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10-09-2011, 03:06 AM
Haven't logged on to see some friends lately, other than those I've spoken to in Facebook, and I've gotten a few messages asking about the guild and commando/bear stuff. Plus, I just found this section, so perfect.

I've recently made this investment to my PC:


Yup, World of Warcraft.

I'll be around, forums are always open still in my browser, game-wise though, I'll be as rare as vanities and pinks in SL.

North America - Draka sever, same IGN as usual. Got to 55 in two days, a lot has changed.

Just wanted to let everyone know. See you around, in DL maybe ;)

10-09-2011, 03:43 AM
So we won't see u much?

I never got to know u well only saw u once in pl in balefort

10-09-2011, 04:13 AM


see you soon elly. just dont get too far ahead. hahaha

10-09-2011, 05:50 AM
i always wondered why u not playing WoW already ;)

btw. what is that thingy in the pic??

55 in 2 days? ZOMG!

10-09-2011, 07:00 AM
Nice Elly! I might check out WOW. Never played it. I'll look you up if I do.

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

10-09-2011, 07:03 AM

10-09-2011, 07:04 AM

10-09-2011, 07:29 AM
So we won't see u much?

I never got to know u well only saw u once in pl in balefort

Not in-game, but as long as my computer is on, I'll be on forums :)



see you soon elly. just dont get too far ahead. hahaha

Won't be bro, this weekend was my last hoorah :( Reports, papers, presentations upcoming..

i always wondered why u not playing WoW already ;)

btw. what is that thingy in the pic??

55 in 2 days? ZOMG!

I used to, a couple of years back.

The mouse is a Razer Naga and the gamepad is a Razer Nostromo, essential if I want to be fully competitive, IMO :p

This was fully inspired by Swifty (WoW Warrior I found in YouTube). I've watched his videos even before I considered WoW, and have been amazed since :)

Basically, the gamepad has 9 buttons on the thumb, 14 for the other fingers (like a semi-keyboard). The mouse has 18 buttons :p

Nice Elly! I might check out WOW. Never played it. I'll look you up if I do.

Tapatalk'd from my PowerWashed Fascinate

Be sure to be on the same realm, if ever! Draka - US. I don't wanna advertise too much of WoW on this forum, but the stereotype of "WoW = no life" has been proved wrong. They're shifting the game to cater more towards pick-up style and casual playing. All thanks to a good friend of mine for pointing it out ;)



10-09-2011, 07:32 AM

I'm sure you'll pwn WoW even more than you have in PL.
Good luck Elly, thanks for all your wise words!

10-09-2011, 07:37 AM

I'm sure you'll pwn WoW even more than you have in PL.
Good luck Elly, thanks for all your wise words!

Thanks, Troll (funny saying it). I'll need it, it'll be very competitive indeed and I'll have a lot of learning to do :)

My guides are still my responsibility, so I'd still try to update those as needed :D

10-09-2011, 07:44 AM
I used to play WoW, you should try the PvP it's awesome :D. Good luck in your WoW career Elly!

10-09-2011, 07:47 AM
Thanks, Troll (funny saying it). I'll need it, it'll be very competitive indeed and I'll have a lot of learning to do :)

My guides are still my responsibility, so I'd still try to update those as needed :D

Haha yeah I realize the irony in my name. =p

I've only ever played WoW once in my life, at a friends house, and I had to be dragged away. I never bought it because of the monthly fee and I knew that due to my overly addictive personality I probably would not have gotten through high school lol. XD

10-09-2011, 07:50 AM
I used to play WoW, you should try the PvP it's awesome :D. Good luck in your WoW career Elly!

Thanks! I can't wait to PvP, just gotta get that grinding and gear in, then ready to rock ;)

As usual, I'm a warrior, and three charge skills? *drools*

Haha yeah I realize the irony in my name. =p

I've only ever played WoW once in my life, at a friends house, and I had to be dragged away. I never bought it because of the monthly fee and I knew that due to my overly addictive personality I probably would not have gotten through high school lol. XD

I hope I don't get THAT addicted. Well, until school is out :p

10-09-2011, 08:35 AM
*Sends one MEAN look to you*

I'll see you when Fang comes out (and with asommers appearance last night it may not be long.)

10-09-2011, 08:37 AM
*Sends one MEAN look to you*

I'll see you when Fang comes out (and with asommers appearance last night it may not be long.)

So I've heard. Lots of confusion :)

I'll definitely be back, especially if PL/SL gets released on the PC!

10-11-2011, 02:12 PM
This thread is awesome, first the "Wow Career" comment made me bout fall outta my chair. Then the "addicitive personality" comment whacked me right in the head. I've always managed to steer clear of WoW for that reason, although I did spend a year playing Everquest which was very addictive. That's what makes PL/SL so fun. I can just log in, make a few runs, then log out. Anyhow, nice to hear from ya bro, GL with WoW, shame to see you go, but I can understand why.

10-11-2011, 02:39 PM
You should get xfire elly, its free and its pretty convienent.

10-11-2011, 02:41 PM
Ooooooh. Razer controller. Fancy!

10-12-2011, 07:50 AM
This thread is awesome, first the "Wow Career" comment made me bout fall outta my chair. Then the "addicitive personality" comment whacked me right in the head. I've always managed to steer clear of WoW for that reason, although I did spend a year playing Everquest which was very addictive. That's what makes PL/SL so fun. I can just log in, make a few runs, then log out. Anyhow, nice to hear from ya bro, GL with WoW, shame to see you go, but I can understand why.

Thanks bro, you know where to catch me often :)

You should get xfire elly, its free and its pretty convienent.

Xperl you mean? The addon?

Ooooooh. Razer controller. Fancy!

Yeah, I LOVE them. Invaluable for games, IMO :)

Just wanted to provide a small update: (62 now, most recent photo).

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/314038_10150432613272489_708027488_10701775_109278 7117_n.jpg

Loving PvP!

10-12-2011, 08:18 AM
See u around Elly. Been nice talking and debating with you. :D

10-16-2011, 06:30 PM
This was fully inspired by Swifty (WoW Warrior I found in YouTube). I've watched his videos even before I considered WoW, and have been amazed since

Didn't Swifty crash the server once?
Got banned and glad to see he's unbanned:)

10-16-2011, 06:30 PM
Omg just saw the real meaning of post, i was awed by swiftys name mentioned before but..

10-16-2011, 06:32 PM
Ahh im starting to absorb the pain.. Oww

10-16-2011, 08:12 PM

Nah all the best in the other realm :p always wanted to play but as so many have stated didn wana get a crazy addiction to it lol! Always good chats with you buddy.. catch you around :D

10-17-2011, 01:40 AM
Didn't Swifty crash the server once?
Got banned and glad to see he's unbanned:)

Omg just saw the real meaning of post, i was awed by swiftys name mentioned before but..

Ahh im starting to absorb the pain.. Oww

Yeah he did once, unintentionally I think. His banned/unbanned video is probably his most viewed one too, ironic as it is :p

He really reminds me a lot of this community. He's just out to help, and like the ones here, is very pro :p


Nah all the best in the other realm :p always wanted to play but as so many have stated didn wana get a crazy addiction to it lol! Always good chats with you buddy.. catch you around :D

Thanks, Bod :)

I'll be around. I still read the forums everyday. I'm aware of what's going on around here.. ;)