View Full Version : [ The Elite-Cutthroat ]

01-29-2017, 02:55 PM
the update cap from 76 to 77 was a 300k exp grind that was quite expensive.

from 70-71 in 4 days it was 100k exp, with the reward of "mantle of humania"
from 75-76 in 4 days it was 100k exp, with the reward of "fossilized dragon egg" and [The Elite-Cutthroat]
from 76-77 in 4 days it was 300k exp, with the reward of [The Elite-Cutthroat]

Is there any possibility to give a "better late instead of never" reward to those who grinded 300k exp during the 77 cap?

01-29-2017, 04:00 PM
Yea I must admit 300k was a lot. On the other hand some people have grinded many caps but I guess they got their cap vanities.. and ppl who capped 77 got a golem that is 25k in cs so I guess it could b considered reasonable.

01-29-2017, 06:25 PM
I agree.

The Ancient Caverns cap was the hardest, 300k xp and was rewarded the least. The elite-cut throat title was petitioned before it was given.
We spent thousands of plat to cap to level 77 in those first 4 days hoping we would receive a special vanity. Many of us capped more than one toon as well.

Also from 0-76 in 4 days for the release of fox and rhino toons, the reward was "over achiever's helm" (red winged helm).

01-29-2017, 07:49 PM
[Congrats, you did a thing]

01-30-2017, 03:53 AM
Let's hope for the best

01-30-2017, 09:48 AM
Not sure if I agree. The devs specifically announced what you would be rewarded with if you were to cap within that time frame. You received an elite title, an elite vanity and a 2pc ring, something that was not available for a very long time before that cap. Yes, the golem pets and the 2pc rings aren't worth much now, but you were able to enjoy them during that cap. What's worth a lot today may be worth nothing tomorrow and vice-versa.

I was the first to cap 77 and I expect nothing as a reward except for what the devs announced the reward would be.

02-03-2017, 05:26 PM
Also if you eventually made it to 77 you could get 2pc ring which back in the day was pretty op and rare to get all wanted it then 3pc lmao. A reward for the 77 cap would of been cool though same with this 80 cap.

02-04-2017, 11:44 AM
I would agree because when the overlord returns cap came out all the hard work done by the people who capped 77 before the update became nothing. There are two reasons behind this.

A. After the overlord returns update, the xp from 76-77 was reduced to what like 35k i guess, which is by far equal to 300k.
B. Before overlord returns update, 76 and 77 was not meant much as 76 players could easily kill 77s, just require a bit more skill.

02-05-2017, 02:36 PM
please Cinco, consider it, it would be very nice!

02-07-2017, 04:11 PM
I capped 5 at 76 with 100k, then 3 at 77 with 300k. When 80 was released and the vanities i had to spend so much time getting became so easy to get i was so disappointed i stopped making large platinum purchases.