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View Full Version : Holy cow, guys! Why all the hate? :(

10-12-2011, 12:32 PM
I popped into an instance where a jetpack Droid was getting dogpiled. Lol! Couldn't even see what color jetpack he had for the crowd around him. Everybody seemed to be having a good time and then it started:
"IOS losers get out! This is a Droid only event."
"iLosers don't need to be here."
"This is a Droid event, so you guys can just leave."
And it continued on from there devolving into dead Steve Jobs jokes. What's the deal? Why all the hate? Hey, I use IOS and the only thing I *ever* said when the Android people arrived in PL was "Welcome home". I wound up leaving the game because I could tell I was getting cranked. I don't give a flying whatever what OS you use. I don't ask people what they use before they are "allowed" in my games or before I give them a good drop item. Yeah, I'll admit to being a little thin-skinned on the death jokes--losing a lot of family members to cancer and not getting to play last Saturday because I was playing bagpipes at a friend's memorial (he died of bone cancer) tends to do that. I'll admit that my sense-of-humor-about-death quotient is a little low right now.

Oof. I realize that a lot of those there probably aren't on the forum. I also realize that a lot of them are young--they have the invincibility of youth and of never having lost someone close to them. For those that read here, the only thing I'd ask is to think for a second about the others around them. How they may be playing to try to get through another day following the loss of a loved one. Or playing because they just got word from the doctor that their tests came back positive. And to think if I wouldn't be hating on someone because of the color of their skin or their nationality or some other goofball reason, how stupid it is to hate someone based on their choice of operating system.

10-12-2011, 12:38 PM
Hating on someone for a choice of operating system tells us that true hatred is generally closer to the surface than we think. :(

Start thinking that it's ok to be verbally abusive based on the choice of an OS next thing you know you've trained your brain to accept hate and find it easier to start hating based on color of skin or religious outlook. You got to believe the little lies to start believing the big lies. Sad but true. Allowing one self to hate something/someone is training oneself to hate in general.

The brain is a terrible thing to waste, my friend.

( And my condolences on the loss of your friend :( )

10-12-2011, 12:39 PM
Humans, man. There will always be that one apple who gets it started and the rest always follow. I'm not sure what to say... If anyone was offended, I apologize for other people's behavior in this game. People just get carried away sometimes. As you know and everyone else should know, I myself as well as STS and the VAST majority of the players here have no care in the world which device you're using to play the game. We all come together as a team and all play together as one unit. Everything else really doesn't matter.

I call it devicism and the ones doing the hating are the devicists. :)

10-12-2011, 12:40 PM
Lol google event
Motorola only!!!!

10-12-2011, 12:48 PM
I've noticed different groups of people even in game play that really have no etiquette what-so-ever. I've changed Guilds because of it. It's a game, so have fun, right? I just don't think negativity like this belongs in any kind of community, even online ones. People do have the right to say what they want, but I have the right to respect them or not for what they might or might not say. It seems silly to me to feel this strongly about misbehavior in a gaming community, but I needed to vent. I don't come here to feel uncomfortable, I come here to be involved in something fun.

10-12-2011, 12:48 PM
Bah haters gonna hate. If they actually paid attention they would know that if it wasnt for apple and steve jobs they probly wouldnt even have their androids, and this is coming from an android user. Mad respect for iOS.

10-12-2011, 12:50 PM
Devicists!! Good term! I've always had a morbid fascination with the devicists (and their cousins, the OS-ists, the Microsoft folks hate on the Apple folks, the Linux folks are just too hip for any proprietary OS), and of course the truck-brandists - the ones with the little decal in the window of a little fellow tinkling on the logo for the "bad" brand. I can only laugh mine tookis off!

A fellow I worked with until about a year ago - you'd never expect it - in his 60's, career CIO, very professional man, was flat-out anti-Microsoft. He retired last year, and honest to goodness, his final official act was to send an email, I'd call it a treatise, on how Microsoft has ruined the entire technology practice. The note ended, and I quote "While the engineers in China and India are becoming lean, mean command-line commandos, our best and brightest are falling asleep at their desks clicking next...next...next on their bloated Microsoft software."

Really?!? Really?!?!? Wow.

10-12-2011, 01:24 PM
That's messed up. Idk why but ios users tend to be A holes on other website and games. Just saying, no biggy. Don't want a flame war here :)

10-12-2011, 01:33 PM
My sympathies to you about your friend, Kai.

10-12-2011, 01:34 PM
As an Android user, I find this repulsive. I hope that STS reviews the chat logs and permabans those... people.

Sent from my Evo 3D

10-12-2011, 01:48 PM
I hate apple products, but I dont discriminate against people that do use them. Making fun of someone that is dead isn't humorous at all especially one of the greatest innovators of our generation. So dispite my lack of interest in Apple products, kudos to Steve Jobs for a bunch of products that others enjoy and a bunch of products that evolved our society into what it is today. I find it humorous that people rag on Apple vs Android when the real fued before Android was introduced was Apple vs Microsoft. So as they say haters gonna hate. And like that one guy said above, welcome to human society.

10-12-2011, 02:08 PM
That's messed up. Idk why but ios users tend to be A holes on other website and games. Just saying, no biggy. Don't want a flame war here :)

Then the "reasoning" (and I use the term loosely) is: "somebody was mean to me on this other game and therefore I'm justified in being a jerk in an entirely different game, to an group of people I don't know based on the fact that they use the same OS as that other jerky person"? I'm not trying to be snarky here; I'm just trying to understand how someone (not you, Supernas, the random example person) could think that that's even remotely logical. With that kind of "logic" it'd be fine for me to go to yet another game and be nasty to people if they were Android users. Ugh. Where does it all end? (Well, we could all become Linux users, but then it'd be the VI vs Emacs wars all over again. ;) )

And thanks, guys, for the kind sympathies. They were and are much appreciated.

10-12-2011, 02:13 PM
I popped into an instance where a jetpack Droid was getting dogpiled. Lol! Couldn't even see what color jetpack he had for the crowd around him. Everybody seemed to be having a good time and then it started:
"IOS losers get out! This is a Droid only event."
"iLosers don't need to be here."
"This is a Droid event, so you guys can just leave."
And it continued on from there devolving into dead Steve Jobs jokes. What's the deal? Why all the hate? Hey, I use IOS and the only thing I *ever* said when the Android people arrived in PL was "Welcome home". I wound up leaving the game because I could tell I was getting cranked. I don't give a flying whatever what OS you use. I don't ask people what they use before they are "allowed" in my games or before I give them a good drop item. Yeah, I'll admit to being a little thin-skinned on the death jokes--losing a lot of family members to cancer and not getting to play last Saturday because I was playing bagpipes at a friend's memorial (he died of bone cancer) tends to do that. I'll admit that my sense-of-humor-about-death quotient is a little low right now.

Oof. I realize that a lot of those there probably aren't on the forum. I also realize that a lot of them are young--they have the invincibility of youth and of never having lost someone close to them. For those that read here, the only thing I'd ask is to think for a second about the others around them. How they may be playing to try to get through another day following the loss of a loved one. Or playing because they just got word from the doctor that their tests came back positive. And to think if I wouldn't be hating on someone because of the color of their skin or their nationality or some other goofball reason, how stupid it is to hate someone based on their choice of operating system.

People with little to do tend to occupy themselves with drama.

10-12-2011, 02:13 PM
Then the "reasoning" (and I use the term loosely) is: "somebody was mean to me on this other game and therefore I'm justified in being a jerk in an entirely different game, to an group of people I don't know based on the fact that they use the same OS as that other jerky person"? I'm not trying to be snarky here; I'm just trying to understand how someone (not you, Supernas, the random example person) could think that that's even remotely logical. With that kind of "logic" it'd be fine for me to go to yet another game and be nasty to people if they were Android users. Ugh. Where does it all end? (Well, we could all become Linux users, but then it'd be the VI vs Emacs wars all over again. ;) )

And thanks, guys, for the kind sympathies. They were and are much appreciated.

Lets bring back MS-DOS =D

10-12-2011, 02:18 PM
Bah haters gonna hate. If they actually paid attention they would know that if it wasnt for apple and steve jobs they probly wouldnt even have their androids, and this is coming from an android user. Mad respect for iOS.

Not to shine any negative light on the guy, cause he was a genius...but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0DUg63lqU&feature=player_embedded
Yes the video is old, but he was notorious for taking other companies ideas and basically remodeling it to make it look like something new and appeal to different people. Takes a smart man to do something like that. But saying that Apple is the reason for Android is jut untrue. In fact, while apple has the more known name and reputation, as well as a much better app market, Android's operating system is much more user friendly and simple. Why do you think iOS5 took so many ideas from the newer Android OS?

Again, this is not a "I hate apple or Steve Jobs" post. Just clarifying that although Steve Jobs did so much for technology, Apple is not the super-power churning out new ideas that everyone thinks they are. They've got the name, the money, and the fan base to take ideas and run with it.

10-12-2011, 02:23 PM
In tribute, one of my co-workers has put a Jobs quote in his signature, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I think I can derive a "positive" connotation, but it's still a little odd to me.

"It's not the consumer's job to know what they want"

10-12-2011, 02:23 PM
If someone is being abusive please report them. We will review the logs and take appropriate action.

Despite the event revolving around the Android characters it is intended to be enjoyed by all. To quote JustG from a recent news article: ""Our mission is basically to create a social gaming ecosystem where people play together, regardless of device or location."

10-12-2011, 02:33 PM
STS should render up an Apple the size of the Android. Flip can play as the Android and Samhayne could play as the Apple and they could finally settle the fued on whats better in a fight to the death, Mortal Kombat style on Numa Prime.

10-12-2011, 02:47 PM
That's messed up. Idk why but ios users tend to be A holes on other website and games. Just saying, no biggy. Don't want a flame war here :)

Then the "reasoning" (and I use the term loosely) is: "somebody was mean to me on this other game and therefore I'm justified in being a jerk in an entirely different game, to an group of people I don't know based on the fact that they use the same OS as that other jerky person"? I'm not trying to be snarky here; I'm just trying to understand how someone (not you, Supernas, the random example person) could think that that's even remotely logical. With that kind of "logic" it'd be fine for me to go to yet another game and be nasty to people if they were Android users. Ugh. Where does it all end? (Well, we could all become Linux users, but then it'd be the VI vs Emacs wars all over again. ;) )

And thanks, guys, for the kind sympathies. They were and are much appreciated.
Oh yeah its like a never ending black hole. You can go on YouTube and checkbout new Android phone and their will be Ios user talking crap and same if you go iPhone videos. It works this way in rl too. But yea sorry bout

10-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Not to shine any negative light on the guy, cause he was a genius...but: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0DUg63lqU&feature=player_embedded
Yes the video is old, but he was notorious for taking other companies ideas and basically remodeling it to make it look like something new and appeal to different people. Takes a smart man to do something like that. But saying that Apple is the reason for Android is jut untrue. In fact, while apple has the more known name and reputation, as well as a much better app market, Android's operating system is much more user friendly and simple. Why do you think iOS5 took so many ideas from the newer Android OS?

Again, this is not a "I hate apple or Steve Jobs" post. Just clarifying that although Steve Jobs did so much for technology, Apple is not the super-power churning out new ideas that everyone thinks they are. They've got the name, the money, and the fan base to take ideas and run with it.

Nah what i meant was apple and steve jobs were rivals to android, with that rivalry in mind they had to keep production and advancements going to keep up with the changing tides. Positive reinforcement you might say.

10-12-2011, 03:01 PM
I think it's funny how people take their devices so seriously, like the never-ending Microsoft vs. Apple debate. Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs didn't care about it as much as some people do. I think sometimes people either forget or just don't know that Steve and Bill made a lot of money working together over the years. They're not enemies.

10-12-2011, 03:04 PM
Nah what i meant was apple and steve jobs were rivals to android, with that rivalry in mind they had to keep production and advancements going to keep up with the changing tides. Positive reinforcement you might say.
oh, well in that case, I agree with you 100%

10-12-2011, 03:06 PM
Lets bring back MS-DOS =D

No, no! Vax/VMS or nothing! Or, possibly, programming anodes by hand. With magnets. :D

10-12-2011, 03:16 PM
That's ridiculous imo... Grow up.

Rob Prose
10-12-2011, 03:25 PM
Sigh the old argument of which platform is better again...I own more tech toys than most(I own an iPad, iPhone 4, Thunderbolt, and Xoom for christs sake) and there are certain things I like and dislike about both such as how my apple items are more responsive while my droid ones seem slightly better looking. and I'm pretty sure thats the chrome logo on the back of the jetpacks so in theory doesn't that make this a google event? I mean I get why they use droids since Apple doesn't need a mascot and well the droid kinda fits with the space theme, dig?

10-12-2011, 05:43 PM
Thats just messed up of them, it's not cool to do. Like i also saw some guy named Stevejobsghost. IMO that alt that he made isn't cool.

10-12-2011, 05:48 PM
There is a lot of hateful people in this world and you can't stop them

10-12-2011, 05:52 PM
There is a lot of hateful people in this world and you can't stop them

Haters will hate, just let them hate. Ignore the haters and live your life the way you want it, don't let no one tell you otherwise. :D

p.s. I'm just adding to your reply lol:)

10-12-2011, 05:52 PM
There is a lot of hateful people in this world and you can't stop them

10-12-2011, 09:14 PM
I'm so sorry you came across such a nasty and hate-inspired scene. I'm glad you got out of there when you did. I can see this brought some very difficult thoughts, feelings, and memories back to the surface, and I doubt it improved after you left. And for the record, being thick-skinned about death jokes is not a good way to be. You are fine just the way you are, so keep on doing what you do! ;)

I am also very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Thank you for sharing that information with us. It makes me happy that you feel comfortable doing so, and I hope that sharing and talking about it has helped you heal, even if only a little bit.

While I cannot relate to the death of those close to me, I am fairly certain diabetes is going to take my dad within the next few years, or so. I'm also fairly certain I am in denial about that fact... Regardless, I would be pretty thin-skinned about death jokes, too.

I'd like to make one observation and one conclusion about the event you had the misfortune to witness: O) Sometimes even good things can bring out the worst in us (Droid visits are a good thing, right?), and C) We must always watch what we say, particularly in anonymous chat. This event was likely triggered by a statement intended to be innocent or a joke that was taken out of context and perpetuated by others with lesser intent.

Now let's try to see the good in the bad. At least we learned one of your dirty little secrets! And this one was so good there was even another thread all about it. You play bagpipes! :eek: (people everywhere running and screaming) And I'm sure you're wonderful at it. :)