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View Full Version : do engineers have combos?

10-11-2011, 10:25 PM
I looked on the forums to see if there's already a thread bout this. I didn't see one, so mybad if I'm reviving a old thread lol no pun attended. Anyway, 2 days ago while on a run in slouch with a few guild members I believe I came across a combo...I'm not sure though and don't remember in what order I sent the skills...it was something like wither, transfer, and decay...I saw the words combo on the screen...I asked who was it that did the combo but no one else seen it....was this a glitch maybe?

10-12-2011, 01:23 AM
Lol wow been 3 hours and no replies.

Please delete thread dev. Thx in advance

10-12-2011, 04:52 AM
Lol wow been 3 hours and no replies.

Please delete thread dev. Thx in advance
No need to delete it's was late at night not that many people on. Wait till this afternoon more people will be on. Someone might know then.

10-12-2011, 05:15 AM
Some combos are done using different skills from different classes, so it might be that you experienced a mix class combo. I myself am not too sure if there's a combo for engineers alone, there's one for commanders though.
There's a thread detailing all the different combos for the classes in sl, you might want to search around for that. :)

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

10-12-2011, 08:26 AM
I have seen backbreaker combo with other skills when I'm in groups.
Backbreaker, of course, being the skill that combos with Neutron stomp; the commando self-combo. I also believe it might combo with another commando skill, singularity I believe.

10-12-2011, 10:03 AM
No self-combos that I'm aware of. Not like the commando neutron stomp & backbreaker combo you mentioned, which I find awfully nice and useful.

And I'm pretty sure I would've noticed if my skills caused a combo and they haven't, so if there is one then one of the following skills that I don't have would have to play a part in it: (auto attack) suppression, (no)protection, mana bubble or sonic boob.

As for inter class combos, the op skill psychic lash combos with a follow-up transference, not all ops have/use it though.

The suppression combos with the commando force hammer, but even fewer engineers have suppression (and for good reasons, never mind the few stray dogs that speak some mumbo jumbo you about suppression, protection, incinerator and about this weird "support engineer" concept).

10-12-2011, 10:19 AM
No self-combos that I'm aware of. Not like the commando neutron stomp & backbreaker combo you mentioned, which I find awfully nice and useful.

And I'm pretty sure I would've noticed if my skills caused a combo and they haven't, so if there is one then one of the following skills that I don't have would have to play a part in it: (auto attack) suppression, (no)protection, mana bubble or sonic boob.

As for inter class combos, the op skill psychic lash combos with a follow-up transference, not all ops have/use it though.

The suppression combos with the commando force hammer, but even fewer engineers have suppression (and for good reasons, never mind the few stray dogs that speak some mumbo jumbo you about suppression, protection, incinerator and about this weird "support engineer" concept).

New engi skill? I missed that one... :D

10-12-2011, 12:54 PM
No self-combos that I'm aware of. Not like the commando neutron stomp & backbreaker combo you mentioned, which I find awfully nice and useful.

And I'm pretty sure I would've noticed if my skills caused a combo and they haven't, so if there is one then one of the following skills that I don't have would have to play a part in it: (auto attack) suppression, (no)protection, mana bubble or sonic boob.

As for inter class combos, the op skill psychic lash combos with a follow-up transference, not all ops have/use it though.

The suppression combos with the commando force hammer, but even fewer engineers have suppression (and for good reasons, never mind the few stray dogs that speak some mumbo jumbo you about suppression, protection, incinerator and about this weird "support engineer" concept).

New engi skill? I missed that one... :D

10-12-2011, 12:57 PM
Thx everyone, I didn't know about the inter class combo. There wasn't a cmd with us but there was a op.

10-12-2011, 12:57 PM
New engi skill? I missed that one... :D

My engineer doesn't have it. When did STS implement gender based skills?

10-13-2011, 01:09 AM

06-14-2014, 07:16 AM
New engi skill? I missed that one... :D lol Sonic Boob...nice :) no, it's Sonic Bomb :D

06-15-2014, 07:20 AM
nah there's no engie self combo, but thre is a engie op combo, Lurch and transference, but op takes backlash from that

Andrew Bonaparte
06-20-2014, 02:15 AM
can teach me?

06-20-2014, 04:30 AM
cross class combos

Psychic Lash + Transference = Backlash
Suppression + Force Hammer = Mez Breaker


Andrew Bonaparte
06-21-2014, 10:31 AM
thank you