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View Full Version : Good Dex Items For DPS - Level 40 & Tips On Archer's Stats

07-02-2010, 02:42 AM
Hey PL Members!
I'm currently level 37 and leveling at Skeller till 40.
Atm in my Iventory I have full Horus and leveling till I can use it.

When I looked at my stats and pressed on the Pharaoh's Hunting Bow Of Horus it decreases my DPS by -4. Obviously I do not want this, Is there any other items that give good DPS? Whether its in the new AO2 map or just another good item please list them done below!

Btw, My current stats right now are
Strength: 55
Dexterity: 150
Intelligence: 11

I chose 11 Intelligence due to the 1 m/s which is kind of helpful. And my strength is 55 due to more health. I recently bought a respec to change my strength back to 1 and pile on Dexterity cause I feel its not that needed. Please comment on this aswell if you think I'm wrong. I'm willing to hear your ideas.

- Ambigeous

07-02-2010, 11:00 AM
There's a few xbows in AO2. Anyone of those should give you a good DPS boost.

And by the way, go full dex.

07-02-2010, 11:07 AM
Agree with Banned, full Dex is really the way to go. Birds are built for Speed and Damage. Dex for the DPS/Damage is much more crucial then the HP that Str gives. If you're worried about dying max out Evasion and use it as much as you can. As well go with the Horus gear for the extra dodge, it helps massively.

And yeah, there is a Pink Horus XBow kicking around in AO2 that help with the DPS..

07-02-2010, 11:11 AM
Yep, and once you hit level 45, use either Isis or Osiris gear.

Isis = 6 h/s and 8% dodge
Osiris = 2 crit and 5% dodge

07-02-2010, 01:36 PM
Yep, and once you hit level 45, use either Isis or Osiris gear.

Isis = 6 h/s and 8% dodge
Osiris = 2 crit and 5% dodge

Horus is 3 Dodge 6 Crit and Osiris is 6 Dodge 3 Crit

07-02-2010, 02:56 PM
Horus is 3 Dodge 6 Crit and Osiris is 6 Dodge 3 Crit

Okay...didn't mention anything about Horus, but thanks for the correction on Osiris.

07-02-2010, 02:58 PM
There's a few xbows in AO2. Anyone of those should give you a good DPS boost.

I prefer Scarab bow, higher DPS from the xbow I have seen.

07-02-2010, 09:52 PM
So full dex & AO2 items is the way to go for my character.
What about for skills? I have Evasion 5/5, Blast Shot 5/5, Shattering Scream 5/5, Meditation 5/5,
Focus 5/5, Break Armor 3/5, Avian Scream 5/5, Restore 1/5, Blinding Shot 1/5. The 1/5 ones are just tests. I'll buy respecs soon
when I buy an itunes card but any tips on skills? And also what are combo's I can pull off? I remember using blast shot with something,
But now I don't remember with what. Any tips on combo's and skills would be great thanks guys.

- Ambigeous

07-04-2010, 09:37 AM
I say screw H/S and max out all your dps attacks.. then go M/S Thoth and be a DPS machine. At 45 if you're with a good group there will almost almost be a mage and you'll barely get touched using Evade. Just spam your debuffs and dmg attacks all day long. Atleast it's my play style. Thoth helm & armor atleast. Optional Isis or scarab bow then

07-04-2010, 10:37 AM
I prefer Scarab bow, higher DPS from the xbow I have seen.

Scarab bows have better damage, but lower DPS than pharaoh crossbows of the same level. I though the same thing at first but that was only because my level 41 pharaoh crossbow was terrible. I since found level 43 and 45 ones that have higher DPS than equivalent scarab bows (also higher than the blasters everyone is paying hundreds of thousands for :) ).

07-04-2010, 12:12 PM
i currently still use the "sniper's crossbone bow" (44-46 dmg, .9 sp, 7 dex, 3 crit, 2 h/s) this is a lvl 35 item. im running 96 dps with full dex as lvl 42