View Full Version : I have lost a friend....

10-10-2011, 03:47 PM
On friday evening, my friend commit suicide via gunshot. Quite a big thing at my school...everybody wore black. But what got me mad was that tons of people who didnt even know him acted as if they did. A few people were crying, and i was close to it...
Its very saddening to know that somebody who was my friend since third grade commit suicide. I am unsure as to why the act was done; i wont be sharing....

I wish the best for my friend's family, especially his little brother, whom my little brother knows well.

10-10-2011, 03:55 PM
Sorry to hear that. My apologies and prayers go out to the family and to you. Take care.

10-10-2011, 03:55 PM
Im sorry to hear. Dont take it too harshly on yourself. You have my support

10-10-2011, 03:56 PM
I'm sorry Reg. Suicide is a hard thing to understand. You can probably consider yourself lucky you can't imagine a motivation to consider such a thing.

10-10-2011, 03:58 PM
A very sad thing, Register :( My condolences to you and everyone affected by the loss.

I can tell you similar stories of people I knew who died or committed suicide from my graduating classes. :( The thing I always remember is: Life is fragile and very precious. Take care of yourself and those around you, make good choices and live life as best you can!

10-10-2011, 04:11 PM
I know how you must feel. I lost my best friend a couple of years ago. He didn't commit suicide, but was murdered in his own house :(

I also lost 2 other close friends who committed suicide. Only thing I can tell you is, hang in there buddy.

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss and I wish you my sincere condolences :(

10-10-2011, 04:14 PM
My condolences Register.

10-10-2011, 04:14 PM
Thank you for the support guys...
When i heard, i thought of the song Live Like Were Dying by Kris Allen....

On a good note, its roastys bday!!! Any chance of him "returning" Sam? You said Possibly in Chatbox the day he..."left"

10-10-2011, 04:20 PM
My cousin commited suicide via gunshot too :( I know how you feel and hope things work out for yourself and the family.

10-10-2011, 04:24 PM
one of my friends did this... it was on the news... name :Brian Gonzales... he was a good kid....................

10-10-2011, 04:27 PM
:( im sorry to hear that reg...I've never had a friend do that but one did come close :(

10-10-2011, 04:34 PM
I'm so sorry :'(

10-10-2011, 07:22 PM
Sorry about your friend.

10-10-2011, 07:35 PM
Hang in there bud. Suicide is tough to understand and very hard for the family and friends. I hope the family is okay

10-10-2011, 10:10 PM
I'm sorry about your friend. I hope others and yourself that were close to him get better.

10-10-2011, 11:14 PM
My condolences....

I know of the struggle. I too have dealt with massive deppression, and honestly, I still am.
I've contemplated suicide many many times, and if it wasn't for my two little brothers that I live with I might have actually gone through with it. I have close friends, some that have given me the cold shoulder when I needed them most which made me go even deeper into my depression.

The only escape I ever have now is through art and the Internet. I can express myself in many ways to people that I've never met, and it just gives me a huge confidence boost to my dwindling self esteem. I try to be liked by everyone, I really do, so it crushes me when I get into altercations with people that leave me feeling unliked. Online I can post my work and receive positive reviews from this awesome community.

A reason why I came back to PL was to have another option to keep my mind of the depression. The friends I've made here help keep me sane when we interact in game. Being a GoA was a huge boost to me since I know that there are more people that look up to me, so I try my best to continue helping everyone.

I always want friends that'll look out for me as I do with all of mine. If you know someone feeling down, then please don't let up on them. Dig deep into them if you have to. There's no worse feeling then feeling like you're alone. Let then know every second that you have to if it makes them feel good.

I haven't come out with this to anyone besides two people that I know in real life, one of which stopped talking to me as much since I came out to her about my condition. I guess she just couldn't handle it. At this time I keep this facade up that I'm perfectly happy now, and a lot of people buy it too.

When someone is going through the condition, it can be really difficult to see what they're really hiding. If you see even a small glimpse, then please seek out help for them. Sometimes we can't push ourselves to do it, and need the help of a friend.

Since in personally going through it, I feel for you greatly. There's always hope I'm sure, but it isn't very clear. It can take even one person to show us that it'll be okay in the end. If you feel you're up to the task and you really care for your friend, then please be that one person to them. Depression is no joke. It's not an attention craving mentality, it's an illness, and like all illnesses it needs a treatment.

It can take just one conversation to turn the tide. Never let up on people like us

10-10-2011, 11:35 PM
My heart aches for him, his loved ones and you. No answer is good enough. Depression is as serious of a disease as cancer, yet people say, get over it?
I'm sorry he took a choice that he cannot come back from. I only know our father in heaven knows his heart and will welcome him home and give him the peace he couldn't find here.
Be strong and know that you will be okay. I'll pray for you all tonight.

10-31-2011, 12:41 AM
Register, I am sorry for your loss. The only thing I might add that the other fine people here haven't already (and couldn't have) shared is my personal lesson on how you survive being in the place where your friend was.

In very short form, I eventually realized that if you are desperate enough to consider such a final act, nothing else you might do should scare you any more. That includes the things you can do to change your life to stop being so sad - compared to suicide, normal "huge" life fears like opening up to people, expressing yourself, standing up to parents/peers/etc. to be yourself (artist, not their religion, gay, whatever it is we hide) - any of these fears are small compared to that final choice. If you are feeling ready to make that type of decision, use the drive that is pushing you to that choice that ends all choices to take paths that can bring you to a life you want to live.

I grew from that place to being as happy and healthy as any rational and aware person can be.

I share this because people close to a suicide are sometimes the next ones to go and I hope to offer a more rewarding direction. Not just to you but to anyone that reads this.

10-31-2011, 10:17 AM
I am so sorry for your loss.. I have also dealt with the loss of a friend to suicide, and I know how hard it can be. Remember to keep in mind that they are happier now, free of their troubles. Your friend would want you to continue with your life and enjoy it. Celebrate his life, rather than focus on his passing. You, your friends, your family, and his family area all in my thoughts. Take care of yourself.

10-31-2011, 06:32 PM
Reg I'm sorry for you :( I rerember when a very close person in my life died of cancer. Best wishes to the persons family.;(

11-02-2011, 06:04 PM
Aw im sorry my friend died a couple years ago...he died when he was nine :(

11-03-2011, 09:58 PM
wow :( you must feel really sad? never give up hope and you can find new friends! :)
remember: your friend might be watching you up in the clouds :)