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View Full Version : Doh! Spent money on SL and now its obsolete!

10-07-2011, 03:39 PM
Is there any point in playing SL now? All that grinding to level up and now the new game?

I am excited for the new game don't get me wrong, but are we just wasting our time with SL now?

Will there be a closed Beta some of us can be lucky enough to join so when it opens to the public we can already start rich?

Worried. :hopelessness:

10-07-2011, 03:57 PM
It sounds like a time to quit sts altogether. 300$ on pl. Been saving up for sl for 2k. And now this game, no thx.

10-07-2011, 04:20 PM
You don't have to play every game. STS is on a roll and they are doing a great job by variating there games. Not everyone enjoys elves, birds, or bears but they do like humans in space. As well as vice versa. I am not very informed on any info on DL but im sure that whatever its theme is it will attract players that will be attracted to that. Sts makes the games F2P (free to play) which doesn't require you to spend a sum on the game and later regret it. Buying plat in game is clearly optional so if you do not see the point in further buying plat don't. I have plat in SL that I haven't spent ever since level 26 cap. I also haven't level'd on SL because I prefer PL. Knowing that I have spent money on SL that is just sitting there doesn't make me say, "Man I bought that plat and now I don't even play SL as much." I support STS with every game they plan to make and I plan to give a go at every game of theirs. Don't hate on STS for their game breakthroughs. :)

10-07-2011, 04:23 PM
We have a packed plan for new content and upgrades for both Star Legends and Pocket Legends. Both games are very much alive and being supported. The addition of Dark Legends won't slow that down. Just as Chilangopwn outlines above, it just adds another option for people who want to play a different game.

10-07-2011, 04:33 PM
StS may have 10 games a few years from now. Maybe they will do MyLittlePonyWorld for little kids, and WorldWarDomination for adults. Just pick the game you like. You don't have to reach max level with max gear on every game. That would be obsessive–compulsive. But, when they do make pony world, I want the prettiest pony with the best accessories.

10-07-2011, 04:34 PM
I don't like pocket legends anymore it was better in 2009 but star legends is really cool some I'm looking forward to dark legends

10-07-2011, 04:36 PM
No one put a gun to your head and made you buy platinum, the Legends games are still free to play. Also, you do not have to quit playing one game completely just to start a new game, STS allows you to have one free character in each game.

10-07-2011, 04:38 PM
It sounds like a time to quit sts altogether. 300$ on pl. Been saving up for sl for 2k. And now this game, no thx.

Feels like a slap in the face huh?

10-07-2011, 05:10 PM
What's soo wrong about a new game? Shouldn't you be happy?

10-07-2011, 05:13 PM
Yes, more customers and more money for STS equates to more content updates and expansions for us.

10-07-2011, 05:36 PM
I think Ill pass on DL... If its the same mmo why would I play it rather than PL or SL? Besides playing in a new world? It will just be the same gameplay.

10-07-2011, 05:52 PM
I think Ill pass on DL... If its the same mmo why would I play it rather than PL or SL? Besides playing in a new world? It will just be the same gameplay.

Really, we have no info about the game other than the name and "enemies will explode in fountains of blood," sorry if I misquoted.

10-07-2011, 05:53 PM
I think Ill pass on DL... If its the same mmo why would I play it rather than PL or SL? Besides playing in a new world? It will just be the same gameplay.

True....but hope for the best

10-07-2011, 08:16 PM
Wow they prob only just made up a new name and a lil bit info and you exepect so much when just started give em a break sl just came out not long ago the game prob wont even release in 6 months more like 12 months

10-07-2011, 08:23 PM
You don't have to play every game. Sts is on a roll and they are doing a great job by variating there games. Not everyone enjoys elves, birds, or bears but they do like humans in space. As well as vice versa. I am not very informed on any info on DL but im sure that whatever its theme is it will attract players that will be attracted to that. Sts makes the games F2P (free to play) which doesn't require you to spend a sum on the game and later regret it. Buying plat in game is clearly optional so if you do not see the point in further buying plat don't. I have plat in SL that I haven't spent every since level 26 cap. I also haven't level'd on SL because I prefer PL. Knowing that I have spent money on SL that is just sitting there doesn't make me say, "Man I bought that plat and now I don't even play SL much." I support sts with every game they plan to make and I plan to give a go at every game of theirs. Don't hate on Sts for their game breakthroughs. :)

Well said my friend. :)

10-07-2011, 08:55 PM
Wow they prob only just made up a new name and a lil bit info and you exepect so much when just started give em a break sl just came out not long ago the game prob wont even release in 6 months more like 12 months

They teased this info so it will create hype and get the name out, this is nothing new for software companies. As they say, making games is what they love and the best job in the world, so why would you feel sorry for the amount of work they will need to do? I will definitely play this game as long as it is remotely what I anticipate and I will continue to play the other Legends games as well. With the release of the browser versions, I will play even more and will likely be able to get more friends and family to play. STS is doing extremely well in the worst economy in almost a century.

10-07-2011, 11:13 PM
STS should merge platinum for all the games.... That would be so much easier.

10-07-2011, 11:59 PM
They teased this info so it will create hype and get the name out, this is nothing new for software companies. As they say, making games is what they love and the best job in the world, so why would you feel sorry for the amount of work they will need to do? I will definitely play this game as long as it is remotely what I anticipate and I will continue to play the other Legends games as well. With the release of the browser versions, I will play even more and will likely be able to get more friends and family to play. STS is doing extremely well in the worst economy in almost a century.

10-08-2011, 12:04 AM
STS should merge platinum for all the games.... That would be so much easier.

They tried and apple turned them down.... I doubt they will make that mistake again :-/

10-08-2011, 12:19 AM
I don't like pocket legends anymore it was better in 2009 but star legends is really cool some I'm looking forward to dark legends

pocket legends came out in 2010 bro

10-08-2011, 12:26 AM
You don't have to play every game. Sts is on a roll and they are doing a great job by variating there games. Not everyone enjoys elves, birds, or bears but they do like humans in space. As well as vice versa. I am not very informed on any info on DL but im sure that whatever its theme is it will attract players that will be attracted to that. Sts makes the games F2P (free to play) which doesn't require you to spend a sum on the game and later regret it. Buying plat in game is clearly optional so if you do not see the point in further buying plat don't. I have plat in SL that I haven't spent every since level 26 cap. I also haven't level'd on SL because I prefer PL. Knowing that I
have spent money on SL that is just sitting there doesn't make me say, "Man I bought that plat and now I don't even play SL much." I support sts with every game they plan to make and I plan to give a go at every game of theirs. Don't
hate on Sts for their game breakthroughs. :)

Well said. I personally don't play PL much any more, I prefer SL. Not sure what DL will be like - I may switch to playing that exclusively or split my time between SL and DL.

10-08-2011, 02:34 PM
I don't like pocket legends anymore it was better in 2009 but star legends is really cool some I'm looking forward to dark legends

PL wasn't out in 2009. Watchu talking about, willis?

10-10-2011, 04:48 PM
I don't like pocket legends anymore it was better in 2009 but star legends is really cool some I'm looking forward to dark legends

This game was out 4/10/10 because i got this game three days later

10-11-2011, 04:27 PM
All for any new STS games! Shows they are doing well & expanding there horizons & thats great.

Im not to big on PL anymore either. A lot of the aspects of the game have changed for the worse not at STS's fault but by us the community. Its just not as fun as it used to be. SL is very inovative in comparison.
From falling rocks that hurt you to Special areas only certain classes can access. And it has GUNS lol. I still log into PL to say hi to friends but thats about it. SL has been my main focus & I'm anxious for new content!
If the rumors are true about DL being a Horror based game, I'm sure I will fall in love with it as well. Grew up on old slasher films, will be cool to see what you guys come up with :topsy_turvy:

10-12-2011, 06:53 AM
We have a packed plan for new content and upgrades for both Star Legends and Pocket Legends. Both games are very much alive and being supported. The addition of Dark Legends won't slow that down. Just as Chilangopwn outlines above, it just adds another option for people who want to play a different game.
Very good explanation. People do like verious games.

10-12-2011, 08:22 AM
I am excited for the new game don't get me wrong, but are we just wasting our time with SL now?

There's only the name. There's no other information about the game yet. I think it's safe to say, you have a while and a ton of new content to look forward to in SL before we should even think about DL. Dont sweat it, I think you have time.


10-12-2011, 08:47 PM
STS should merge platinum for all the games.... That would be so much easier.

It was like this in beta on Droid, but Apple did not support this and would approve SL on Apple until this had been changed, when changed it had to be-submitted for apple to approve (hence the reason it took so long for apple to play)

10-17-2011, 03:16 AM
god i hate hearing people whine about a new game coming out. you act like you're going to miss something. if you want to play star legends, then play star legends. if you want to spend plat on star legends, then do that. what does them coming out with a new game have anything to do with your platinum in star legends??? quit whining, you sound like a bratty little kid who has to have everything.

10-17-2011, 03:22 AM
i mean seriously what does your platinum in star legends have to do with a new game coming out? it doesn't even make since... merge platinum for all games??? LOL. you gotta be kidding me. just cause you BOUGHT some plat in one game doesn't mean you should GET something in another game. they obviously have plenty of people working and can make another game. if you like star legends, then keep playing that. i don't understand why this new "dark legends" would effect that. it's just silly. i like the new idea of dark legends. although, i kinda just wish the new classes that they are going to add to dark legends, to pocket legends, but hey .. i'm cool with either. i would probably play dark legends and pocket legends. i'm not into star legends at all, i gave it a try and didn't like it, but i didn't go on the pocket legends forums and whine about them spending time on star legends instead of pocket legends... it's their company and they can do what they want with it. that's like going to the gas station and buying a coke and being like OMG coke came out with MR. PIBB, how dare them!!! they need to spend more time making coke better!!! haha, get real.