View Full Version : Drops missing from Hyper Street

05-25-2017, 11:01 AM
Hm I spent around 4k plat farming hyper street as a level 100 and have not gotten certain drops, and neither has any of the other level one hundreds. You gain a lot of drops in this map, so far I've only been able to craft an e cloth, the others were able to craft their armor as well but helm drops are missing from the drop table it seems. I've talked to most of the 100s and they haven't received any elite helms, pink or purple helms and also specific weapons needed to craft also are not dropping.

Items no level 100 has looted are these
Damp Oktal Cowl
Dank Oktal Cowl
Drop oktal cowl
Slick oktal cap
Slop oktal cap
Splax oktal cap
Wet oktal helmet
Wogg oktal helmet
Shelloktal helmet

The two crafting items which should be common ddrops in hyper street don't drop at all and are needed to craft the weapons these are
Asylum weapon core
Asylum weapon power
AE Str element

And more elites not dropping which are needed to craft are
Quay oktal Swamp axe
quay oktal cross pistol
Quay oktal swamp Dadeo
Quay oktal buck blaster
Low co oktal ar 47
low co oktal cross pistol
Low co oktal war wand
Loco oktal swamp axe
Loco oktal buck blaster

I have my stash full of items and 2 characters I bought stash slots full of items I looted from hyper street but I look through them and don't see any of these items. Elites do drop but not these needed to craft I've farmed for awhile. The 95 drops seem to be dropping in swamp just well but level 100 gear in hyper street, the ones needed to craft helms and weapons aren't dropping, but the ones needed to craft armor is. I have, and every other 100 has a crafted level 100 armor but the weapons needed to craft and helms even the purple and pink helms aren't dropping in hyper street also the weapons and 3 crafting items needed to craft weapons that I posted aren't dropping, will a dev please look into this? I've been wanting to get the best items but can't currently since the drops appear to be missing

05-30-2017, 06:47 AM
I've dropped mamy of these items... the helms are swamp items... do your quests and you will have all these

05-30-2017, 07:28 AM
This is your third post...or second posted by yourself about the same thing. Dude why can't you understand helmets drop in swamps? and weapons drop in both swamps and asylum maps. uh no 100s have gotten these drops? my 100 has...and the items that won't drop for you? Not to be rude, but finish your quests. unlock space time studios map and you'll drop them. You just want the easy way out don't you?