View Full Version : Why the TOS is against account sharing & gold/account trading.

01-28-2017, 12:36 PM
So i noticed a thread earlier asking why account sharing isnt allowed, and I've been asked many other times why account sharing, gold/account buying is prohibited.

First and foremost, everything you see from the moment you launch AL is property of STS. This includes your account and every item and all the gold within it. It clearly states it in the TOS you initially agreed to.

When you sell gold and accounts for personal gain, you are basically selling someone else's property, which is essentially the definition of piracy. Piracy would not only get you banned from the game, but also could potentially get you in legal trouble if STS decided to pursue action.

Account sharing is not only prohibited because an account is identically only meant for you, who read and agreed to the TOS, but also it opens up the possibility of fraud. When you share your account with "your brother" who lives on the other side of the world whom youve never met before, you not only risk "your brother" compromising your AL account, but also your email account and all the credit cards you have tied to that account, which leads to identity theft. If you have bought plat, more likely than not, you have a credit card tied to the account.

There is a sleu of issues that can come up from account trading/sharing and gold selling that make it justifiable to prohibit via the TOS. So be smart and just say no.

01-28-2017, 02:46 PM

01-28-2017, 04:41 PM

Ahh yes, and the phishing

01-28-2017, 06:24 PM
Back in the days of the comic-strip by Delphina everybody knows why. But know players tends to forget or new players don't know about it, this thread is a wake up call to players old and new. Thumbs up!

01-28-2017, 07:25 PM
Back back in the day before wifi, even ip sharing wasnt allowed by most gaming companies.