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View Full Version : To My Beloved, Cinco

The Voices
05-14-2017, 05:54 PM
Cinco the Human Man,
One who forges the Plan,
One who seems to be hated,
But at times, love is reciprocated.

Cinco, o Cinco,
Let Alterra be the best again,
Our Legends will be as it is, only then,
Place your Plan in the next meeting date,
It seems of years that we, of Alterra wait.

I am looking forward to those whom they call "Twinks",
Those who use lower level equipment minks.

I am a ZARYK user, myself,
Born from a family of Enchantress wealth,
May the best travel beyond the Planet of OK'Tal,
Into an unknown wasteland in which the best may fall.

May we meet again, Cinco the Human,
Laryss The Poet