View Full Version : What fictitious character is like you?

10-04-2011, 07:46 AM
Way, way off-topic discussion stuff. Call it a game... Will you play??

Here's the question: What fictitious character (from movies, literature, TV, folk-lore, etc.) is most like you, and why?

For example, I might say: The character Donnie from the movie The Big Lebowski is like me because he has really crazy friends, he's quiet, and loves to bowl. Now, that would be completely the wrong answer for me, because I rarely bowl, I never shut up, and Steve Buscemi is way better looking than me... but you get the drift!

I'll add mine if anyone gives a thoughtful reply... (because I don't have one yet, this is harder than I thought! :p )

Edit: It's my 100th post. What I week I've had! First, I get invited to the cool-kids' table by some of PL/SL's officially-designated "most popular people", now I'm a Senior Member!! *buffs nails on lapel* I'd like to thank the academy... my agent.... Steve Buscemi...

10-04-2011, 08:02 AM
I am Bleecker off Juno !
Lol well obviously not really but I get this comment a ridiculously often from people !

10-04-2011, 08:07 AM
It's hard to compare yourself with a fictitious character. Maybe I should ask a friend, lol
If I know, I'll be back here. ;)

10-04-2011, 08:21 AM
I am Bleecker off Juno !
Lol well obviously not really but I get this comment a ridiculously often from people !

lol, great movie - and awesome character. I like you already!! Here... have an orange tic tac. I know it's your only vice. ;)

10-04-2011, 08:26 AM
To my great shame I must confess having an odd and disturbing resemblance (behavior wise not physical) to the character (not the actor himself!) Kramer in Seinfeld :(

10-04-2011, 08:35 AM
To my great shame I must confess having an odd and disturbing resemblance (behavior wise not physical) to the character (not the actor himself!) Kramer in Seinfeld :(

Oh, your friends must get one heck of a kick out of you! Lol!

10-04-2011, 08:37 AM
Shikamaru from Naruto :p


10-04-2011, 08:40 AM
Dade from Hackers

Except that I don't really dig Angelina Jolie that much :(

Draco Mikato
10-04-2011, 08:54 AM
My life story would strongly compare to V from the comic book V for Vendetta. I don't have an agenda to blow up political buildings and kill those who have wronged me in my past, but his lifestyle that excludes violence. When I grew up I was surrounded by art, books, and I felt like I was imprisoned and tortured. Each day trying to push some limit on me. I almost never left my room unless necessary. But I fed my brain with education of all aspects of the World. I believe in self improvement. Though I am not superhuman, I have tried my best to be to loved ones. I am an idea. I think I will leave some sort of imprint on this world that could be worth remembering. But that's not my goal. It's just how I am, and whatever result comes from it, doesn't matter. Evey called V a monster, and that's also what I've accepted myself to have become. But not an ugly monster. Just something the world isn't ready to accept as understandable.

10-04-2011, 09:01 AM
Beowulf! Cause I slay medusas, dragons and I am, in general, epic XD

10-04-2011, 09:05 AM
Lol maby i should ask a friend

10-04-2011, 09:14 AM
... Evey called V a monster, and that's also what I've accepted myself to have become. But not an ugly monster. Just something the world isn't ready to accept as understandable.

Wow Draco. That's really opening the proverbial kimono. Pretty serious insight. Thanks for sharing!

10-04-2011, 10:11 AM
I'm jon from the movie jon-jon. Jon is a jon that jons around johnnys. Jon is just like md becauae it starred me, jon. JON-TASTIC. naw umm id say Im like from ninja turtles, like raphel. I act likw him sometimes.