View Full Version : New Low-Health Alert Aura in PVP and New Countdown Health Shield Alert Icon

04-11-2017, 09:26 AM

Sometimes You are in a clash in PVP and I'm sure that You get angry when you dead because nobody give you health. And your friend answer: ops sorry I didn't see.

- The big problem is that many players don't know when to use health or if you are warrior you can give health but maybe you didnt know that it's has a cooldown and it's don't stack, so when you give health to your party the shield don't appear and don't protect....

Ok this is the solution:

- The New Low - Health Alert Aura


When you have -30% of your total health a big aura of your color's team will appear to show you when a friend need health and help.

Note: (The red team can't see the aura of blue team)

- Ok, and which is the solution for warriors?

The new Countdown Health Shield Alert Icon

When you see this icon, don't use or give health! Wait for the icon to disappear. So when you give health the shield will protect your friends!


- H

Ignore the pictures there is a bug. I will put new pics soon