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10-06-2011, 08:40 PM
So, I just realized. There hasn't been a thread that listed your bad actions in PL. There are plenty of threads that listed the good deeds, but we all need a little bit of humility as well!

Mine are the following:

Booting players before the boss, when I was a very early player. I thought they stole pinks. My reason? I never got a decent pink until A02 with the introduction of the Zuraz Shock Lance. I would farm my butt off to no avail. Others, I would see would get pink after pink. Glad people informed me otherwise that this wasn't true.

Merchanting to become one of the top 5 richest players during the first few months of PL. I merchanted and burned many people. I regret it now. This was in the A01 and A02 days. One of my worst actions ever in PL.

Trolling, but that is usual. It is meant to be comedic, not meant to insult players.

Oddly enough, never have I been guilty of spam as far as I can remember.

I'll add more later!

10-06-2011, 08:43 PM
Uh. Spamming is about it for me, I guess some flaming if they've been doing it, but nothing else.


by spam I mean.. like... HAIKUS I S QUITTING, ADD HIM FOR FREE MONEY. USE /t haikus message TO TALK TO HIM.

10-06-2011, 08:48 PM
Mine is pretending to have to leave when some random person asks me for help and I don't want to :(

10-06-2011, 08:51 PM
Mine is pretending to have to leave when some random person asks me for help and I don't want to :(

Oh, yeah. Reminded me. I just pretend to AFK if I don't feel like talking.

10-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Rolling my eyes and lolling to myself when people kiss up.

10-06-2011, 08:58 PM
1. Begging... (not proud of it...)
2. Ignoring people whenthey ask for help.
3. Spam

10-06-2011, 09:03 PM
I say the merching one for me... I hate takin advantage of people who really wanna sell bad (no offense but there are so many suckers out there) so I stoped merching :(

10-06-2011, 09:06 PM
After this I started raging at every beggar...

10-06-2011, 09:06 PM
I say the merching one for me... I hate takin advantage of people who really wanna sell bad (no offense but there are so many suckers out there) so I stoped merching :(

Which is why I stopped and only do it through CS now. That way I am only making money from people's own choices. Not something I coaxed them into.

10-06-2011, 09:07 PM
We're all guilty of this:

Pretending to have lost connection; booted from the server, going afk (away from keyboard [or your device] when someone asks you for a favor, or a friend pm's you when you don't feel like conversating with them

10-06-2011, 09:10 PM
We're all guilty of this:

Pretending to have lost connection; booted from the server, going afk (away from keyboard [or your device] when someone asks you for a favor, or a friend pm's you when you don't feel like conversating with them


10-06-2011, 09:16 PM
Changing character when I'm avoiding people so that way I can still play without all the messages :peach:

10-06-2011, 09:16 PM
Mine would be ignoring players when they randomly ask you for help. Most of the time I'll just straight up tell them no for whatever they're begging for.

10-06-2011, 09:29 PM
Buying things in CS for extremely low and feel bad for the person that was selling it
Booting everyone for reason, "Is this the boot button?"
Creeping in games on alts to mess with people
Acting like I am busy when someone needs help
Saying I am broke when I am offered to buy something
Saying I already have that item when trying to be sold it
Accepting gifts..... :(
In-Game dating...[FAIL] just sayin'
Starting a scamming business. That was when I was low-level. Don't judge a brother haha. I didn't go through with it anyways.
Being arrogant
Not responding
Saying I have ping issues when I want to leave a Game.
Being a snn...
Saying the word 'Pissed' justG(justGod) forgive me.
Hitting on girls haha.
Pretending I am an old member
Much, much more lol


10-06-2011, 09:32 PM
But I was a cheep little bastered I wouldn't of even taking the time to farm the stuff just buy off CS cheep then tell people how much they wanted it..... sad but true yes I was an @ss but I have left that behind me and moved on to just telling everyone sorry I didn't reply I was banned ten minutes or so after they pm or something.

WOW feels good to get off my chest :rolleyes:

10-06-2011, 09:33 PM
huh... Being so perfect, I know it's hard on all of you. :p

10-06-2011, 09:34 PM
Stereotyping people. I saw Stomp had posted and I go... "Oh, this'll be good!"

10-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Oh almost forgot I would miss spell bad words so the filters wouldn't catch them like saying

Si*t well you get the picture well maybe you do...... please forgive me PL GOD

10-06-2011, 09:36 PM
We're all guilty of this:

Pretending to have lost connection; booted from the server, going afk (away from keyboard [or your device] when someone asks you for a favor, or a friend pm's you when you don't feel like conversating with themi never did that i always talked to them back i just ignored misc. Ppl
But what. Have done bad is
-i used to beg
-act.....pervy (thanks roasty)
-cussed with freinds when no muting

10-06-2011, 09:42 PM
-act.....pervy (thanks roasty)

If Roasty is the one who called you that, don't worry. He does that to everyone.

10-06-2011, 09:42 PM
sucking at this wonder full game

10-06-2011, 09:46 PM
Maybe cause ou made 2 simnars O.o and we still not ready

10-06-2011, 09:53 PM
Maybe cause ou made 2 simnars O.o and we still not ready touche' worthy advasary

10-06-2011, 09:56 PM
Evening my stats when I first started. >.<

10-06-2011, 10:07 PM

10-06-2011, 10:10 PM

Thought that was Hank? :confused:

10-06-2011, 10:14 PM
Buying a lvl 15 snowgun launcher for 20k. It was a purp.

10-06-2011, 10:21 PM
My list goes forever :/

10-06-2011, 10:33 PM
"I am sorry for what i do, i would do anything to take it back" keep me in mind next time i piss ya off :-D

Suentous PO
10-06-2011, 10:53 PM
When I had just gotten to 53rd Nuris came out & I learned I could join random runs by using the "continue" button even tho you had to be 54th to walk on Nuris. Got booted a lot, lulz, SRY I JUST wANTeD TO SEE!!!
also my first incarnation was an intbird with evened stats. Then I found the forums. Oh yeah when I first started posting most were necro. :(

10-07-2011, 02:47 AM
Number 1) Booting otu:o (didn't know it was him!)

Merchanting to trying and hit max cash before ao2 launched, failed, then tried getting max cash during early ao2, got close. Took advantage of lots of people though:/ especially with war hammers hehe. Wasn't worth it though.

Pretending to be afk sometimes when someone says "Hey" I don't feel like talking to or ask for a favor (sometimes I truly am afk though!)


Using my alts to my advantage (IE, offering on an item, the seller says it's worth more, going on like 2 other alts, offering a similar price, then trading)


Booting for reasons like "Your name makes hungry"

NOTE: I do none of these any longer except the occasional fake afk!

10-07-2011, 02:47 AM
I'm very mean to beggars, I'll confess...

I'm not sorry about it, but I freely admit it!

10-07-2011, 06:37 AM
Acting AFK.

Telling people I'm busy when I just can't take acting AFK anymore (although I often am busy).

Called someone a noob when he kept pulling king&queen together.

Once, when I was doing cyberquests with a friend. We were both lv50 (level cap at that time), while the rest were fairly low levels (before the level limit in dungeons). We were trying to get the shadows in captive audience. This whole group continued to rush in to where the mini bosses are kept imprisoned. We tried to tell them to wait outside several times, but they continued to rush in. So in the second hallway, we both just rushed to free all prisoners, lead them towards the poor group of people, and left the game. Total wipeout guaranteed.

I feel like a new human now that I got that of my chest :p

10-07-2011, 06:43 AM
You guys do worser things then me O.o

10-07-2011, 06:46 AM
You guys do worser things then me O.o

So, not talking back is worse than:

But what. Have done bad is
-i used to beg
-act.....pervy (thanks roasty)
-cussed with freinds when no muting


10-07-2011, 07:46 AM
We're all guilty of this:

Pretending to have lost connection; booted from the server, going afk (away from keyboard [or your device] when someone asks you for a favor, or a friend pm's you when you don't feel like conversating with them

Agreed.... guilty here! Aside from that though, my behavior is pure as the driven snow! I can't take responsibility for any unintended consequence arising from my unmatchable charm & wit, though... there's no off switch on that! :D

10-07-2011, 09:12 AM
Wow. Confessions. I have such a long list of things to get off my chest.

At times I have been:
Too awesome
Too witty
Too helpful
Too kind
Too friendly
And last, but certainly not, least -- way too modest. :)

Seriously, I think the one thing I regret the most is deleting old friends off the friend list because I got so far ahead of them leveling. Playing with them meant just power leveling them or spending time not getting xp. I was in way too big of a hurry. In the rush to cap toons, people got left behind.

10-07-2011, 09:23 AM
In chatbox before the SL Beta, someone was asking when it would be available.
We jokesters, of course, got into conversations about how it was already out.
I said something to the effect of, "They changed the name of it to Star Blitz!"

A few minutes later, he comes back with, "Why does it say it's created by GLU?"

10-07-2011, 09:38 AM
@drew: The online equivalent of taking somebody "snipe-hunting"! Lol!

10-07-2011, 02:43 PM

Pretending to AFK

Leaving my phone on PL while im on the fourms (gotta break that habit)

10-07-2011, 02:53 PM
Erm I'm not happy of what I did when I was a low level but here are the things:
Scamming for rare items,
Booting people randomly,
Cussing (this was minor),
spamming sales,
I do this these days:
When some low level needs help I just abandon them in a game,
Leaving when someone asks me a question.
I could go on forever honoestly....

10-07-2011, 02:58 PM
Ive scammed new players, Ive done my booting before bosses, Spamming, I just wanna get that off my chest!:'(

10-07-2011, 03:18 PM
Ive scammed new players, Ive done my booting before bosses, Spamming, I just wanna get that off my chest!:'(
It's okay to feel sad...


10-07-2011, 03:26 PM
1. I am actually a 300-foot long platypus with purple wings and a pink beak.

10-07-2011, 03:36 PM
so many confessions :topsy_turvy:
sadly, i've done most of these

10-07-2011, 04:03 PM
1. I am actually a 300-foot long platypus with purple wings and a pink beak.
So the rumors are true....

10-07-2011, 06:25 PM
well i think im doing good so far. only been around for three days and havent done any of this lol

10-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Number 1) Booting otu:o (didn't know it was him!)

Lol, top of your list?

10-07-2011, 06:33 PM
Aaaaw my lil noobie apprentince ill teach you the ways of being awsome like me O.o and woundedeagle and ayc2000 and other poeple i dont want to mention cause i dont have time

10-07-2011, 06:43 PM
I peed in the oasis pool

10-07-2011, 06:46 PM
Lol, top of your list?

Yes, vey top.

10-07-2011, 06:47 PM

Never heard of him!!!
No he's not me!!!
Whatchu talkin' 'bout?! ;) lol

10-07-2011, 06:47 PM
I peed in the oasis pool
I'm pretty sure we all have...eww

10-07-2011, 07:12 PM
I peed in the oasis pool
You do know the water turns dark blue when you pee in it there...

10-07-2011, 07:17 PM
well i think im doing good so far. only been around for three days and havent done any of this lol

Welcome to PL and the forums :).

10-07-2011, 07:26 PM
You do know the water turns dark blue when you pee in it there...
Ohhhh, that's why...

10-07-2011, 07:32 PM
I thought it was cause i.....rather wouldnt say.......

10-07-2011, 08:09 PM
I thought it was cause i.....rather wouldnt say.......


10-07-2011, 09:40 PM
After this I started raging at every beggar...
hahahahahahahaha :-)))

10-07-2011, 09:57 PM
1) When there is a beggar somewhere, I type something like: click on beggar, and then click ignore (I haven't stopped this one)
2) AFK - including with friends (which I am not proud of)
3) Sneakily checking out the mages undressing in the changing rooms of Baleford castle
4) Bought a couple of items when clearly a zero was missing.
5) booted with very detailed explanations such as "no", "Mmmmm", "N", and the world famous: whoops a lvl -10: "FULL"
6) played the " scatter bear" on purpose to annoy people in game :-) now sometimes with lag, it does happen
7) swore at my phone numerous times in public places for being "grave-stoned".
8) when playing on my iPhone, rejecting calls from RL friends because I was just about to get into the boss room
9) same as the above but with the wife (which I guess has to be worse....)

I'll stop here I think...

ps: gosh, it does make you feel better! :-)

10-07-2011, 10:02 PM

Well here goes (I'm forgetting some probably):
1. Getting 4 mil per kite shield from the barrage bros in ao2 times (when I knew the kites dropped and were not all that rare)

2. Pretend afk when I dont feel like talking

3. Going a tad bit hard on beggars.

4. Screaming at someone who accidentally liquidated my 1mil item (a wammo)

The list probably goes on, but hey, Only DanielRH! I'm far from perfect :)

10-08-2011, 05:20 AM
Im still going through my noob days ^_^

10-08-2011, 06:04 AM
1) When there is a beggar somewhere, I type something like: click on beggar, and then click ignore (I haven't stopped this one)
2) AFK - including with friends (which I am not proud of)
3) Sneakily checking out the mages undressing in the changing rooms of Baleford castle
4) Bought a couple of items when clearly a zero was missing.
5) booted with very detailed explanations such as "no", "Mmmmm", "N", and the world famous: whoops a lvl -10: "FULL"
6) played the " scatter bear" on purpose to annoy people in game :-) now sometimes with lag, it does happen
7) swore at my phone numerous times in public places for being "grave-stoned".
8) when playing on my iPhone, rejecting calls from RL friends because I was just about to get into the boss room
9) same as the above but with the wife (which I guess has to be worse....)

I'll stop here I think...

ps: gosh, it does make you feel better! :-)Te funiest won iz numbah zeven O.o

10-08-2011, 06:09 AM
Only confession I can think of was when I sold shock lance of legend to DaniellRH for 600k, when it was worth 200k. Sorry bro! Remind me if you see me ingame and I'll pay the difference :)