View Full Version : Endgame birds need to be toned down a bit

02-27-2017, 05:31 PM
I think birds are supposed to be the hardest class to play -- dealing high outputs of damage, but should be squishy thereby having little room for mistakes. In order to preserve this style of play for birds at 85, their dodge needs to be cut down. I can't ever land any hits on a bird.

02-27-2017, 05:37 PM
Yes this is true.

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02-27-2017, 07:39 PM
Every class needs dodge toned down. It's not just a bird problem.

Right now many fights are determined by who can dodge more.

Birds should be the squishiest class (lowest armor), but mages should have slightly lower or comparable dodge to birds.

I'd be in favor of cutting dodge down 10-15 on every set. If you're too squishy after this, it's a dmg output vs armor problem.

03-02-2017, 12:06 PM
I think birds are supposed to be the hardest class to play -- dealing high outputs of damage, but should be squishy thereby having little room for mistakes. In order to preserve this style of play for birds at 85, their dodge needs to be cut down. I can't ever land any hits on a bird.

Due to dodge cap, birds do same amount of dodge as a mage on an average. Although the early phase dodge cap was much good, I don't like this much dodge and it would be good if dodge cap get lowered from this point.

Other than that, it's int set that required a little bit armour returned to it, birds are fine because there's have been a lot armor reduction along with DPS from blaster, top of that there's no new blaster to make set with oktal, nerfing birds would simply make str much op, only buffing int set would make it balanced. Along with this, base point required to equip new oktal items should be increased a bit so that with oktal set L80 weapons shouldn't be equipable that making a huge op hybrids, eg L85 str set with L80 blaster for birds and bears, and L85 str set + L80 wand for mage.

That's exactly what I suggested in my thread :)

03-25-2017, 08:13 AM
Try dex mage/bear

03-26-2017, 02:06 PM
Yeah, this was with my previous experience of INT mage. I think INT mages are balanced, but Dex mages are OP with the darzac blasters. Damage output for the blaster is way too high

03-28-2017, 11:50 AM
I firmly believe that dex sets in general have to be toned down. They are currently superior in about every scenario in pvp, and this is not healthy for endgame.

03-29-2017, 11:18 AM
i think what you should do is make darzac blaster have damage range of 5000-5001 and also nerf every int and str item to do 1-2 damage, this is the balance change we are looking for...

04-05-2017, 11:09 AM
Its simple, Just tie Derex blaster to bird only and make the talon and wing set cost pure Dex.

04-05-2017, 02:16 PM
Its simple, Just tie Derex blaster to bird only and make the talon and wing set cost pure Dex.

The name of this post is "Endgame birds need to be toned down a bit" and you suggest making the most Op weapon in the game only be available to birds. I don't think that is a good idea at all.

04-05-2017, 02:18 PM
The name of this post is "Endgame birds need to be toned down a bit" and you suggest making the most Op weapon in the game only be available to birds. I don't think that is a good idea at all.

Because they arent the entire problem. A pure int mage with a 1200 health pool shouldnt heal 250-300. Im not sure about bears.

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04-05-2017, 02:24 PM
Because they arent the entire problem. A pure int mage with a 1200 health pool shouldnt heal 250-300. Im not sure about bears.

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Strength is relative to each class. The bird is strong in relation to the other classes. So making the most powerful weapon in the game exclusive to it is the wrong move. The item itself should be nerfed so only birds WANT to use it and other classes don't feel worthless without that specific weapon. Opening up new ways to play each class is more fun in my opinion.

EDIT: The problem is the item, the darzac blaster or whatever is super op. Birds are op right now because they are the best abusers of the weapon.

04-08-2017, 08:55 AM
Strength is relative to each class. The bird is strong in relation to the other classes. So making the most powerful weapon in the game exclusive to it is the wrong move. The item itself should be nerfed so only birds WANT to use it and other classes don't feel worthless without that specific weapon. Opening up new ways to play each class is more fun in my opinion.

EDIT: The problem is the item, the darzac blaster or whatever is super op. Birds are op right now because they are the best abusers of the weapon.

If any class abuses blaster that is mage, they don't meant to have such weapon with ms high heal etc.

Birds meant to have such high range weapon being weak.

04-08-2017, 10:36 AM
If any class abuses blaster that is mage, they don't meant to have such weapon with ms high heal etc.

Birds meant to have such high range weapon being weak.

The fact that the class is not meant to use the weapon but still does is just a commentary on the item's strength.