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View Full Version : A suggestions for the new cap :^)

05-13-2017, 01:36 PM
Okay, first of all I want to say that this is all things that i believe should happen for the future of this game, and you can agree with me or disagree. We all have opinions :^)

PVP 5+/-
So what everyone is talking about is the 5 +/- pvp level difference. I believe that this should be implemented back because there is so many people that love to play on twinks. I use to pvp in lvl 71 when blacksmoke mountain was the cap, and there would always be lvl 75's joining our games. I would always be so satisfied winning against a 75 because this was a game of skill. However there would be times when I just couldn't win against someone higher than me. So what i did was plain and simple, make another character that was 76 and then whenever cap levels started rushing me in 71, I simply grabbed my other character and dominated them with that one. However, due to the prices of characters in these recent updates it has made it harder for me to just make a new character because I'm not that rich. To be more honest, i believe that the price of characters is a liiiiittle to high. 50 plat just seems so much, and i believe that there would just be people that make a new account and just get one for free. The price is just to high for most people, and if econ taught me anything is that with the price so high like that our demand is going to decrease and find an alternative game. Maybe not make it as cheap as 5 plat as before, but maybe 15? This way people can just make more characters and pvp in as many levels as they want because they have the freedom to make characters. Another thing thats recently going up is also reverting all of the skills to being reverted back to the way it was in 56. First of all, this ruins pve entirely because there just isnt enough damage to kill anything. They have also said that +/- 2 level gap forces people to go to endgame. Theres a reason why there are twinks, because endgame just isnt everyones type of pvp and no this wouldnt force everyone to cap, this forces people off the game because there is just no more fun. I have been leveling with my characters and every now and then i look for pvp games as im lvling. Our twink level community is dead and hardly no one plays anymore. Because everyone is forced to level up to cap everyone is going to farm for sets. more people farm for sets more people have sets. more people have sets the cheaper the items are because everyone has it. If the people that had twinks before go back to there normal pvp state there would be a decrease in quantity of endgame items and therefore bring back prices of everything, from twink items and endgame items.

Leveling to "Easy"
Leveling now is extremely easy due to the planet ok'tal pets. Many people say there is no challenge and that it is extremely easy to level. I do agree with this because many people are capped now because of this. The reason why its so easy to cap now is because

A. The pets all give 1k damage and armor, which means a level 1 can easily pass someone thats 85 stats without a pet.
B. The xp drops the enemies give is soooo huge that it makes me want to cry of joy when i get a 20k, but again, it makes it to easy to level.
If anyone has a way to fix lvling in 85 be my guess and write a comment :^).
(we have to be careful in making lvling easy for those with lat.ko and peri because theres people that paid so much for those pets and we don't want them to just lose all there money because then this causes people to quit because they lost so much)

However i do have a solution to fix the next cap, and maybe leveling in general. A way to fix lvling and making it harder than most other pets but not impossible is making a pet that gives not 1k damage or armor, but what about 4x xp, armor, damage, and 30% movement speed, and maybe other pets that give 3x, 2x, and 1.5x (dont think people would buy that). This pet should also work in all dungeons so many people can level faster, but not as fast as the oktal pets. This still makes it where you have to play more and gives somewhat of a challenge. If there is going to a dungeon that drops a xp drops, there should be a dungeon that drops xp, but only allows those with combo pets in the dungeon. This gets rid of lower levels joining in the dungeon because they would do instantly because there armor and damage would be so low, but if you're high enough level you would be able to still finish the dungeon with ease. Im assuming leveling is just going to get harder and harder since the cap is supposed to be 100, so we do need xp drops because you dont want to make it impossible to level, you want to add some sort of difficulty that takes time and effort. Ancient caverns was an impossible way of leveling, and now oktal is seemed as easy. The perfect mix between hard but yet doable was bsm. Not everyone capped and it was difficult, but there was still amount of players that did it and i had 3 capped in bsm which made me feel proud because it was doable and time consuming, but it wasnt impossible. It was perfect in leveling.
P.S: We have been given a lot of dragons since 71, how about a reskin color of a spider or minotaurs, or maybe even bats. :p

"fixing" sets
Okay, this I can agree on. There are some sets that just seem more better than the other. Kyraz and zaryk are a good example. This set brings a large amount of dodge and damage and armor and regen. This set is just perfect for any class, but this makes molix and rysac just ordinary. Savage Swift and Fiery is a good example of how the sets were. Savage brought armor and damage and dodge, but the trade off is range. Once you were placed badly you would get destroyed by those with range which were swift sets and fiery. Swift set brought damage and dodge and dps, but it didnt have armor because since you had range, you would lose armor, and therefore be squishy. Once Swift got stuck in a place with savage, it was gg, but if you could kite it was an easy win. Now, int sets have always had the least amount of likes. They were specially made just for mages so you would only see int sets on mages. Fiery brought mana regen and armor and moderate damage. I personally see int sets made just for ms and sustain. A mage would be able to live longer than most of the classes, and with int sets they would make you able to just hold yourself. With the new sets, rysac just isnt that good because it doesnt give you a lot of mana pool or mana regen. Because Kyraz is able to give you as much as mana regen. So the point im trying to go here is that all three of the sets were in equal. You were able to kill anyone with these three sets because they all had the same benefits. Another thing im seeing is that 2h weapons bring more damage and armor than 1h weapons with the shield. This is a no no, these 1h weapons are suppose to bring in armor with a cost of less damage, and 2h weapons are to bring more damage and less armor. This isnt the case for rysac so maybe buff the armor for the shield and weapon more :^), So the next update, try making it where the sets work like an equal triangle where no set is better than the last.

Well this is all i got in my mind so far, and thank you for taking your time in reading this. I'll be happy to see everyone elses comment on this and put your opinons. Remember that we are all friends here and try not to argue in the comments. And i want to thank cinco for all of the amazing work he has done, and if you're reading this just be sure to be having fun with your game :^) and a lot of us are thankful for what you are doing.
-sincerely trollingtrolo