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10-04-2011, 07:43 AM
Soooo fellow slegenders, let me ask you a little question.

Do you think you're too old and wise to gain a space-race techno-education in all things gadget-lore and electro-wizardry? Can't teach an old dog new tricks? Are you, to put it simply, too cool for school? Then stop reading NOW, my friends, coz this post ain't for you. Pfffft, we didn't want you anyways! But, on the other hand, if you're looking for a little, ahem, eddduuucaaation in the ways of space and other thingimyjibs like "transponder coils", "di-lithium wotsits", and "electro-psionic thrill pills" then look no further! (Eh, what? Never heard of an EP thrill pill?! Damn n00bs -_-).

So what's this all about you ask? Well, allow me enlighten you.

The Engineers College is recruiting! Oh indeedy! And no, we're not just for Engineers, and (let's be honest) we're not really a 'college'. We are, in fact, a centre for research and exploration of star-philosophy, techno-legending, and a collective festering hatred for the frickin liberal-arts and humanities in all their insidious forms.

Within the Guild, the two current faculties:

The Order of Lazarus - Specifically for those Engineers that wish to learn and teach the ways of electro-monasticism and good vibes. An austere way of life for those in this faculty; characterized by penance and self-lessness. If you wanna help your fellow man, then let Lazarus show you the path. FYI, a word to the wise: It is also rumoured that members of this Order possess the key to great secrets and mysteries, belonging to a fraternity dedicated to far darker arts than the image they present to the general public, but shhhhhhh don't let the Devs find out!

The Guard of Medina - Dedicated to the security and defense of the College, the Gaurd consist of the Commandos and Operatives that stand vigilant against all our enemies -- be they space-griefer or alien-troll. As masters of PvP, they will demonstrate fortitude and skill in all the martial arts and be prepared to lay down their lives for the cause. Members of the Guard are said to be in the highest ranks of the guild.

Anyways, that's about it fellow players. If ya wanna join then message me ingame, I'm currently looking for officers. My name's Mohandis.

Cya ingame :)

10-04-2011, 09:27 AM
Love the story, ideas, and philosophies :D
Fantastic luck with your guild, see you in-game


Draco Mikato
10-04-2011, 09:32 AM
Excellent post, I think you'll attract some good members. Good luck!

10-05-2011, 06:12 AM
Messrs. Octavos & Mikato, thanking you kindly.

However, since I intend to uhm *bump* this thread mercilessly and persistently, you may all be cursing my name soon enough.

/jk (kinda)

10-05-2011, 06:20 AM
*******mohandis!(yea your name so special it diserve lil stars around it

10-05-2011, 07:41 AM
*******mohandis!(yea your name so special it diserve lil stars around it

Ty, ****Phoenixking****

Ain't multiculturalism and the dangers of transliteration (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/مهندس) a curious thing?

10-05-2011, 07:52 AM
Very nice work!! One question... is this one of those colleges where I can get my degree in my pajamas? Potential deal-breaker... :D

10-05-2011, 10:06 AM
Very nice work!! One question... is this one of those colleges where I can get my degree in my pajamas? Potential deal-breaker... :D

Nope, wearing pajamas or any other form of revealing/alluring/skimpy nightwear will never gain you a diploma from our establishment. I'm not that kind of college professor -_- .

And yes sireebob, all the qualifications here at the Engineers College are 100% bonafide and legit. Gained only after years of skillspamming and the onset of the final -- and sadly, terminal -- stages of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

...In fact, speaking of degrees... you've given me some ideas! *rubs hands*