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View Full Version : Suggestion: Joystick

10-10-2011, 09:01 PM
It would really be good if the joystick gets fixed. Everytime my joystick gets messed up I die. I was on a no-death streak until numa when my joystick got jacked up

10-10-2011, 09:12 PM
You need to explain a little more of what happen and I'd email support :)

10-11-2011, 05:05 AM
You need to explain a little more of what happen and I'd email support :)

Email support(at)spacetimestudios.com (at) = @

10-11-2011, 06:21 PM
Meowz the joystick will go to the up-right corner and freeze

10-11-2011, 06:28 PM
Meowz the joystick will go to the up-right corner and freeze

Ive only had this happen once, luckily i was in BlackStar, though a patch has been made for this already in the past, so if its still happening then you need to email support with full details what phone you are using etc. anthing that will help them to fix this.

10-11-2011, 08:24 PM
The joystick only had problems when i trying to move down. It is kind of hard to move.

Guess its my problem with iphone.

10-11-2011, 09:37 PM
it happened to me today in consumer testing using an ipod touch also my screen wouldnt move around.

10-12-2011, 09:24 AM
Must be a new glitch with the update. When they originally released Slouch-o and the new UI there was a bug where if you tried to chat or hit the notification button I believe it would make the joystick stick in the direction you were going when you hit those buttons.

10-12-2011, 09:33 AM
Must be a new glitch with the update. When they originally released Slouch-o and the new UI there was a bug where if you tried to chat or hit the notification button I believe it would make the joystick stick in the direction you were going when you hit those buttons.

I agree. And the jetpack update seems to have brought it back.

It happened to me (on galaxy tab) several times back then when sloucho and new ui came out but then they fixed it. And not a single glitch since. But now again it has happened to me at least twice and again it is related to the notification pop-up opening while moving.