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View Full Version : kills in pvp should go to the people that do the most damage

07-01-2010, 08:41 PM
so ive been pvping alot on my paladin but sometimes when i pvp in 5vs5 (when im not jus one on one with my friends or other players) it seems to happen alot but ill start killing a guy and a teamate of mine will run up and use a nuke or stomp or blast shot whtever yet they get the kill even though i did most of the damage/work so anyway im jus wondering how many people think the devs should make it tht the kill goes to the people tht did the most damage and pretty much almost all the work?

07-01-2010, 08:43 PM
This has been mentioned before.

07-01-2010, 09:12 PM
I would rather see Damage Done, Healing Done, and Kill Shots (remaining as they currently are) at the end of the match. This way you can see who's really having the most impact in all aspects.

07-01-2010, 09:22 PM
I would rather see Damage Done, Healing Done, and Kill Shots (remaining as they currently are) at the end of the match. This way you can see who's really having the most impact in all aspects.

I agree with this, but a kill is a kill, give it to the killer. There is something to be said for finishing the job ;)

07-01-2010, 10:53 PM
Kill count is kill count. Let's say a bear keeps damaging me, but I just keep on regenerating his damage. After he does a total of 700 damage, a bird comes in and Blast Shots my remaining 100 hp while I regenerate. The bird hit me for a lot less, but wouldn't it be unfair to him if he doesn't get the score?

Of course as Edatx mentioned, some other MVP heuristics would be nice to have.

07-02-2010, 03:36 AM
Then devs should add assist to people who's kills are stolen

07-02-2010, 11:05 AM
yeah there should be more stats at the end of each match. what edatx said sounded good but it would also be good to have player deaths. lots of people can get a high number of kills by basically running in committing suicide and maybe kill one or 2 guys.

07-02-2010, 04:01 PM
As it is a team game, why not just list deaths. That way, no one gets the kill points ...

07-02-2010, 07:12 PM
Something like this would greatly skew the kills toward people with AOE, like mages who use firestorm to lay down large amounts of damage to many people at one time. Speaking of which, what class is the OP again?

ed anger
07-02-2010, 09:25 PM
there should also be some team goal based pvp modes, then kills would be secondary to achieving the goal.

07-03-2010, 04:51 AM
There's some good suggestions here.

Any addition of kill/damage/healing/deaths/solo kills etc are always going to be rewarding in PvP if added at the end of the games so there is lots to compare and measure your alround PvP skills and success with other players, I'd think.

As someone said, some classes work better at AoE or Spike damages etc and kills are kills even if a jackal jumps in after the lion has done all the hard work! : D

Then different PvP modes with emphasis on capturing a flag/zone could be good alternative for other skills to be used, too.

Really enjoy PvP before/after a few dungeon crawls so anything that gets ppl playing is good news.

07-08-2010, 05:44 AM
last hitter gets the kill.... it shud be that way, elsewhere in mmo systems are like that... if it happen ur friend steal a kill, he might thinking helping, not stealing..:p
but i think they should put a pvp DG like if you die you have to wait until the round is done or get revive by enchant...

07-08-2010, 08:16 AM
but i think they should put a pvp DG like if you die you have to wait until the round is done or get revive by enchant...

That's a cool idea or even a sort of "You only live twice" / "last person standing" type of mode also maybe? Although atm, first hit kills are a bit too lethal for that to work currently.

07-09-2010, 05:32 AM
I would rather see Damage Done, Healing Done, and Kill Shots (remaining as they currently are) at the end of the match. This way you can see who's really having the most impact in all aspects.
Ahh this forum doesnt have like button :) if there was one, i'd be glad to click the button!