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View Full Version : My opinions on end game content

01-29-2017, 07:48 AM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

01-29-2017, 08:41 AM
what will i do with voice set in pvp ( also i dont want to spend time on something that will become trash next expansion )
Well , kinda . Sometimes i log on to chat with friends and guild , otherwise im on a break until the next event

01-29-2017, 09:08 AM
1. no

a) I am at 183k points and haven't looted a single balanced scale, no symia egg, no mythic armor.
b) I have crafted the enlightened belt, it neither glows in the dark nor do its stats justify an arcane shard.
c) To get all the crafting materials for the Voice set, I'll be still grinding mauso in the year 2018 and spending my gold for that I am kinda done after having crafted a crappy Antignome armor and the same crappy Banished armor. At least we can now re-craft an undesired item with only one scale.
d) I have crafted the balanced daggers and playing with them is underwhelming.
3. no

01-29-2017, 10:33 AM
1) no
2) rewards are not worth my time or gold. all the new gear except arcane armor (btw its a p2w item, non-farmable) is worse than what I already have. all the new pets are worse than ones I already have. I'm at 29k pts in mauso and dont see any reason to get more.
3) no, im not enjoying the game since cryostar expansion. Literally no progress in anything.

Suentous PO
01-29-2017, 11:40 AM
1: not for voice set, not for balanced weapons, not for undying armor.
2: (in order of above) craft materials too rare a drop & too expensive too much grinding- same as b4 plus proc & stats poor- too rare a drop and too ankh costly
3: yeah but I'm shifting focus away from endgame as soon as I hit whatever's after lightbearer

01-29-2017, 12:33 PM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

1. Nope.

2. We have to pay a ridiculous amount of gold for a useless helm to become exalted.

3. I did enjoy grinding to Elite Lightbearer and the Exalted Questline (except paying for that helm), but I've done everything I could and now I'm just waiting for the next expansion.

01-29-2017, 04:21 PM
Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? At the moment, no
I have 182K rank points and I am broke because I spent my savings on the hallowed circlet to become exalted rank, an Item that is no good at the moment.
I do enjoy the game, however, I do not put as much into the game as before, hitting exalted rank with no free rewards for our effort caused big disappointment

01-29-2017, 04:32 PM
So, my two cents; I think there should be a progressive dmg and armor modifier based on the amount of kills in maus. We already have this, so now give the community a progressive increase based on points. At least we would have a reason to continue to grind beyond a super ultra rare scale or egg drop. Call it a wisdom bonus 😬.

Either that or give us back our stats that was taken away from the arcane ring for. Every 50k kills we get back 2 points of primary stat.

Eriel Delgado
01-30-2017, 06:40 AM
pretty much everything has been nerfed to the core, tooths, runner chest, heck even lepre feels nerfed. best thing to do now is kill stuff in graveyard for gold loot or just pt with guild mates for simple old elites such as orcs or underhul.

01-30-2017, 07:21 AM
Yes i still enjoy pvp in this game

01-30-2017, 10:04 AM
Everything is so complicated now u need 100 things to craft. u can't even farm good stuff unless u run 10,000 times. Endgame Pvp is so unbalanced it's not even fun dmg is way to high armor and health to low to compensate the dmg. Gear progression for low lvl is messed up cuz endgame and everything is scaled as one. Bring back farming like 26 31 cap that was fun and rewarding. I can't even get out of graveyard by the time I do a new cap will be here . Everything is meh right now.

01-30-2017, 11:21 AM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

IMO, the game is excessively elaborate these days... Seems to be too many directions to go and nothing really rewarding/time worthy once you get there..... In the past (the days of Locked Grant Crate of the Watch, specifically), the game was simpler, more fun, and the rewards/accomplishments were TIME WORTHY which made it HARD to put the controller down.... These days, on the other hand, the game seems to be all over the place and "things that aren't broke" are being "FIXED", which is a BAD thing..... Definitely is HARDER to pick up the controller these days.... I honestly believe a lot of the implemented changes that were made were unnecessary and actually hurt the game more than it helped (jewel system, configurations, very frequent set releases.)..... Unbalanced, banished, cryo this and that, ETC., ETC.............

01-30-2017, 11:22 AM
2-been 1 year im playing AL, and now im so disappointed since i'm dark apostle, i though that at least the circlet would be my new helm! but when i saw the stats!! loll i want to cry!!!, all that time and effort and the only way u can show your friend u are a dark apostle is by opening a stun bomb??? no van, no title, no extra buff, nothing except ability to craft bomb and voice set(that im not gonna craft), i feel very sad about that.
3-and now for the first time since i play, i dont feel the enthusiastic mood that have keep me playing hours and hours since 1 year, i log and i dont even feel to make run... Before i got last rank, arcane legend was the best game in the world for me, but now u give me a cold shower!!! Please do something STS!

Eagle Eye229
01-30-2017, 11:36 AM
1: no, I'm around 40k points and have just completely stop playing end game content.In every other expansion since we had to pay plat to get into balefort castle in pl have I spent the vast majority of my time farming EG.

2: Gold drops are a pretty sad excuse for new content, umm new items would be nice o.O. the buzz about the new mythics makes me go to sleep.gold loot is boring,really boring. Plasma pyramid runs anyone?

I feel most of us wouldn't complain so much if we had new items (lets be real,its mostly procs we like)to farm in Maus, ,theres nothing to hope for but gold and the same ole pink drops. ZzZzz. At this point its a waste of time and death farming.

3: I enjoy the other aspects of the game, it was made well with something to do for every kind of player,up until underhul. new expansion maps are for no players atm, I truly hope sts has something good cooking.

Give us items like:

Mage weap proc- Charm enimies

Rogue weap proc- confuse

Warrior weap proc- aoe life drain.

Any Things like these on new items or whatever would be leagues better than more gold from enemies.

And what newly capped player is going to want to try and earn 1.5m from gold drops just to get one shard. I feel its 33% way to much and 200% not worth the effort to do in chancel of light maps.

Just my opinion, GL sts please never another expansion that is like this,pls. Push out the new expansion!

Thank you for your time


01-30-2017, 12:04 PM
1.yes and no

2.YES,since i dont farm locked crate anymore (R.I.P KM3) so just focusing on getting the gold drop from graveyard using gl weapon and not for the rank points.
NO,because i dont loot any good items from bosses except just the gold and token

3.yes ONLY when cryostar chamber open..not the endgame content..even the common tier items like rusty blade,splintered shield and rusty daggers are way more high valuable then looting common weapon from graveyard and mausoleum..so i run endgame for the gold to buy the previous expansion items

01-30-2017, 12:32 PM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

1) for me no, i love my revives..and its worth more then gold. - i can get gold at other places, that's more suited for my play style.
2.)see #1
3). yes just not endgame... takes to long, yet im still on graveyard, which at this point..will not reach the titles and gear at that level (not until my gear can match the bosses HP and attacks..or survive long enough where i would benefit me). I have fun at older continent that i can farm solo.

endgame atm is an "elite" play-style, that will kill you without a good party...to much dmg, for my low geared player (but enough to do other elite levels).

01-30-2017, 01:21 PM
... Seems to be too many directions to go and nothing really rewarding/time worthy once you get there....
seems about everyone saying similar things. i said it before. km3 may be considered boring, but was maybe triple times more rewarding than any farming now. and it shouldn't necessarily be km3 - anything (new) would do, if it gives similar or more reward to what was previously made-able.

Yes, twilight expansion Was rewarding - but only in the beginning; only at the start, before the pinks prices dwindled down to nothing.
Every (not consumable) item reward's value goes down with time and over-saturation, so i'm uncertain what to suggest. Maybe, if new not consumable rewarding items are introduced, i may suggest their drop rate to start high and to be reduced in time to avoid over-saturation. But probably the km3 model was better - just drop some consumable rewarding item, with good value; and the drop rate to be about the same as the rate it is consumed/needed - I mean, not so rare like scales and symia, to not be worth to farm them; but also not that common to the point that items lose their value. Maybe a rate with which you'd expect to find few of these items in a day (or in an hour, depends on their value) - such a rate, that will make players conciser their farming time 'worthwhile'.
Or bring back km3, it's always some solution.
Last one. Can increasing golddrops make farming worthwhile? I doubt it, golddrops should be tripled to make it worthwhile, but this will probably make so that Gold to lose its value (inflation), which will again make farming gold not worthwhile. The gold coming daily into the game should be about the same as the gold coming out (to not cause inflation), and sts already has this data, i'm sure.
These were my 'two cents', suggestions, if anyone cares for them :)

01-30-2017, 01:50 PM
IMO you can earn pretty good gold at the new maps. Good gold loot, gold elite runner chests, some pink drops, and at last farming coins for the mythic balanced armor which sells for 1m currently. i see no issues. 800 tokens are easily farmed and worth a mil.

01-30-2017, 02:28 PM
800 tokens are easily farmed and worth a mil.
About one year ago dragon hunter weps came out, there was a plat sale etc. - mas ren was over 150k, i could make 1mil in a day.
Yes, this is an extreme example, but how long you're making 800 tokens? just curios

01-30-2017, 02:44 PM
IMO you can earn pretty good gold at the new maps. Good gold loot, gold elite runner chests, some pink drops, and at last farming coins for the mythic balanced armor which sells for 1m currently. i see no issues. 800 tokens are easily farmed and worth a mil.

I see what you are saying but.... That's the problem..... Farming for GOLD is boring because, in reality, unless the gold you receive is SUBSTANTIAL, you are still going to have to farm forever to get a worthy amount of gold.... If you get the gold SETS, well, it's going to be awhile before you get that money back to make it a worthy investment...... 800 tokens, IMO is NOT impossible but, it's not "easily farmed"..... Like you said, "you can use the tokens to get the mythic armor and sell for 1 mil"..... Well, that's easier said than done because you must FIRST reach lightbearer before you can get the mythics (which requires TOKENS)... By the time you reach LIGHTBEARER rank and are eligible to get the mythic armor with tokens, you will be so burned out from running somberholt millions of times just to reach lightbearer rank that it will be hard to find the "mental energy" to continue running somberholt to get more coins, especially 800.....

01-30-2017, 02:46 PM
I hope this content lasts at least til end of April.

01-30-2017, 02:49 PM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

1. No
2. LoL drop rates on anything of value. No income to be had just running elites (you know....actually playing the game). Why must everything be crafted, when, after all the Arcane Shards, Balanced Scales, etc., etc., you develop gear that, at best, is marginally better than the plentiful Legendaries? I also despise the no-warning one hit deaths (curse in particular). There is nothing in end game mechanics that I consider interesting anymore; it's all about trying to avoid one hit deaths (skill genuinely does not even come into play anymore) and minimizing cost per run, since there is no good way to make positive income based on farming.
3. No. I used to love the game. In fact, I was a super hardcore player that analyzed every facet of the game, devised strategies to farm efficiently, whether in a party or solo, and avidly supported the game and the community. But, now this has turned into a game of monopoly, gambling and crafting.....if I wanted all of that, I would have played in a different game. The only thing that keeps me here are the few friends that haven't left yet, and the memories of days long past, when farming was fun, skill was rewarded, and steady income could be had just playing the game as intended.

01-30-2017, 03:45 PM
it take me around 5-6 days to get 1000 tokens, but im running almost only maus4-5, boss and mini boss and corvis give u 9 token so in 1 maus5 its no rare to get 27 tokens!

01-30-2017, 04:46 PM
I actually dont run so much. rl is busy. but i'm on my third mythic armor, the first one i sold for 2m, the second one for 1.5.
800 coins arent too much if u consider that m5 gives u 9-40 tokens per run.
i guess i need around 1-2 weeks per armor. if you add the gold loot, legendary drops and the gold elite runner chests its quite a bit of money. + there is a chance of looting a scale, an egg, an armor or even a shard.
i guess thats just my opinion.

01-30-2017, 06:53 PM
I began playing AL nearly 4 years ago, it was not only my first STS game, but also my first MMO, and it was an extraordinary experience for me. AL had given me tons of fun memories.

And as for me, i have not actively engaged endgame content since the original Shuyal expansion. And by "active" i mean playing the endgame area. Although upon the shuyal arena revamp, i had relatively played through the arena quite a bit. But generally my desire for endgame has never been very strong.

I had never completed even the normal maps of Tindirin, Glintstone, Garetta, and the current area. And i believe i have finally realized the reason behind it. My desire for playing RPG's and, well, in general video games, has become diluted. I must be growing out of my childhood passion.

AL is definitely a great game, and kudos to gary and the team for keeping it breathing. I have only been online a small handful of times since september, and only to greet and chill with some old friends.

I have not followed anything in this expansion (heck'n i not even kno name of new town), and i have respectfully come to the conclusion that my time has come to end my adventure in AL. But I might still pop up from time to time to troll the controversial topics or shine a light on common sense.

01-30-2017, 10:28 PM
Everything is so complicated now u need 100 things to craft. u can't even farm good stuff unless u run 10,000 times. Endgame Pvp is so unbalanced it's not even fun dmg is way to high armor and health to low to compensate the dmg. Gear progression for low lvl is messed up cuz endgame and everything is scaled as one. Bring back farming like 26 31 cap that was fun and rewarding. I can't even get out of graveyard by the time I do a new cap will be here . Everything is meh right now.

sounds like pocket legends lol

Luciano Lobo
01-31-2017, 12:19 AM
1) No
2) Because they requiere an inmense quantity of time playing the game wich is absurd and cuts the fun of the game. The "making sets" formula is failing miserably from expansion to expasion. This will be my last time playing an expansion if this formula continues.
3) No. Unfortunaly the developers have fail once again in giving players a CONSISTENCY in contents. This might be the third or fourth time in a row increasing gradually in every expansion. They need to understand once and for all that this a mobile game and by no means it should CONFUSE people with complicated chains of events to achieve nothing because of the TIME factor and programmed schedule that they have for making new content.

01-31-2017, 03:17 PM
I actually dont run so much. rl is busy. but i'm on my third mythic armor, the first one i sold for 2m, the second one for 1.5.
800 coins arent too much if u consider that m5 gives u 9-40 tokens per run.
i guess i need around 1-2 weeks per armor. if you add the gold loot, legendary drops and the gold elite runner chests its quite a bit of money. + there is a chance of looting a scale, an egg, an armor or even a shard.
i guess thats just my opinion.
This is... 'not how it is' according to me, gotta comment.
800 coins are A Lot, even more so if you're not lightbearer, and have to run graveyard(lower mausoleums).
legendary drops: their price is nothing, at the moment in shop there are 215 legendary weapons with price less or equal 1k at lvl57-61 (26 of them are lvl61).
gold elite runner? you sure in what you're talking? i'm not sure i get these in graveyard and lower mausoleum maps. don't know if wrong, but even if they drop?, their price about 3k.
gold loot:without +gold% it's little more than 1k a map. which is really not worth it, you need +gold%. Even with +200%(the gear ofc needs investment) its about 3-4k a map(depends on map size).
"+ there is a chance of looting a scale, an egg, an armor or even a shard": That is the problem. There is a chance to loot them, but you Don't loot them. If the people were looting them, they wouldn't be complaining.

After many hours and days played, form all of the points above, the gold drop will make the main income, and this is if you have enough +gold% (i suppose a lot of people don't have (enough %)). i personally have around +200%(all), so i can say i personally think it's not enough,
Because - These were only the positives, but the negatives are not mentioned:
Pots - you may need a lot, maps are not easy, some bosses even more so.
And ankhs. 1 ankh is about 3k. You use it once and your earnings from that map are gone. If you are without +gold% - earnings from 3 maps gone. Use it twice,three,more times in a map - what happens? - you will need many maps just to recover losses. Let's say you run with pugs, others do some questionable(stupid) moves - curse,aim shot,dmg reduction... you are never killed? And if you are killed close to or at boss you do what - revive at start?
That's why i'm saying it's not worth it, running these maps: positives + negatives combined, are leaving you with relatively little reward for the hours you invested.
i guess thats just my opinion, likewise.

01-31-2017, 03:42 PM
This is... 'not how it is' according to me, gotta comment.
800 coins are A Lot, even more so if you're not lightbearer, and have to run graveyard(lower mausoleums).
legendary drops: their price is nothing, at the moment in shop there are 215 legendary weapons with price less or equal 1k at lvl57-61 (26 of them are lvl61).
gold elite runner? you sure in what you're talking? i'm not sure i get these in graveyard and lower mausoleum maps. don't know if wrong, but even if they drop?, their price about 3k.
gold loot:without +gold% it's little more than 1k a map. which is really not worth it, you need +gold%. Even with +200%(the gear ofc needs investment) its about 3-4k a map(depends on map size).
"+ there is a chance of looting a scale, an egg, an armor or even a shard": That is the problem. There is a chance to loot them, but you Don't loot them. If the people were looting them, they wouldn't be complaining.

After many hours and days played, form all of the points above, the gold drop will make the main income, and this is if you have enough +gold% (i suppose a lot of people don't have (enough %)). i personally have around +200%(all), so i can say i personally think it's not enough,
Because - These were only the positives, but the negatives are not mentioned:
Pots - you may need a lot, maps are not easy, some bosses even more so.
And ankhs. 1 ankh is about 3k. You use it once and your earnings from that map are gone. If you are without +gold% - earnings from 3 maps gone. Use it twice,three,more times in a map - what happens? - you will need many maps just to recover losses. Let's say you run with pugs, others do some questionable(stupid) moves - curse,aim shot,dmg reduction... you are never killed? And if you are killed close to or at boss you do what - revive at start?
That's why i'm saying it's not worth it, running these maps: positives + negatives combined, are leaving you with relatively little reward for the hours you invested.
i guess thats just my opinion, likewise.

Detailed, clear, positive, and informative post..... Excellent........

01-31-2017, 04:07 PM
If you gotta run lower maps you are right. but as soon as you can enter m5 its so easy to farm tokens. i think getting there is the hard bit.
Maybe it would have been good if you have ran from the beginning. Legendary prices were op so that kept me running. then vori came, stage 4 unlocked and so on. I always had something to make good profit.

maybe now because legendarys are worthless there is no motivation to grind those 60k points with no reward at all.
i apologise, i havent thought about that.

but i do enjoy the content and have no problem earning money.

01-31-2017, 05:06 PM
I've talked to few players about reward for exalted (correct me if spelling is wrong) such as Avaree, nonipixie and zaufi because I'm just at 25k points. To be honest this reward is joke. Paying million of golds just to get some special AP and wear nearly invisible circlet that nobody will notice if he don't inspect you and look close. Reward should be at least one of Voice of order set pieces. About this set... Come on ingredients are so costly and you need them so much that i don't even want talk about it. This set simply don't worth to craft. If you have standard potency gear (rogue for example) 60lvl. Using planar pendant/legendary amulet and ring with all fortified jewels you're fine. I know because i started like that. Cheap mini-glowstick pet combo (thanks to Avaree) will do perfect there with decent gear. So i don't really see point crafting it. Those who crafted banished said it was torture. I guess STG want to kill em now LoL. About enjoying game, grinding is hard, mausoleum 3-5 is good challenge. I can't speak about lich because I'm not able to enter M5 yet. Graveyard ranks need much points but well that's what we asked for. However maybe it's a little overload for most players but we shouldn't ask for double points as it wouldn't be fair. Besides all these things i do enjoy game because i met awesome people, because my friends play it and because i have abit free time to that i need to kill. [emoji14]

01-31-2017, 08:41 PM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

1. No
2. I dont know why
3. No

02-02-2017, 09:11 AM
It seems the concensus is that community feels no justifiable rewards.

It doesn't mean that STS hands everyone voice order set or undying orb on a plate, just means that maybe something like a 25% chance of an excellent Jewel dropping after endgame boss kill. A chance for an ankh, 10 bard tokens and a chance for bonus tokens and points like 50. At the moment Voriyana and Lich are cheapskates.

I mean currently we fight Lich and the only thing he drops is his pants and moons at us, totally making fun of us.

So what you say STS ?

02-05-2017, 04:45 AM
Lmao after all these new things I dont really enjoy lost interest to it, I log in time to time just to chat with my buddies nothing special playing game 4 years all same.. Vanities are so boring, this game need some improvements if they don't want lost these old players which they keep this game more fun. Although there is less and less of us (old players). Not only to mention CTF situation it's dead.. By the way I must play this game 12 hours if I want earn some good amount of gold I mean I got life dude.. So in fact you must be hard gamer with no-life lmao..

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02-05-2017, 05:54 AM
1.Do you think the rewards are worth the time and efforts? yes or no
3.Do you actually enjoying the game now? yes or no

1. Not this season. It seems like the game is moving back to the way things were during the lvl 41 cap. I do remember all the complaints during that time
2. Huge amounts of time needed to reach higher mausoleum tiers, yet drops do not feel better. Without reroll all you get most of the time is white items. With reroll green or blue ones.
3. Not at all. I just log in from time to time to talk to guildies and maybe do 1 mau 1-4 run through. Currently at 29k points. If things stay the same i doubt I will ever each lightbearer.

02-05-2017, 09:09 AM
1. Probably no

2. Biggest issue with me is the fact that this expansion discourages team play and helping others. If you don't have the time to play regularly or if you are a returning player or a new endgame player (recently capped), it's hard for you to find parties. The active people are lightbearers, exalteds etc. and run maps that you can't even enter. I know people who barely play now because of this - they just can't play with their friends. I took a several months break and returned couple weeks ago and I experienced it first hand. People running Mausoleum 5 and doing some elaborate quests, while I had to grind Graveyard with pugs. It's just not cool and discourages people from playing.

3. To a degree.

02-06-2017, 10:40 PM
2.-everything expensive the best way to get gold without spend real money is farming gold at mausoleum with gold loot but u need farm much time for 100k and gl weapons are too expensive just see the new heroic pets 20m+ their don't worth it
The plat buyers put the price of everything orb is around of 15m i think sts should increase the drop rate of arcane items and remove unwanted items also add arcane shard to normal locked sorry my English

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02-06-2017, 11:15 PM
This is... 'not how it is' according to me, gotta comment.
800 coins are A Lot, even more so if you're not lightbearer, and have to run graveyard(lower mausoleums).
legendary drops: their price is nothing, at the moment in shop there are 215 legendary weapons with price less or equal 1k at lvl57-61 (26 of them are lvl61).
gold elite runner? you sure in what you're talking? i'm not sure i get these in graveyard and lower mausoleum maps. don't know if wrong, but even if they drop?, their price about 3k.
gold loot:without +gold% it's little more than 1k a map. which is really not worth it, you need +gold%. Even with +200%(the gear ofc needs investment) its about 3-4k a map(depends on map size).
"+ there is a chance of looting a scale, an egg, an armor or even a shard": That is the problem. There is a chance to loot them, but you Don't loot them. If the people were looting them, they wouldn't be complaining.

After many hours and days played, form all of the points above, the gold drop will make the main income, and this is if you have enough +gold% (i suppose a lot of people don't have (enough %)). i personally have around +200%(all), so i can say i personally think it's not enough,
Because - These were only the positives, but the negatives are not mentioned:
Pots - you may need a lot, maps are not easy, some bosses even more so.
And ankhs. 1 ankh is about 3k. You use it once and your earnings from that map are gone. If you are without +gold% - earnings from 3 maps gone. Use it twice,three,more times in a map - what happens? - you will need many maps just to recover losses. Let's say you run with pugs, others do some questionable(stupid) moves - curse,aim shot,dmg reduction... you are never killed? And if you are killed close to or at boss you do what - revive at start?
That's why i'm saying it's not worth it, running these maps: positives + negatives combined, are leaving you with relatively little reward for the hours you invested.
i guess thats just my opinion, likewise.
O cmon I haven't opend maus 3 yet and I am using 100% gl still my daily income is around 100k an I spend no plats just play around 3-4 hr randomly.....if u r really facing this much prob. U should try changing your playstyle....

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05-04-2017, 10:46 AM
in terms of arcane armor. It is farmable.. Farm your gold and buy it from c.s. (if you did run mauso and had gold loot) you would have made easy money from gold loot, lockeds, selling items for tokens, instead of having excuses to not do stuff in the game.

05-04-2017, 10:50 AM
Iv farmed over 25 30m worth of stuff in gold loot,items, selling stuff.. in the past 2/3 months mainly thanks to mauso.

05-04-2017, 01:27 PM
Iv farmed over 25 30m worth of stuff in gold loot,items, selling stuff.. in the past 2/3 months mainly thanks to mauso.The last post of this thread you revived is 3 months old, which is older then "the past 2/3 months" you maid your gold, "mainly thanks to mauso". A lot of things can happen for 3 months, for instance a new level can be opened and it may be called m6 (for example). Which may give a lot more reward than all previous levels (including the previous highest m5) . Also, a lot more people can reach m5/m6 access. Still, a strong social connections are required, because a full (and good) party in m6 is "very" recommended (if someone leaves or has no access), but gold is far more "farmable" now (which i personally think is a good thing).

05-04-2017, 05:43 PM
About one year ago dragon hunter weps came out, there was a plat sale etc. - mas ren was over 150k, i could make 1mil in a day.
Yes, this is an extreme example, but how long you're making 800 tokens? just curios

I can do 800tokens twice a day lol

05-04-2017, 06:13 PM
I can do 800tokens twice a day lol

off-topic. ppl prefer to write, not read, imo. leading to, the writings of the writers are more than the writings of the readers. observation for threads with lots of writings
One more writer and not a reader. Read, read at least just the post Before your post: The last post of this thread you revived is 3 months old, m6 was open
I asked the question about 800 tokens in January. And here is an answer of one person from back then, in January:

it take me around 5-6 days to get 1000 tokens, but im running almost only maus4-5, boss and mini boss and corvis give u 9 token so in 1 maus5 its no rare to get 27 tokens!

05-04-2017, 06:48 PM
One more writer and not a reader. Read, read at least just the post Before your post: The last post of this thread you revived is 3 months old, m6 was open
I asked the question about 800 tokens in January. And here is an answer of one person from back then, in January:

In January only doing 1-5 it would take me two days you're still exaggerating the difficulty of token gathering whether it be now or a few months ago....

05-04-2017, 07:42 PM
In January only doing 1-5 it would take me two days you're still exaggerating the difficulty of token gathering whether it be now or a few months ago....
I exaggerate? Read. if possible. I'm asking. A question. It's Not my answer. notice?
And again, that things are much changed from January, so reviving this thread to disagree with something said "back then", is a little pointless discussion.
Why not make a new thread if you want to discuss "end content" now, the opinion of people maybe changed since back then, at least mine is changed, which you can also read in my post before your first post, if you want.

05-04-2017, 10:10 PM
D: ......11 char

05-05-2017, 05:08 AM
Bump a THREE MONTHS old thread

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