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View Full Version : Pantheon of Game Legends

07-02-2010, 06:51 AM
Some of my all-time great games:

Speedball 2 (Bitmap Brothers), Powermonger (Bullfrog), Mario Kart 64 (Nintendo), Bomberman (Hudson Soft), Biplanes (Freeware) & now...

Pocket Legends (Spacetime Studios)

FIFA10 iPhone is almost there & PvP in Warhammer Online also gets an honoury mention, too.

My question: What are your all-time classic favorite games?? Please post your suggestions!

07-02-2010, 09:26 AM
Pokemon. Most definitely, haha.

07-02-2010, 09:36 AM
Dude anything from super nintendo, I have the original super mario for it!

DIDDY KONG RACING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for N64 (nintendo 64)

07-02-2010, 10:19 AM
Ikari Warriors - circa 1986 or

Capcom's breakout hit, 1942 - circa 1987

Both of these ate a ton of my quarters back in the day.

07-02-2010, 10:33 AM
I have the original super mario for it!)

Pffffft! I still have my original Super Mario from Atari.

My list:

the Legend of Zelda
Twilight Princess
Ocerina of Time

super Mario
super Mario world
Super Mario AllStars
Mario Kart Wii!

Rockey Rodent

zak and wiki

King's Quest, all of them

Kyrandia, all of them

Space Quest ( I think thats what it was called. You played a janitor on a space ship. Haven't played all of them)

The Secret of Monkey Island
Return to Monkey Island (currently working on this one)

Entomorph (computer rpg game that I really enjoyed)

Daggerfall ( I didn't finish it but really liked it)

And Ultima Online. I never played any of the other Ultima Games though.

I can still play all of my old Favorite Atari, and Super Nintendo games on our wii. we still own all of our old game cartridges (no pirating here!). My husband is super geeky cool and hacked our wii with the home brew channel and some other stuff. Now we can play all of our old favorite Atari, SNES, the boy's gameboy and DS games and even some old computer games (like monkey island) on the wii.

07-02-2010, 10:33 AM
Donkey Kong for the Original Gameboy. Also, all of the Pokemon games were purely epic.

07-02-2010, 10:54 AM
The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past (SNES)
Ninja Gaiden (NES / XBOX)

07-02-2010, 11:04 AM
The List:

Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 - Amazing DND RPGs. Wonderful. Beautiful. Perfect.
Etrian Odyssey 1 and 2 - Ludicrously hard Nintendo DS RPGs. Also wonderful.
Ragnarok Online - My personal favourite MMORPG. Given how boring and repetitive it is, I shouldn't really love it so much. But I do.
NetHack - Go play it. Now.
ADoM - Definitely the largest, most ridiculously difficult game I have ever played. Strong contender for my favourite.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time - One of the best series ever, one of the best games in that series.
Final Fantasy IV, VI and VII - Who doesn't love these?
The MYST Series - GAAH. SO GOOD. Atrus, my friend! I want to shake your hand!
Cave Story - Seriously. If you haven't played Cave Story, you need to go and download it. There seriously isn't anything else like it -- I've never enjoyed a game as much, or as many times as this wonderfully addictive platformer. Many kudos to its creator, for both making it and making it free. WiiWare version's out now, too.

And, Avadonna, who ever DID finish Daggerfall? That wasn't really the point. It was too amazing a game to just run through and finish -- it was much more than that. A life changing experience for me. I almost put it on this list, but you already had. =P

07-02-2010, 11:12 AM
Seeing some great games posted & hope more are shared!

Ocarina of Time was very very good but not sure if it hits the heights that say Bubble Bobble achieved as the best Platformer I ever played??

Bubble Bobble etc really had that "hooked" factor. Have to say Pocket Legends is doing a fine job of getting that compulsive tag!!

Remember only a few games deserve to be awarded "best of the best" status! ; )

07-02-2010, 11:16 AM
Hm, I hate to say it, but Pocket Legends lacks the depth, complexity, intrigue and immersive value to award it 'best of the best'. It's a good game, sure, but it's no Baldur's Gate.

07-02-2010, 11:23 AM
Hm, I hate to say it, but Pocket Legends lacks the depth, complexity, intrigue and immersive value to award it 'best of the best'. It's a good game, sure, but it's no Baldur's Gate.

The original Super Mario Bros. game doesn't have much depth, complexity, intrigue and isn't very immersive. Yet it's still considered one of the "best of the best".

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time


Megaman II

Cave Story

07-02-2010, 11:44 AM
So, Platform Defining Titles For me:
TI 99: Parsec
Apple IIC: Ultima IV Quest of the Avatar
NES :Crystalis
SNES: Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Gameboy: Fist of the North Star
Nintendo 64: Golden Eye
Playstation 1: Soul Blade
Playstation 2: Dynasty Warriors II
PC: Diablo II
XBOX: Ninja Gaiden
XBOX 360: Gears of War II
iPhone 3G: Field Runners
iPad: Pocket Legends
iPhone 4: Angry Birds

07-02-2010, 12:00 PM
All the megamans and ninja gaidens (before xbox, sorry fluff) should make this list.
Master Blaster
Dragon Warrior
Wing Commander
Bionic Commando (original not crappy new one)
Probably a bunch more but this is really hard to choose :)

Edit: Oh how could I forget Castlevania.

07-02-2010, 12:06 PM
Ikari Warriors - circa 1986 or

Bubble Bobble etc really had that "hooked" factor.

OMG guys thanks for reminding me of 2 of the greatest games I have played that I had completely forgotten. I must have put tens of thousands of hours into Bubble Bobble :D

07-02-2010, 12:20 PM
All the megamans and ninja gaidens (before xbox, sorry fluff) should make this list.

Agree to Disagree. The XBOX version was a great game that really held up to the spirit of Ninja Gaiden. I will grant the XBOX 360 sequel kinda blew.

07-02-2010, 12:38 PM
The original Super Mario Bros. game doesn't have much depth, complexity, intrigue and isn't very immersive. Yet it's still considered one of the "best of the best".

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
Megaman II
Cave Story

I'm stoked seeing other ppl's suggestions and will research these gems later on!

Everyone's got their own "bank" of best games and it's based on something about the game that just got that X factor or addictive brilliance. For me, as the iPhone is a new platform Pocket Legends reaches those heights along with such greats as bubble bobble (in my case) eg. PL is simple but the updates and online flash in a pan gameplay is perfect IMO for your phone!

Definitely hits my elite 10, hehe : )

07-02-2010, 01:01 PM
Now I really want to play dagger fall again. I think we still have the game somewhere around here. I wonder if I can convince my husband to set up a VM so I can play it....

07-02-2010, 10:12 PM

07-03-2010, 02:06 AM
The original Super Mario Bros. game doesn't have much depth, complexity, intrigue and isn't very immersive. Yet it's still considered one of the "best of the best".

Eh, true, I agree... 'cept, Super Mario Bros went somewhere that no other game had successfully gone before. It was a beginning of a new concept, a new era of gaming.

Pocket Legends basically takes already laid down concepts and puts them on a portable device in playable form -- so far, it's no more innovative than any other MMO. Dungeons and Dragons Online and Guild Wars are better examples of this kind of gameplay, honestly.

Of course -- this is all subjective. You're all entitled to opinion, as am I.

Avadonna -- Daggerfall can now be downloaded for free from Bethesda's website! DosBox is a good way to play it, all the instructions are on Bethesda's site. I still play it at least once a week -- it's a very good game.

...which actually leads me to add Ultima VI to this list of games. Brilliant open-ended RPG. Spent ages playing this... never finished it. I think I'll load it onto my Wii's Homebrew Channel.

07-03-2010, 02:14 AM
Can't believe you didn't say goldeneye....

07-03-2010, 04:30 AM
Interim7 - that's definitely the case, PL is so fun for me because it is an MMO as you'd expect but on a phone which I think is amazing, and still sinking in ; )

Goldeneye was very good (Rareware). Did not get me hooked like the other games tho.

How about Gargoyle's Quest on the original gameboy? Did anyone else think that was one of the best on the gameboy original?

07-03-2010, 05:35 PM
Hm... I think Final Fantasy Adventure was my favourite Gameboy classic game. Then again, I never played Gargoyle's Quest.

Metal Gear Solid, Wario Land III and Super Mario Bros. DX were my favourite GBC games. =P

07-06-2010, 10:10 AM
Can't believe you didn't say goldeneye....

Mentioned it as my N64 Must Have

07-06-2010, 11:11 AM

Avadonna -- Daggerfall can now be downloaded for free from Bethesda's website! DosBox is a good way to play it, all the instructions are on Bethesda's site. I still play it at least once a week -- it's a very good game.

...which actually leads me to add Ultima VI to this list of games. Brilliant open-ended RPG. Spent ages playing this... /quote

Sweet! Thanks Interim. I will check that out. I wonder if my hubby can add it to our wii. I guess he'll have to look and see if anyone has made a dosbox for the home brew channel. We run monkey island on it already, but I think we are using scumm vm for that.

07-07-2010, 01:18 AM
DOSBox is on the Homebrew Channel, I'm sure of it... but I imagine Dagger being nigh impossible to play on a Wii. I much prefer my FPS control setup for the game.

07-07-2010, 06:57 AM
Yeah, I was thinking about that yesterday. I would need keyboard controlls for it. He is going to install it on my mac. Right now, he is setting UO up for me with winebottler so I can play on a private RP server if i'm accepted.

07-08-2010, 02:45 AM
Hey, good idea. Never even considered UO private servers. You've obviously got a husband with very good tastes. =D