View Full Version : STS make pvp activer please :(

02-14-2017, 12:29 PM
Can you make pvp more activer
can you add a pvp system or ... please i love pvp but pvp is dead also the twink pvp lv 6-15
Please add a pvp system or make anything that will player play pvp more

02-14-2017, 01:59 PM
Hi, sts can't do anything to make pvp more active unless they bounties or gold drops or something. They added BG and its a great success as far as involving more ppl goes. Dueing events pvp will be generally inactive. Also the brackets that u try are also very imp. 58-61 is always active bcs more people play there. 13-15 is not that active but if ur in a good guild clashes will pop up often. 1-10 is also active but idk the condition there rn.
In Twink lvls its quite rare for new people to join also random players won't join bcs they'll be easily farmed by alryt geared players

02-18-2017, 08:58 AM
Endgame pvp ll be kinda active always but as far as twinking is concerned it has become deserted because it's not easy to get into any low levels as for now especially if u r willing to pvp due to
1. High end gears

2. Stats wise it's highly overpowering which makes few rich players into God mode.

3. Unavailability of those gears due to their rarity.

4. Super high prices.

Unless there's a relative balance between classes in pvp this condition wouldn't likely be improving in near future.

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02-18-2017, 01:19 PM
Endgame pvp ll be kinda active always but as far as twinking is concerned it has become deserted because it's not easy to get into any low levels as for now especially if u r willing to pvp due to
1. High end gears

2. Stats wise it's highly overpowering which makes few rich players into God mode.

3. Unavailability of those gears due to their rarity.

4. Super high prices.

Unless there's a relative balance between classes in pvp this condition wouldn't likely be improving in near future.

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Is high-end twink equipment more expensive than high-end endgame equipment?

02-18-2017, 05:49 PM
Is high-end twink equipment more expensive than high-end endgame equipment?

At low level pet animancy is a must but at endgame not. Best gear is must.

02-18-2017, 09:25 PM
Is high-end twink equipment more expensive than high-end endgame equipment?

Sent from my SM-J200G using Tapatalk

02-19-2017, 09:18 AM
High endgame equip if u wanna be like goth , Zeus etc. is way more expensive. Like 60m at least.
In twink if u have 30m u can make a rly pro op twink.

02-21-2017, 03:18 PM
nerf warriors they op

02-22-2017, 12:58 PM
just need a drama