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View Full Version : Concerning another character.......

05-07-2017, 05:26 AM
I know there has been a million people asking for another character besides rogue, mage or warrior but I'm curious to know if it's even possible to add another character at this point?

05-07-2017, 05:48 AM
I believe it's not smart to make a new character at this point. It would require alot of balancing and etc.

I think they should just try to make game better in other ways :)

05-07-2017, 11:13 AM
creating a new class would take ton of work..becuase right now each class has a main attribute,items and skills. if you were..say make a new class called hunter which has dex as main attribute it would compete with rogues trying to get gear..if not make an entier attribute just for that class..except balancing and making items from lv1 to max lvl :/.

05-07-2017, 11:50 AM
Sts is trying very hard to balance with just 3 characters 1 more would be chaos!

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil"