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View Full Version : Pocket Legends: Neo Mages Episode 1: Neo Mages Chapter 1: Socialist Alterra

02-05-2017, 07:45 PM
Pocket Legends: Neo Mages
Episode 1: Neo Mages
Chapter 1: Socialist Alterra

The reign of Dark Alterra and the Alterran Civil War had ended as peace returns to Alterra. Five months after the unification of the Kingdom of Alterra, the human nations of the United States and the Russian Federation have returned to Alterra to rebuild Alterra. Two (human) years after the humans left Alterra, Dragunov ordered his comrades to expand their territory, which was known as the “Novi Zakaz”. Alterra was then divided into two states: United Alterra and Socialist Alterra. This was Alterra’s Cold War, known as the Crimson Uprising…

Angela: “I was born in Crypta (known as Fathom Crypt), the state before Silknight became the leader of the Dark Alterran Empire. We mostly lived in the city of Balefort, and we were well off. When the Alterran Civil War had started, my parents moved us to the capital of the UUSR, Medved. After the Rushians defeated Dark Alterra, we heard that both of our parents were killed by the Socialist Ursan Agency, accusing them as collaborators of Silknight. My younger sister and I became vulnerable until we joined an Enchantress paramilitary organization that was known as the Neo Mages. By the help of the Elf Queen, we resisted Dragunov’s reign of terror, but this was just the beginning…”

Medved, Rushia
Cinnamon: “Where are we going, Angela?”
I was 18, and my sister was 5 years younger before me. In the streets of Medved with Rushian banners and officers, our voices stayed quiet in the skies of blue. Under the rule of the Novi Zakaz (translated New Order), we were not allowed to speak out any freedom, otherwise we will be exterminated by Dragunov’s armed agents. Also, it’s highly illegal to become an enchantress. I was quite slender, which I would be attracted by few other boys whenever I come to school. My hair represented the gold that recently came from a dark mine. Cinnamon also had that type too, except her hair was the color of sweet cinnamon. As I hold Cinnamon’s soft hand as she carried a red apple that carried a white wound. Dressed in a silver dress that looked like the Elf Queen’s robes, Cinnamon had a cinnamon dress that had tiny red shoes.
Angela: “I heard there’s some kind of a secret mage organization, and I wanna’ try it out.”
Cinnamon: “But Mom told us! If you join any military group, then you’ll be in big trouble!”
My legs came to a halt and grabbed both of Cinnamon’s hands and knelt down.
Angela: “Cinnamon, think about freedom! Mom and Dad was killed by those communists! If we don’t do something, then we would be killed like our parents! It’s time we fight back!”
Without a single word, she nodded as we began our duty by walking down the street. I have never motivated my sister to join an anti-communist party, but for Cinnamon’s safety. We were in a Rushian state. We either fought, or starved to death.
Cinnamon: “Look, Angela!”
I took a glance at the poster, but it wasn’t any Alterran poster. The poster that murdered my parents.

Это против закона, чтобы выполнить любое заклинание волшебницы. Те, кто не повинуется законам товарища Драгунова будет выполняться сразу по Урсан агентства социалистической.

It is against the law to perform any enchantress spell. Those who disobey the laws of Comrade Dragunov will be executed immediately by the Socialist Ursan Agency.

Officer Petrov
25th Socialist Agency Division

Cinnamon: “Angela?...”
She wore a mask that symbolized when people were near to their death. Yet I still wore the ring of courage and responsibility.
Angela: *whispers* “Forgive me, mother. We had no choice but to struggle for our lives.”
The next thing I knew, several citizens came running to the town square. This seems odd.
Voice: “Hey, Angel!”
Recognized that light voice. Ever since when we were in school as kids, he would always joke around in class time. One of the most decent Avian friends I ever had.
Angela: “Mark! What’s up?”
His real name is Marksman, but everybody calls him in short. A year younger than me with always wearing a green cap he got from his uncle. His parents were born from the desert of Arenam (known as Alien Oasis), and yet they’re okay.
Marksman: “One Elf got arrested for free hugs, but they accused him for supporting magic. Guess what he got?”
Cinnamon: “Who?”
Marksman: *grins* “Come on!”
We ran immediately to the town square. A ring of citizens surrounded the scene as we tried to break in. Three agents carrying gray Tokarev pistols glared at the protesting Elf who was tied in a wooden post. The whole crowd looked serious, and not even a smile appeared.
SUA Officer #1: “You filthy Dark Alterran scum! You thought Silknight is yet alive?!” *punches Elf in the face*
Elf Citizen: “What?! No! I was only giving free hugs! You can see on the poster-”
SUA Officer #1: *punches* “SILENCE!”
SUA Officer #2: “Never forget that the black ooze of the Alterran fascists have spilled over Alterra, you slimy puddle from hell!”
Elf Citizen: “Please! I beg you! I didn’t commit any crime! I’m lonely and want some support!”
The agents said nothing. Only glares from their faces. I had a feeling that this Elf would be shot in any second. Sweating with fear and exhaustion, he tried to spit out his last words.
Elf Citizen: “Well, maybe if can delay your “Novi Zakaz”, then we would all be happy!”
SUA Officer #1: “CHTO?!”

To Be Continued...

02-05-2017, 07:47 PM
Oh, boy... Here we go again!

02-08-2017, 04:44 PM
I love it, keep up the great work!