View Full Version : The Future of Boss Encounters and "Earning Gear"

10-10-2011, 03:21 AM
Now I've never played end game Pocket Legends so I am not 100% up to par on what kind of encounters the bosses offer. Are they mostly Tank and Spank bosses? Or are they more indepth and actually require your whole group to move to a designated area, beat on the boss, then shift....etc...until hes dead?

The reason why I ask is because I was curious to if STS plans on upping the difficulty of the boss fights. From my experience so far every boss in this game has been strictly tank and spank minus one which is Miner McKirk (s/p). He was probably the hardest, and still is with a scaled down group, boss in this game. Even the Director is beatable with a simple tank and spank strategy if you choose not to use his emote strategy. Yes, it takes about 3x longer but it still is easily doable.

So I was just wondering if STS had any future boss encounters that will actually require a long drawn out strategy to figure out and learn or if most fights will stricky be Tank and Spank? Will there ever be a time where we will have to earn our gear by means of beating our heads against our phones and tablets for hours upon hours trying to finally figure out the formula on beating bosses or will they always be long enduring tank and spank grinds until the loot we are looking for drops? I know some people are like gimme gimme gimme loot now now now. But sometimes its more rewarding trying to earn it through other means other than tanking and spanking. I was just curious to if you guys had anything up your sleeves, the emote system on Director is simple yet fun just because its not standing there pushing buttons. So if anyone could give any insight on this it would be greatly appreciated!

I know as a Comp Sci Graduate things are easier said than coded...lol I also am not up to par on the power and creativity of the language you guys do code in. So I was just wondering if you guys did have any indepth boss fights in store for us.

For example:
1) Kite the boss here, blow up barrel to dmg boss, Kite the boss here, etc... while avoiding hard hitting traps and being hoarded by lower lvl mobs.

2) Random Simon Says emote game that requires 5 players to play and the only way to dmg the boss would be to take down a force field if the pattern was done properly. Kinda like Director only more indepth.

Just a couple examples but if its not a problem, and not too secretive to let us in on future encounters, getting some knowledge on this would be nice =)


10-10-2011, 03:27 AM
I agree with you... Hopefully next boss be some Simon says type thing like you put above as an example, sounds very interesting...


10-10-2011, 04:17 AM
Well when I left PL 6 months ago the end game bosses then did require strategies to beat them. It was almost impossible to pug them. I don't know about PL now though, but I would assume they continued to do so. As far as SL I believe they will do the same. Right now the game is still in the early stages so I would think they would in the future make the boss encounters more challenging. I think if I remember correctly it was level 45 when the bosses stopped being tank and spank in PL so maybe we can expect that around that time frame in SL.

10-10-2011, 04:31 AM
Well when I left PL 6 months ago the end game bosses then did require strategies to beat them. It was almost impossible to pug them. I don't know about PL now though, but I would assume they continued to do so. As far as SL I believe they will do the same. Right now the game is still in the early stages so I would think they would in the future make the boss encounters more challenging. I think if I remember correctly it was level 45 when the bosses stopped being tank and spank in PL so maybe we can expect that around that time frame in SL.


10-10-2011, 04:56 AM
Hopefully it won't end up like bosses in World of Warcraft.

10-10-2011, 05:19 AM
Hopefully it won't end up like bosses in World of Warcraft.

Lol I wasnt referring to boss fights this indepth, though they were fun. Beating your head against the keyboard for days trying to figure out the fight wasnt fun but when you finally learned the encounter the next time you went back it took like 5 to 10 minutes to kill them cause the strategy was then familiar...lol

I was referring to similiar strategies only turned down a few notches.

10-10-2011, 05:33 AM
Rod, here's a little rundown on the strategy for the sewer bosses in PL (Lv.50-55) to give u an idea of whats to come and probably more.

Goldfever, Hits hard, lots of health, casts gold fever, a sickness that jumps to people around the target, nearly killing with each jump. Party wipes can happen if you don't shoot the correct glowing gold fever chest and kill the sickness.

King and Queen bandit, Both have pretty deece health, and the queen has a insane amount of healing and regen, taking the both on is suicide in most cases, and the current strategy without exploiting the queen out of the room and seperating them to kill them, is to have your tank attract the king whilst everyone else mashes on the queen. Without prior knowledge a full group of 55's would walk into the room and probably get wiped.

Trash heap, is a giant trash monster that fights in his sewer grate ridden lair, and green gas explosions randomly burst out causing damage. The boss himself has a pretty solid hit but even a seasoned talon dex bird can tank/kite him solo. He's arguably the easiest boss in the sewers, and definately a tank and spank, IMO.

Cockroach, is, a giant cockroach -_- and he is pretty easy if you kill him quickly, but a uninformed team will almost definately be wiped or run away. The reason is, he is surrounded by 8 or so trash cans and when you hit them with AoE attacks inadvertantly, they blow up, cockroach+garbage=full health, and he has a power increasing skill on top of that, eventually overcoming even the strongest ursan. The key here is to blow up the trash cans first, and then waste him before they respawn, and if they do, then avoid Aoe and just use single target.

The Goblin King, has a giant totem beside him that lays dormant, until the goblin kill decides he's had enough and calls for a heal. At this time the totem is vulnerable to attack, and you can break it before it heals him. A low dps team will probably never kill him, as the totem has pretty good health, at least it did last time I fought GK. The key here is birds basically lol. Just wanna wreck that totem asap.

So as you can see they are all basically tank and spank with enough strategy involved that you probably wouldn't survive any but trash heap your first go around. None are really EPIC battles, but I can tell you I've bailed into Goldfever with a pally mage and my dex duck and it was a pretty epic battle, and the only thing that kept me alive was a fat stim stash, lol. You can always challenge yourself in a 3-4 man group too.

It's hard to remember back to my first times fighting these brutes, but I remember being booted from cockroach and goldfever. level 52 is when I first ventured into sewers, just got my cyber set (FINALLY), dragging the gold fever to the others and wiping the group, blowing up garbage cans at Cockroach because I thought "STAY AWAY FROM THE GARBAGE!" meant he didn't want me touching it. Unfortunately it meant the opposite and he gained all his health back, pretty much double his attack power, and kicked our bums.

Since there's nothing like Miner McGirk at level 20 in PL, I think we can expect some pretty epic fights at lv.60 in SL.

10-10-2011, 08:09 AM
Ahh miner he killed alot of players 0 deaths ratio. He was fun.

10-10-2011, 08:12 AM
Rod, here's a little rundown on the strategy for the sewer bosses in PL (Lv.50-55) to give u an idea of whats to come and probably more.

Goldfever, Hits hard, lots of health, casts gold fever, a sickness that jumps to people around the target, nearly killing with each jump. Party wipes can happen if you don't shoot the correct glowing gold fever chest and kill the sickness.

King and Queen bandit, Both have pretty deece health, and the queen has a insane amount of healing and regen, taking the both on is suicide in most cases, and the current strategy without exploiting the queen out of the room and seperating them to kill them, is to have your tank attract the king whilst everyone else mashes on the queen. Without prior knowledge a full group of 55's would walk into the room and probably get wiped.

Trash heap, is a giant trash monster that fights in his sewer grate ridden lair, and green gas explosions randomly burst out causing damage. The boss himself has a pretty solid hit but even a seasoned talon dex bird can tank/kite him solo. He's arguably the easiest boss in the sewers, and definately a tank and spank, IMO.

Cockroach, is, a giant cockroach -_- and he is pretty easy if you kill him quickly, but a uninformed team will almost definately be wiped or run away. The reason is, he is surrounded by 8 or so trash cans and when you hit them with AoE attacks inadvertantly, they blow up, cockroach+garbage=full health, and he has a power increasing skill on top of that, eventually overcoming even the strongest ursan. The key here is to blow up the trash cans first, and then waste him before they respawn, and if they do, then avoid Aoe and just use single target.

The Goblin King, has a giant totem beside him that lays dormant, until the goblin kill decides he's had enough and calls for a heal. At this time the totem is vulnerable to attack, and you can break it before it heals him. A low dps team will probably never kill him, as the totem has pretty good health, at least it did last time I fought GK. The key here is birds basically lol. Just wanna wreck that totem asap.

So as you can see they are all basically tank and spank with enough strategy involved that you probably wouldn't survive any but trash heap your first go around. None are really EPIC battles, but I can tell you I've bailed into Goldfever with a pally mage and my dex duck and it was a pretty epic battle, and the only thing that kept me alive was a fat stim stash, lol. You can always challenge yourself in a 3-4 man group too.

It's hard to remember back to my first times fighting these brutes, but I remember being booted from cockroach and goldfever. level 52 is when I first ventured into sewers, just got my cyber set (FINALLY), dragging the gold fever to the others and wiping the group, blowing up garbage cans at Cockroach because I thought "STAY AWAY FROM THE GARBAGE!" meant he didn't want me touching it. Unfortunately it meant the opposite and he gained all his health back, pretty much double his attack power, and kicked our bums.

Since there's nothing like Miner McGirk at level 20 in PL, I think we can expect some pretty epic fights at lv.60 in SL.

Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D

10-10-2011, 08:20 AM
Rod, here's a little rundown on the strategy for the sewer bosses in PL (Lv.50-55) to give u an idea of whats to come and probably more.

So as you can see they are all basically tank and spank with enough strategy involved that you probably wouldn't survive any but trash heap your first go around. None are really EPIC battles, but I can tell you I've bailed into Goldfever with a pally mage and my dex duck and it was a pretty epic battle, and the only thing that kept me alive was a fat stim stash, lol. You can always challenge yourself in a 3-4 man group too.

It's hard to remember back to my first times fighting these brutes, but I remember being booted from cockroach and goldfever. level 52 is when I first ventured into sewers, just got my cyber set (FINALLY), dragging the gold fever to the others and wiping the group, blowing up garbage cans at Cockroach because I thought "STAY AWAY FROM THE GARBAGE!" meant he didn't want me touching it. Unfortunately it meant the opposite and he gained all his health back, pretty much double his attack power, and kicked our bums.

Since there's nothing like Miner McGirk at level 20 in PL, I think we can expect some pretty epic fights at lv.60 in SL.

Awesome overview of bosses in Sewers :D

Another few that require similiar stradegy is the Alien Oasis and these can be accessed at around level 45 or new content for level 53+ Nuri Hollow, some amazing boss battles on each, and very annoying but fun to work it out at the same time. When I get 5 away from work, may post a few examples (Guessing people will beat me to this though.. :p)

EDIT: Scrap that next best thing, here is some (copy and pasted) boss stradegy for Nuri :p (All creds go to Whrilzap, guide Here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?35858-A-Complete-Guide-to-Nuri-s-Hallow-Campaign!))

The Haunted Symphony

The boss, Panto the Mime has a blue orb around it.
You will have to face two other monsters that separate from him, Panto's Clones. They have lower HP and armor than Panto the Mime, so kill them first.
Later in the fight, Panto will use his ability which renders you stunned and makes you use the Dance Emote.
The screen functions disappear and the words, "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!" appear at the top left.
There are rumors saying that you are able to dodge this attack. All in all the trick to defeating Panto the Mime is to first destroy his Clones and then spam him with attacks.

The House of Pain!

The boss is Gustav the Strongman.
This person is able to one-hit you if he criticals or powers-up. Be aware of falling weights; there are six panels on the floor and once Gustav activates his ability, look for a black hole getting larger on each panel. This hole is the shadow of a soon-to-drop weight. These will fling you across the room hard and do some heavy damage, so AVOID AVOID AVOID as many as you can. They will drop pretty fast.

The Lion's Den

The bosses are Alessandro the Tamer and his Lion.
The lion is weaker so kill it first, otherwise you'll have a lot of trouble with surviving. The tamer has more HP and armor so spam him with heavy damage.

Boggy Waters (Pretty cool)

The boss requires a similar tactic to beat, somewhat like Magnetic Golem in Sandstone Cave and Gurgox in AO3.
The boss is Snake Charmer. There are no other tactic to besting him other than to avoid his party wipe attack and to avoid the spikes.
Snake Charmer has low HP and armor for a boss and should fall quick if you avoid his one-shot moves:
Here's how it works:
In the middle of the fight, Snake Charmer will send out a grayish-white wave. If you get hit by it, you will see stones attached to your character's feet and your movement speed will be greatly reduced. If however you avoid this attack by running behind one of the several stone pillars surrounding the area, you will be safe from the upcoming one-shot ability.
A few moments after the first wave, a second red wave will sweep from Snake Charmer. If you did not get hit by the first wave, which means you don't have stone feet, the second wave has no effect on you.
If you however did get hit by the first wave, run behind a stone pillar to get so that it is blocking a path from the boss to you. If you are not fast enough, you will be one-shotted and die. Be careful, the stone feet effect dramatically slows down your movement speed.

Nuri's Madness

Upon advancing to the next level, you will enter an even darker area: Nuri the Gypsy Queen's Mind!
You will get hit by a fast HP drain effect once in a while and you will need to go and find an Obelisk of Light in order to cure yourself from this illness. If you cannot find one, go near an unawakened pillar and press it. It will start activating the pillar. However you must not be hit by a monster's attack or you will have to re-activate the pillar.
Many people simply run this for loot, which comes from the boss at the end. This boss is the final boss of this campaign and is called Nuri the Gypsy Queen, a fat woman. To get her to spawn at the end, you must first activate ALL the Obelisks of Light in the map. There will only be 1 enemy remaining, however various other Enemies of Darkness will spawn and damage you. Some are skulls with swords and shields, some with a staff and some big fat darkness golems similar to the Ghost of Music Past.
Just pot a Tanker's Ale Elixir (raises armor)or any other armor elixir along with a Movement Speed Elixir(optional) to get past these monsters. Healing, roots, ice attacks, iron blood, evasion, mana shield and blessings are vital to surviving the path to the boss.
Don't think about potting EXP elixirs here, there is nothing to gain.
There is one boss: Nuri the Gypsy Queen.
She has a few Mirror O' Souls surrounding her, and they will activate with a boom once in a while and glow green.
Go deactivate the mirrors the same way you deactivated the Obelisks of Light. You have to go behind the mirror and turn of Auto Attack to be able to do this and avoid attacks from Nuri.

As you can see there are a whole lot of strategies that the Dev teams have thought up, another few you may like to hear about is the two mentioned (Not explained) in the Guide, Magnetic Golem in Sandstone Cave and Gurgox in AO3.