View Full Version : Heroic pets purchasable via plat.

05-24-2017, 06:02 AM
Hello STS,

Im not a gambler, so opening 300+ locks and having the chance to loot nothing is not my cup of tea and I like tea.

Why not make heroic pets purchasable and straight in your stable (no egg). Basically we click the plat icon next to the name of the pet and Wahey! New heroic pet :)

I think we should have this option for all pets like.....you want egg version open locks, you want pet ready to go, click buy.

On a slightly diff note : why not do this with high end gear. Make it plat purchase and account bound so it does not affect farming.

I think this option is good for ppl like me who do not have the time to grind, neither gamble, and instead are willing to 'click buy now' and continue to enjoy playing the game with some darn good stuff.

05-27-2017, 04:04 PM
sorry but plat users have already many benefits: buying most expensive gear/pets, only op pve farmers that run hours everyday can be at same level..and with your idea you will kill directly those pve players that will have no chance to be at same level of plat users.
- Example lb season players..we know that Heroic pet + 150 pet aps = 1500 aps, for many plat user players this will allow to be on top lb 25 players, while a normal player need to farm 1k bosses all zones to get those aps, so it means lb player = best plat users..(ofc not all because we know there are already maxed aps players..29k+..).

Use plat to open locks is fine, cause who spend them knows it's chance to loot smth