View Full Version : Order Fury Jewels

01-28-2017, 05:55 PM
I'd like to know how many of you use Order Fury Jewels and what your thoughts are on them.



02-05-2017, 06:30 AM
I use no order fury jewels in my gear . As a tank i need good armor and hp .. The damage boost from them is not really needed in mausoleum imo . Leave the dmg/dps to rogues/mages. I'm not saying you should not use them , but they are not really a "must have". Better use normal fury jewels becouse they are a cheaper alternative .

02-06-2017, 12:43 AM
Same here if u r focusing on tanking order jwels are not that imp....

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02-11-2017, 09:16 AM
So I decided to upgrade all my superb Fury to superb order Fury. If I remember right my dps is 1538 with mishi and dragon sword. My armor is 7300+ when buffed. I have two noble chaos in gear too. I absolutely agree with the armor health as the #1 priority.

I'm glad I did it, the real benefit is I have no shortage of invites to party in maus 1-5. The extra damage helps kill mobs faster, no question. Glad I can have more of an impact of clearing mobs quicker along with dragon sword stun and lava proc.

Thanks for input y'all and see ya in game!


01-07-2018, 01:05 PM
Order jewels dmg increase isn’t so much and they cost a lot more so i would just stay with fury jewels

01-07-2018, 01:24 PM
I understand the roll of warriors and tanking. I just don’t get why a tank would not want to have, 1. The highest armor and health. 2. Along with higher dmg/dps?

The feeling I have is that one is more important than the other and while I agree armor/health has precidence, it should not put dmg/dps on the shelf. This is my opninion.

Also, the game has evolved. Rogues and mages abilities and focus has changed a little. They are both a lot tankier with sets and gear.

I think a tank that only worries about armor and health is going to be left behind as the game continues to evolve.

01-08-2018, 07:03 AM
I understand the roll of warriors and tanking. I just don’t get why a tank would not want to have, 1. The highest armor and health. 2. Along with higher dmg/dps?

The feeling I have is that one is more important than the other and while I agree armor/health has precidence, it should not put dmg/dps on the shelf. This is my opninion.

Also, the game has evolved. Rogues and mages abilities and focus has changed a little. They are both a lot tankier with sets and gear.

I think a tank that only worries about armor and health is going to be left behind as the game continues to evolve.

hmmmmm .... well my dps is now over 3k as a warrior, so warriors are doing ok?!?!?!
It used to be each class has its role, warriors tank ... rogues have dps ... and mages were crowd control. Now those lines are now blurred, especially in the mausoleum. Mages are the primary damage dealers (if using the correct kit). If warriors using the 66 dream blade, or the terror blade, they are actually doing a fair amount of crowd control.
But that is slightly off topic.

It would be nice to have the extra damage from order fury jewels, but they are so friggin expensive?!?!?
Personally im full exquisite fury jewels ... to upgrade to full precise will cost a great deal of gold, (over 100 million gold) for just a 21 point strength boost ... thats a LOT @_@
So i stuck with exquisites.

01-08-2018, 10:27 AM
I’m running full noble order fury in my gear. I’ve been treating jewel upgrades like a personal quest.

It’s my opninion that jewel upgrades are overlooked by most players. Jewels can be removed and resocketed so a focus should be on them as much as gear upgrades.

Jewels are getting cheaper now. I think STS should consider higher tier jewel drops as an option, excellent - noble from bosses at the very least.

08-12-2018, 08:03 PM
The order jewels are a pain in the butt!! Price is coming down now atleast.