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View Full Version : 😌 Some clips by 2 players JUST AFTER mega INT set nerf [huge armor & mana nerf]

01-28-2017, 09:33 AM
Just after the mega nerf I sold my dex set and bought INTEX set to be on the challenging side :p
These clips are from that period, after mega nerf of int set but before the latest updates, it's time to find how much int mages were weak [ or WAS IT REALLY WEAK? ] AGAINST OTHER CLASSES at that particular time -


There's one other but great video from one EXTREAMLY PRO mage in the exact same period, in supporting pretty pretty much weak mages, his/her OUTSTANDING PRONESS really amazed me in this video, so please watch it carefully :O -


I'd not post the video, but only because -

I mean....... we can 1v1 if you got intex set.....
Sorry I really don't waste my time trying against such pro mage, but maybe if i buy intex again :)

On a more serious note :- I said the purpose, but anybody who followed my posts and threads know that I advocated for int set should get more armor till date EVEN BEFORE blaster making set NOW with warband and providing whooping more stat bonus.

On a side note, This video ain't monetized yet but I'll do that after few days, removing the embedding :P

01-28-2017, 10:10 PM
Personally I always hoped for Int to be powerful, but with a high skill cap. Most potent AOE by far, about on par with dex bird for single target, but a glass cannon with some armor. In exchange for the superior AOE (versus dex bird), they don't have good dodge, but somewhat decent armor.

Edit: Judging by the video, I'd say the damage nerfs went way too far.

I think that yeah, feedback should be frequently given.

01-29-2017, 06:04 AM
I should edit the post & make the sarcasm wider, it gone too fine ;(


02-01-2017, 10:42 AM
Lol so the family mage joined and waved, didn't buff and you killed... the bear that typically play bird then sat and you got another free kill... then you used video editing to make yourself look better than you actually are.... i remember when you had intex on this mage. I remember beating it 4 to 0 before you left. Finding newgens and people on alts to kill proves nothing... i noticed you didn't play vs any dex mages or known good birds or bears. Boltings is a pve player... People that actually play pvp will notice these things. I believe you missed the point of Mymysticalmags video showing that mage lost an extreme amount of its ability to survive. But nice editing.

02-01-2017, 10:57 AM
Lol so the family mage joined and waved, didn't buff and you killed... the bear that typically play bird then sat and you got another free kill... then you used video editing to make yourself look better than you actually are.... i remember when you had intex on this mage. I remember beating it 4 to 0 before you left. Finding newgens and people on alts to kill proves nothing... i noticed you didn't play vs any dex mages or known good birds or bears. Boltings is a pve player... People that actually play pvp will notice these things. I believe you missed the point of Mymysticalmags video showing that mage lost an extreme amount of its ability to survive. But nice editing.

Actually you missed the whole purpose of the video, the viabily of intex set AGAINS OTHER classes and set not to show skill against another wand mage, and I showed quite continued fighting rather than just clips of kills.

The rest of the post doesn't even deserve my time to be wasted.

02-01-2017, 11:09 AM
Actually you missed the whole purpose of the video, the viabily of intex set AGAINS OTHER classes and set not to show skill against another wand mage, and I showed quite continued fighting rather than just clips of kills.

The rest of the post doesn't even deserve my time to be wasted.

Once again... finding people on alts and pve players to kill in pvp proves nothing...Once again... anyone who actually does pvp will notice you picked your targets carefully and avoided actual good players... So your video proves nothing other than you know who to boost kills from lol

02-01-2017, 11:20 AM
Once again... finding people on alts and pve players to kill in pvp proves nothing...Once again... anyone who actually does pvp will notice you picked your targets carefully and avoided actual good players... So your video proves nothing other than you know who to boost kills from lol

BTW I forgot to say, I never had intex set b4, I bought just after the mega nerf and did PvP then sell, ppls dream a lot much, well that's good.

I didn't choose carefully infect, I just play n record then leave recorder alone, u wanna live in a fantasy world that's fine I don't have problem with that. Those clips had it purpose, it quite successful to show that.

02-01-2017, 12:35 PM
BTW I forgot to say, I never had intex set b4, I bought just after the mega nerf and did PvP then sell, ppls dream a lot much, well that's good.

I didn't choose carefully infect, I just play n record then leave recorder alone, u wanna live in a fantasy world that's fine I don't have problem with that. Those clips had it purpose, it quite successful to show that.

Lie all you want... i saw you get farmed in your set by everyone with even players with minimal skill... I'm not wasting anymore time stating the obvious... But i will say this.... If mage was so overpowered before the nerf why didn't you just use your mage and enjoy the "opness" as you put it... The answer is because it wasn't... It's your lack of green ping, as observed in your videos.

02-01-2017, 12:50 PM
Lie all you want... i saw you get farmed in your set by everyone with even players with minimal skill... I'm not wasting anymore time stating the obvious... But i will say this.... If mage was so overpowered before the nerf why didn't you just use your mage and enjoy the "opness" as you put it... The answer is because it wasn't... It's your lack of green ping, as observed in your videos.

You know what, I'm not in a mood to play third grade politics here, u u, me me blah blah, I like to talk in logical facts in a logical way. Just find my balancing threads and if you can, bring up ur valid criticism other than 'u this' 'u that' blah blah, I'll be there to answer it. thank you.

02-01-2017, 01:28 PM
You know what, I'm not in a mood to play third grade politics here, u u, me me blah blah, I like to talk in logical facts in a logical way. Just find my balancing threads and if you can, bring up ur valid criticism other than 'u this' 'u that' blah blah, I'll be there to answer it. thank you.
Valid facts like the fact that if mage was as op as you said it was you would have simply used mage and enjoyed being op? Sorry if my common sense won't let me be fooled extravagant wording...

02-01-2017, 10:24 PM
Valid facts like the fact that if mage was as op as you said it was you would have simply used mage and enjoyed being op? Sorry if my common sense won't let me be fooled extravagant wording...

Seems nice fact/logic, right. But major fault in it is, it BACKFIRES, how? Now if I apply this to u - If you think birds are op, or switch to any class/build that u think op. Boom problem solved? Common sense?

02-02-2017, 05:46 PM
Seems nice fact/logic, right. But major fault in it is, it BACKFIRES, how? Now if I apply this to u - If you think birds are op, or switch to any class/build that u think op. Boom problem solved? Common sense?
My bird is dorilan... Yes its op... I use purple blaster and win vs intex mages