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View Full Version : What has happened with Twinks?

04-20-2017, 12:31 PM
Ever since lvl16 arcane weps came out all twink bracket got distorted since many moved to 16. Lvl7 was active, lvl23 aswell!, lvl18 was dope not theres a little bit left, lvl5 was a thing too haha. Not lvl14 is pretty much gone. Only thing left is lvl10/11 where clashes take ages with these armor awakens. Just saying i really liked twink :/ ill be giving endgame a try. Paradise pier was always full of twinks of many lvls and now just endgame. Just stating my opinion.

04-20-2017, 03:46 PM
Death to twinking!

04-20-2017, 07:04 PM
Awakenings ruined it for me. I'll be honest, I liked the slow clashes, but I also liked actually being able to solo kill people within a few seconds.. now people can get ganged 1v5 and survive...

04-20-2017, 07:41 PM
Ya true the awakens spoiled low lvl twink fun

all this armor awake made the clashes so endless that it actually got boring

i miss the low lvl clashes where twinks used to die fast :(

sts shouldnt have released awakes for low lvl twinks...

04-20-2017, 10:06 PM
It aaaaaaaaall started when they ruined flagging (this is what enraged me the most and forever will). Then Jewels came along (btw there's nothing wrong with them, I just personally liked Gems when it came to twinking), then awakenings came along made this huge wound, then they sprinkled a lil more acid on that wound by introducing belts on lower lvls (making them also hard to obtain as well btw) and finally, giving lower lvls speed sets. Oh and now belt awakenings.

So not only did they kill it for your average player (money wise) by making them go up against superdupper OP opponent's (which in turn led to less people in rooms). But they also killed it for someone that can afford all this gear, since they end up having long matches against players with insane armour aaaaand have less people to fight against because your below average player cant get all these enhancements. Its just all messed up man.

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04-20-2017, 10:10 PM
If you want a lvl thats fun and active, just come to 46-48 and solo like me, seriously I love that lvl.

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04-20-2017, 11:48 PM
low lvl pvp was super super active like lvl 7 and all, but after the armour awakens and mm egg(whose armour bonus shud scale down imo) completely ruined pvp cuz rogs have 700-750 armour at lvl 10-11 so pretty much everyone is unkillable unless you go for no heal vs

04-20-2017, 11:48 PM
Try lvl 41-43, no speed, no OP proc, just skill. :D

04-20-2017, 11:52 PM
Try lvl 41-43, no speed, no OP proc, just skill. :D

I was actually thinking about making a 41 :) i have a lvl48 awsell thats a for sure active bracket

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04-21-2017, 02:48 AM
Awakenings led to class imbalanced in twinks and thats why low level twinks are starting to die out. I know sts wants to focus on endgame and thats totally fine but please at least ensure that all classes are balanced throughtout the whole levels. Sts really needs to adjust the twink clssses.

04-21-2017, 03:14 AM
I think, awaken stuff should exist only for level 46+ items, at least they can do damage and still can kill each other fairly well. low level with 1k armor is just endless fight unless fighting non-geared peoples.

04-21-2017, 06:47 AM
I can personally say 41-49 is the last surviving twink bracket. I think 43 is the best though, best of luck to everyone

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04-26-2017, 02:25 PM
13-16 is still active. About players and guilds not being there..... Mmph still exists and is active so are some other guilds. Yall are more than wc to j this bracket and fight against us. :) :)

04-26-2017, 07:03 PM
I started AL when level cap was 26, therefore, levels 1-23 were considered "twink". Currently, the level cap is 61 which means levels 1-58 are "twink". That is huge increase in the number of twink brackets. So assuming you only have X amount of twinks, each bracket will have less and less players as cap increases. The only way to compensate for more brackets would be a massive infusion of new players. Unfortunately, i don't foresee many new players staying as AL is getting older and it is much harder for a new player to get "geared" for twinking as there was no nekro, munch mouth, para gems, eye gems, belts, undying orbs, speed sets, jewels, awakenings, etc. affecting twinks when i started.

So what's going to happen to save twinking? STS will reset everything via a new "legends" game with simple gear and a level cap back to 16. Then the AL player base will jump ship just like what happened to PL.

04-27-2017, 01:10 AM
Kinda dead due to God mode.

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05-08-2017, 02:21 AM
I started AL when level cap was 26, therefore, levels 1-23 were considered "twink". Currently, the level cap is 61 which means levels 1-58 are "twink". That is huge increase in the number of twink brackets. So assuming you only have X amount of twinks, each bracket will have less and less players as cap increases. The only way to compensate for more brackets would be a massive infusion of new players. Unfortunately, i don't foresee many new players staying as AL is getting older and it is much harder for a new player to get "geared" for twinking as there was no nekro, munch mouth, para gems, eye gems, belts, undying orbs, speed sets, jewels, awakenings, etc. affecting twinks when i started.

So what's going to happen to save twinking? STS will reset everything via a new "legends" game with simple gear and a level cap back to 16. Then the AL player base will jump ship just like what happened to PL.

I never thought about it that way tbh! Makes total sense. Lvls are increasing way too much. Would be nice if instead of increasing lvls they just brought new maps for all lvls to play rather than just endgame but hey its not like sts will listen to this.

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