View Full Version : <ANCIENTS> is recruiting active level 50+ characters!

10-09-2011, 07:57 PM
I was looking for a guild recently. But i thought why not create my own guild?
The guide I made is called ANCIENTS. It is brand new and I already have a couple of lvl 55 recruits. If you ever reach or already are lvl 55 or higher, you are welcome to join.
Rules: 1. Stay professional.
2. Never violate pocket legends terms of service.
3. No scamming
4. Have fun! :)
Questions usually asked:

Q: Why should I join your guild when I can join Cot, Eclipse, or Alliance of Alterra?
A: Well, it's your choice. I'm not forcing you to join but we would appreciate it if you could. And besides we are all friends. I'm happy when you are happy.

Q: How many people are in your guild?
A: We are growing really fast. In just one day, I grabbed 8 members over lvl 50.

Q: What guild hall do u have?
A: We own a guild hall tier 3! The reason why I bought this is because you guys deserve it!

See you guys in game! If you have questions, feel free to PM me in game, or post a comment! :)

- Asianblaster