was playing pocket legends and heard a possible (or definite) scam. Someone named Spacetimeon (sounds official) said to get free platinum, go to this website www.pocketlegends.yolasite.com

Of course I checked it out, because they made it sound official. I went to the website and it says pocket legends free platinum, has Gameforge and Gameloft symbols pasted with no trademarks. It does not say Spacetime anywhere. It asks how much platinum you want 100, 300, or 600. Then it asks for your email and password. And nothing else. I just checked again and it changed. The logos are gone and the font and text has changed.

I just thought if this is a scam, which it seems to be, it may possibly fool many people. Best to report it. I tried to send him a friend request and report him personally, but he did not respond. If there is an easier way to report please let me know. Someone else tried to buy my account in pm chat, but I unfriended him and disappeared before i could report him.

12-31-2011, 07:21 AM
I got the most fail scam. This lvl 1 came up to me and told me to change my face, becauz he was against ducks and wouldn't tell me why. Who hates ducks? Anyway I told him I didn't have 10 plat so he said his dad owns pl and he was gonna ban me frm the game I muted him and told him I was gonna report him. He left fast and he was gone frm my ignore list, so he probably deleted his character

01-23-2012, 02:31 AM
Umm.. Im just wondering, but i have my own ipod, but sometimes my sis uses it so i use me moms ipod, but she doesnt play pocket legends there for she doesnt have an account (Obviously :P), im wondering if this is against PL Laws?

01-23-2012, 11:28 AM
Umm.. Im just wondering, but i have my own ipod, but sometimes my sis uses it so i use me moms ipod, but she doesnt play pocket legends there for she doesnt have an account (Obviously :P), im wondering if this is against PL Laws?

Using your own account on different devices? No that's fine, that's not sharing accounts, its like using mobile and chrome, nothing wrong with that.

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk

01-23-2012, 08:06 PM

01-24-2012, 02:25 AM
Using your own account on different devices? No that's fine, that's not sharing accounts, its like using mobile and chrome, nothing wrong with that.

Sent from my LG-MS690 using Tapatalk

01-24-2012, 10:40 PM
I have a fresh tip for those who may have only recently gotten hip to the whole "don't give out your email and password" bit...

If someone says to you "Dude, pull my finger!", don't do it. Its not even very funny...

01-25-2012, 03:26 PM
Never ask give or sell accounts... One of my friends sold a LVL 1... And got banned! DONT DONT IT!

01-25-2012, 03:57 PM
And never use "manrules" as your password. If you do, your account will be deleted.

01-25-2012, 07:53 PM
It is only safe to give your account info to the lawyer for a Nigerian princess, and only if the lawyer emails you first asking for help. Then it's cool. If however the lawyer calls you on the phone asking for his friend Mike, hang up immediately. NOT cool.

02-11-2012, 08:25 PM
Well said Rusalio! As a fellow infosec guy (I presume we are both (ISC)2 members? CISSP?) at the program level, I endorse the notion that the first $.40 of every dollar of security budget could best be used on awareness. Humans are the last line of defense, and the most intelligent security countermeasure in existence! Education is the key. Current events make a great conversation starter - e.g. the Hackerazzi thing in the news now. I can't believe celebrities these days would use such weak passwords or challenge questions - but thanks to them I have material for my next bulletin!! :D

A rep boost to you my colleague!

Yes part of those infosec exchanges. Totally agree education is key here. Come to think of if, why couldnt this sort of education be part of the education channels on tv as a free tv spot. I think that old and young would benefit alike. People dont understand how bits a peices of information collected overtime amount too. Social media like fb and apps that have others answering questions about others need to be truly understood of what becomes of the collection of information. Account sharing or passwords is only one facet of the big picture :)

03-14-2012, 10:00 PM
why would you give your acc?

04-11-2012, 07:03 PM
Is it a permanent ban or a temporary ban?

06-21-2012, 08:05 AM
Umm i see alot of failed scammer but i dont habe pc or camera so questions is how can u take a pic of ur phone with ur phone lol

06-23-2012, 09:51 AM
How do you get unbanned!!!!

06-23-2012, 11:05 AM
How do you get unbanned!!!!

Hello for more information please visit us at: http://support.spacetimestudios.com/entries/20428617-i-ve-been-banned-help

Thank you,

06-23-2012, 11:11 AM
Umm i see alot of failed scammer but i dont habe pc or camera so questions is how can u take a pic of ur phone with ur phone lol


Here is a links for Android phones on how to record screen shots.


Thank you for playing Dark Legends!