View Full Version : Bug in Balanced Flame Judicator of Power

06-07-2017, 01:59 AM
Hello STS...first thank you for a wonderful game...I played longtime and love everything about AL... I have a few concerns about the Balanced Flame Judicator of Power ...sword... Not sure about the aegis version.. I don't currently own one.. Anyways.. Mine is Full Noble.. And fully awakened with a decent awakening..I prefer strength and damage awakenings.. This sword is awesome... With my current upgrades it adds 104+ to strength... My concern about it...is two things..one is a bug I found.. When it's equipped and you switch it to Light atunement it turns yellow like it's supposed to..awesome effect BTW.. If u switch weapons while it's in light atunement..the light effect stays attached to your next weapon..or even if u go barehanded...it's still there like a star wars light sabre.. Lol.. might wanna fix this bug..idk if it carries proc over to other weapons.. The second issue I see..is...I used it everywhere ..maus...grave...forgotten ruins..CTF...TDM.. PvP duels...I yet to see any proc..like it says it does..with different tunings.. No effect appears..and I don't see heal for allies...or extra damage for dark attunement..I think something may be bugged.. Can you please have someone in tech department look into this..I really look forward to seeing this weapons full potential..Thank you kindly for your time.. Keep rocking STS..ign:Eurtnyaloy...peace/love to all

06-08-2017, 03:15 PM
The proc doesn't have any vfx, but my testing confirmed that extra damage is dealt in dark attunement (you'll see an additional damage value) and others are healed in light attunement(you won't see anything).

I did bug the light attunement vfx sticking around after weapon switching. Thanks for the report.