View Full Version : how 'noobs' can make millions!

10-11-2011, 11:55 AM
I made this before everything changed because of halloween. the prices for the items are all screwed up because of STS bringing back old halloween items. It changed the price for christmas items and pretty much everything else in cs.

This is more of a guide on how I made about 2-2.5mil in a month's time.
What i did to get started off it buying doom items. They are a great item to buy and resell for great profit. The prices you should pay for doom items is about (depending on market)
-30-45k for a Funke (resell for 50-60k)
-30-45k for a Buwanda (resell for 50-60k)
-50-75k for a Orcish (resell for 95-100k)

Some great items to buy would be Winter (discon.) items, Dooms, level 50 set items
Some bad items would be alien oasis trash pink (Dont get too confused, but lvl 45 fate items are ok, and lvl 37 pink items from alien oasis are ok to buy), every thing would be all right.

I created 2 account and only used the 1 merching slot you get to make millions. I also set a goal for myself to have 1million coins and have every doom collected. I really never leveled up and i stayed at level 35 for about a month, then I stayed at level 40 for about a month, just so i could spend the most time buying and reselling. So what you should try to do overall is:

1). Buy items you are comfortable buying and reselling.
2). ALWAYS check other item prices in cs if you arent sure about a item, and if it isnt in cs... dont buy it. People will try to sell you item you can buy from a town merchant or trash pinks.
3). Set goals. Ex: i will have double the coins and the set im wearing buy next sunday...
4). Buy from people, not cs if you are new to merching. (follow rule #2) Say "BUYING ITEMS 20k-____k" set a minimum to show people you aren't interested in trash pinks from alien oasis.
5). Never have too many items if you only have one slot in cs. If you have more slots then you know what to do :)
6). Always try to have the other person tell you the item price first.

When i hit level 19 with my main account (a long time ago), i still remember having only 2,000 coins (and a pair of the fancy ice bunny ears, the non-tradable ones). By the time i turned level 31 i had about 20,000 coins and i REALLY wanted a banjo but i just couldn't afford one. The next day i saw someone post a lvl 30 dreamers banjo for 6k in cs! I was debating wether or not about buying it (not knowing I could resell it for 20x the amount). I bought it and was getting all these great comments about it by level 50+ people! I was constantly asked "whos your main" "wow! nice banjo!", again... not knowing it costs 500k back in the day. To cut to the chase, i got scammed away from it :( a "collector" needed it as the last piece to his collection and I very honestly felt bad about not giving it to him. He was ready to give me 60k and a lvl 33 banjo blaster. I accepted and thats what started my merching journey buying and reselling items :)

PRO TIP: make a new character for 5 plat and buy a premium character for saving LOTS of money and for only 30 plat. You will get your 10 slots in cs and tons of extras equaling out to (i think) 160 plat. So you are saving money at the start, because normally buying 10 slots in cs is 75 platinum I think.
Save money and buy a premium character for mainly for merching and what ever else you want it for.

10-11-2011, 11:55 AM
I will be updating and fixing mistakes soon.

10-11-2011, 02:21 PM
Im not an noob, but if u wanna make mony just look much in cs, check prices and look if someoe undercut something

10-13-2011, 07:35 AM
Didn't the post about scammers say NOT to buy from people? Sooo confused!

10-13-2011, 11:29 AM
Didn't the post about scammers say NOT to buy from people? Sooo confused!

I wouldn't go so far as to say DO NOT BUY FROM PEOPLE. Just be smart. Just like if you're buying something off craigslist. The same rules apply. #1, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The CS is a safer way to do it because you have the prices for that item at the moment and you know that you're probably getting a fair price. Whereas, if you're in town and you see someone selling an item you're unsure about, they can easily mark up the price significantly and get more of your money than you really had to spend. It's just safer.

However, the plus side to buying from people is that you get to negotiate the price. When you're in the CS, what you see is what you get (in terms of pricing). When you're dealing with a person in town, you have a chance to talk them down in price. A lot of people will work with you if you're nice and they need the money.

As far as scams go, just be careful. If you're really unsure if you're getting a fair price, tell the seller to wait and go check the CS. If the price seems fair, go back to seller and buy. If the seller clearly is marking the price up, don't buy from them.

10-16-2011, 08:22 AM
The orcish bows are like 150k in cs today

10-16-2011, 08:39 AM
Bought a buwanda staff for 50k the day it was released from a noob and resold for 560k.
Found an orcish on CS for 15k two days later and bought-resold for 400k.
Bought a Funke Meat Masher from another nub for 100k and resold for 175k a few days later.
Profit. It makes the world run.

10-16-2011, 08:55 AM
The orcish bows are like 150k in cs today
Yes I know LOL some guy posted one when none were in cs for about 250k. Since then, none have sold and the price is slowly creepying back down to about 90-110k

10-16-2011, 09:03 AM
Didn't the post about scammers say NOT to buy from people? Sooo confused!
Yes, "when you Start merching". It is much easier to buy cheap from people and get a hang of what the prices are. I honestly think buying from cs takes ALOT of skill to actually make money off of, but when you get a hang of it... Look at some of the bigger merchers ;)

10-21-2011, 12:56 PM
Im finding it easy to by and sell pinks. Ive been doing it a week and ive alredy managed to earn 20k from cheap pinks

10-21-2011, 01:13 PM
Im finding it easy to by and sell pinks. Ive been doing it a week and ive alredy managed to earn 20k from cheap pinks

Keep it up! You'll get the hang of it. Nothing much to it really. Just get used to checking CS for prices and staying on top of it so you know how to price your items to sell.

10-24-2011, 03:07 PM
Nice guide

11-01-2011, 06:35 PM
farm alot

11-03-2011, 02:10 PM
farm alot
or that lol

11-03-2011, 03:39 PM
Great guide! But you need to have the gold to buy these items you suggested

11-05-2011, 07:35 AM
Yes I know LOL some guy posted one when none were in cs for about 250k. Since then, none have sold and the price is slowly creepying back down to about 90-110k
thx for thanking me, but why?