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View Full Version : Platinum Spendings ? What if it was gold? :)

10-04-2011, 07:14 AM
Well Its a little guild On vanity, New Character, Stash Slots, Etc and how I think they should make these items purchaseable with gold!

Ok so The cost for a vanity 5 plat which is probally bout $0.99 so where spending almost $1 on a helmet but what if We had gold purchaseable vanity! Maybe 10k? hmm hmm ?

Next We have the character Slots, these cost 5 plat as well which is bout $0.99 so bout a dollar for a new character. So if you have For ex. 80 character like evolt maybe? Correct me if im wrong , This would equal $80 for 80 characters but what if it was 25k for a new character? Hmm Hmmm?

Stash Slots/Inventory are about 2 plat for ?? Slots so bout $0.50 but what about the 10 plat ones which would equal $2 for 50 slots? But how bout 2.5k for slots? Hmm Hmm?

Ill update later Plz read my opiniouns Thx for listening, Off to school(:

10-04-2011, 07:20 AM
STS needs income somehow. I'd rather spend gold than plat but I like supporting spacetimestudios :)

10-04-2011, 07:35 AM
The devs can't pay rent or feed their families with gold lol


10-04-2011, 07:45 AM
without plat devs would live under a bridge and programming the game with a commodore64 they got from recycling... do u really want that??

10-04-2011, 07:45 AM
The things that you are discussing are considered "premium" things. Basically you don't need anything that you have listed to play the game. One can get by with only one character, no vanity and no stash/inventory slots. The game is considerably upgraded if you spend real money to make it more enjoyable. STS does need money and anyone who is willing to overlook these upgrades can enjoy the game without being hindered in any way really. Looking at anything that costs actual money, none of it is a necessary to play. Elixirs, CS slots, premium characters, extra maps (elite, PVP, CTF)... all of the things are basically extra.

One a side note, the gold alternatives that you mention are so low that no one will really opt to play plat for them anymore which would cause STS to suffer revenue losses and eventually affect the game. If you wanted to make these items gold available they would have to be more like the plat to gold rations that are already in game, and those rates are so horrible that some might actually still purchase things with plat instead of farming for the gold. I was thinking more like 1M for a 5 plat vanity or 2.5M for inventory/stash slots; the idea is that you have to make these upgrades so ridiculously high to get with gold that players are willing to take the easy road to get them. Look at how STS is using the easy crafting system and making recipes available if you're willing to spend plat instead of grinding in hopes of a random drop.

Making items that were only plat purchases now available via gold would also cause a riot, those that used real money for something that is now bought with in-game currency would be a bit upset. Look at how mad some players got when items were being brought back that they though were a one-time things, imagine that but to the tenth power. Players would be irate they spent real money for something another player can just grind for hours to get. Well those are just my thoughts at least, I don't buy items with play very often so these are not my personal views but rather what I've seen over time in reaction to some of the choices that STS has made in the past.

10-04-2011, 07:47 AM
I think I lol'd. Paar, there has already been many threads about this. The answer has always been no, unfortunately. There is a reason though, as shown by Max in the screenshot above. You have to remember, even though this is a game, the people who make it treat it as a job. As much as I would love for pixel money to hold value and be able to be spent in real life, I know it won't happen. Sorry and remember, the search button is your friend. :)

10-04-2011, 03:31 PM
Lol Apollo I understand and by the way I dislike the search button very strongly... Hes rude, abnoxious, and just plain rude!

10-04-2011, 07:23 PM
i agree with Gluttony here

if any of these things are ever made to be purchased with gold then i think it should be ridiculously expensive (5 plat item = 1mil gold)

although i do think STS should come up with something for the end game ppl to spend their gold on so that they dont just get filthy rich and we end up with crazy prices in the future
I remember when i was starting i looked at something and saw it cost 200k and thought WTH how is that even possible as i couldnt even afford potions LOL

but imagine when a new person comes in now and ppl are selling one item for 3mil...it just seems hopeless

i certainly hope that something comes with future maps to get rid of gold so that prices will not get much higher than they are now.

10-06-2011, 01:49 AM
I don't agree with purchasing vanity items, auctions/slash/inventory slots, premium items, creating new characters, and pots...with gold. Like RR said, devs need actual money to feed on build on and improving this game :) I think the daily discounts on different plat items is good enough! If a player does not have plats, then just stick with the ordinary. I do have many characters and I only do 4X pot runs since a month ago (even for my lvl 1s). I've purchased over 10k plats and I'm very happy spending it. Afterall, this game is free for most, and it is far better than other free MMRPG games out there...
...rest in peace Mr. Jobs...

10-06-2011, 06:42 AM
I see what your saying everyone , because sts get there money from this , but it was a suggestion and thx for your comments :)

10-06-2011, 07:56 AM
You do not have to buy plat, its your choice.