View Full Version : Places to farm?

02-18-2017, 09:04 AM
Hello, now that I'm level 41, I feel like I can start some farming. Is this a good level, or should I level up further?

I am clueless about where to farm and what to farm. I've looked at some threads which were years old and I'm sure things have changed by now.

Also I don't have any sort of luck enhancer. So I'm guessing I need to make about 200k first to buy a lepre before I can get into more farming. What's they way to go from, hmmm.. let's see.. 0 gold?

Although I said I don't have any luck enhancers, I do in fact have a 60 minute VIP combo elixir which I found in my stash. I think it was a gift when there was an elixir glitch years ago. Don't remember... or maybe all new accounts get it.

I was saving that to use at the right moment so should I use it now or level up and use it?

02-18-2017, 10:17 AM
Hello, now that I'm level 41, I feel like I can start some farming. Is this a good level, or should I level up further?

I am clueless about where to farm and what to farm. I've looked at some threads which were years old and I'm sure things have changed by now.

Also I don't have any sort of luck enhancer. So I'm guessing I need to make about 200k first to buy a lepre before I can get into more farming. What's they way to go from, hmmm.. let's see.. 0 gold?

Although I said I don't have any luck enhancers, I do in fact have a 60 minute VIP combo elixir which I found in my stash. I think it was a gift when there was an elixir glitch years ago. Don't remember... or maybe all new accounts get it.

I was saving that to use at the right moment so should I use it now or level up and use it?

Farming is becoming a thing of the past in Arlor, which is why everyone is investing in gold sets and The "+ gold loot % awakenings"...............

At level 41, some of the more profitable maps may still be a bit difficult for you to run for farming purposes (like souther gates, somberholt, elite glintstone "repeatable", ETC............

If I was lv 41, I would just focus on leveling (to get to endgame and run the more profitable maps), and in-between I would do the profitable dailies around arlor and run the arena...........

I haven't been lv.41 in a long while, so there are others who may have a thing or 2 to add to what i've said and they are welcome to add their input below..........

02-18-2017, 11:06 AM
Definitely level up to 61. If I were you I'd save that elixir for upcoming goblin event. Lock farming is a good way to start since you have no gold, just wait for klaas and shazbot for luck elixirs. Do dailies and earn, buy lepre, farm more locks :)

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02-18-2017, 08:09 PM
Elite gold pirate, elite gold warchest & elite gold puzzlebox sell well. They are in elite kraken, nordr & shuyal. Elite silver runner chests also drop in those maps.

02-20-2017, 10:09 PM
Hmmm. Tbh I feel that leper doesn't really help that much anymore. Kraken mines don't drop locked anymore and so I try to farm lost mages mine where the drop rate is low even with leper on. I would just get into leveling and events. Get to 61 and farm graveyard and maosuelem. Much more efficient than trying to farm locked and other stuff. I calculuated in graveyard without a gold loot weapon I can make 8k gold in 3 runs which I have to say is pretty good.

02-20-2017, 11:24 PM
Undim field drops locks in good amount also do pet dailies one with surprise item getting egg out of em and selling can help u get a kick start ur inv
U can also go planar tombs but good party farming planar fragments and selling its sack still fetch high price
If u have enoug paitence u can try arcane chest in normal dead city
U can go with jwel farming although I don't know much about it

U can merch lock they quiet chep rit now invest in them buy a lot and sell them when price goes high.....they can all be done at 41 I will edit if anything else comes to mind. .....enjoy):

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